Effect of seedling age on growth and yield
It was evident from the data presented in Table 1 that a remarkable influence of various seedlings age on the growth characters of the crop was observed during the entire growth stages.
It showed significant variation in the growth and development parameters
viz., plant height hill
-1, number of functional leaves hill
-1, number of functional tillers hill
-1 and dry matter accumulation hill
-1 due to the age of seedlings. The height of the plant increased with the advancement in the age of the crop and maximum height (162.67 cm) was observed in the treatment A
2. The maximum height was recorded at 30 DAT. This increase in the plant height of seedlings transplanted at 40 and 50 days age remained visible till 30 DAT. A
1 reported minimum growth attributes, which may be due to reduced photosynthesis mainly due to no sunshine hours after transplanting and inhibition of photosynthesis reaction
(Amin and Haque, 2009 and Chavan, 1995). More number of leaves were recorded with A
2. Proper seedling’s age helped to take advantage of nutrients, moisture and environmental factors. Transplanting of A
2 produced a higher number of leaves (7.41)
(Amin and Haque, 2009). The mean value of the table revealed that transplanting of A
2 responded well and recorded a significantly higher number of tillers hill
-1 (3.87) over others. Tiller production reduced significantly with an increase in the age of the seedlings beyond 30 days at all the stages of crop growth. The tillering period was also extended up to 50 days and it was observed that seedlings (A
3 and A
4) responded well and reached maximum level up to 90 DAT whereas, transplanting of overaged or underaged seedlings (A
1 or A
4), there were declining trends in the number of tillers due to death or non-functional tillers. The tillering dynamics of the proso millet plant greatly dependant on the age of the seedlings at transplanting. The reason for higher tillering ability with the young seedlings might be due to the completion of more number of
phyllochrons during the vegetative phase compared to older seedlings and when a seedling was transplanted carefully at the initial growth stage, the trauma of root damage caused during uprooting was minimized
(Amin and Haque, 2009 and Sarker, 2012). In general, the dry matter accumulation increased with the advancement of crop age under all the treatments and it was maximum at the ripening stage. Transplanting of A
2 recorded significantly highest dry matter production at all the stages of crop growth as compared to that of other aged seedlings transplanted. The lowest dry matter production, particularly with older seedlings at all stages, might be because the seedlings spent the greater part of their vegetative phase in the nursery itself were no proper space for proper development, shoot growth, lack of water, nutrients and as well as solar radiation also for individual seedling resulted in poor production of carbohydrates
(Rasool et al., 2016). Further it was indicated that the plant vigor was affected due to variation in the age of the seedlings at transplanting. In other words, the different physiological processes were influenced due to variation in the age of the seedlings at transplanting. Therefore, the entire yield attributes
viz., number of panicles hill
-1, length of panicle, the weight of a panicle, number of rachis panicle
-1 and test weight (Table 2) were influenced due to variation in the age of the seedlings of proso millet crop at transplanting. It indicates that among the different ages of seedlings, the crop planted with A
2 recorded significantly more number of panicles hill
-1 as compared to others. When aged seedlings of 40 and 50 days old were used for transplanting by the time the crop received fertilizer, the crop had crossed the maximum tillering phase and the late formed tillers had resulted only in non-functional tillers leading to a drastic reduction in the percent productive tillers.
(Naresh, 2012). Significantly maximum panicle length was recorded with the planting of A
2. It must be due to the proper availability of nutrients at A
2 and the high net assimilation rate.
(Amin and Haque, 2009). The significantly maximum weight of panicle hill
-1 was recorded with the planting of A
2. It was clear from the table that planting of early age seedling produced maximum weight panicle
-1 over aged seedling might be due to fact that planting of early age seedlings in the main field gets more opportunity to harness solar radiation for photosynthesis and established better source and sink relationship which turns in the highest weight of panicle
-1 (Amin and Haque, 2009). The increased number of rachis panicle
-1 recorded from A
2 used might be due to proper crop growth rate and maximum crop net assimilation rate as compared to the older seedlings followed by the attainment of physiological growth, particularly panicle initiation, flowering and asynchronous tillering
(Amin and Haque, 2009). The highest test weight was recorded with the planting of early aged seedlings
i.e., A
2 which was at par with A
3. Test weight was an important yield contributor that depends on genetic makeup and was affected by growing conditions, seedlings age as well as other managemental factors
(Amin and Haque, 2009).
The mean value of the table reveals that in general with successive advancements in the age of the seedlings from 30 to 50 days succeeding 20 days, the grain yield decreased significantly. Among different ages of seedlings, the crop planted with A
2 recorded higher grain yield. Delayed planting had a significantly reduced grain yield. The higher grain yield (14.17 q ha
-1) obtained with A
2 was due to higher dry matter production, more number of panicles hill
-1 as compared to others. Better translocation of nutrients from source to sink due to planting in A
2 as compared to others might have contributed to better grain yield. In general grain yield was directly related to the duration of a variety and its genetic makeup. The straw yield decreased linearly with the successive advancement in the age of the seedlings from 30 to 50 days succeeding 20 days. The higher straw yield (32.30 q ha
-1) obtained with A
2 was mainly attributed to more plant height, a higher number of tillers hill
-1, panicles hill
-2 and dry matter production at harvest compared to other three ages of seedlings
(Mohapatra, 1989,
Kumar et al., 2008 and Barla et al., 2013). The harvest index was not significantly influenced by the age of the seedlings. However, among different ages of seedlings, the crop planted with A
2 recorded maximum harvest index compared to other seedling’s age
(Mohapatra, 1989 and Sarker, 2012).
Effect of nutrient combinations on growth and yield
It was observed from Table 1 that the plant height gave significant responses to the application of different nutrient combinations at all the growth stages of the crop under study. Application of N
1 recorded maximum plant height. The plant height increased significantly throughout the growth period up to 90 DAT; thereafter, there were no much changes in height up to harvest. It was generally identified that nutrients in ample quantities increase plant growth by cell elongation and cell division, both in terms of enhancing cell multiplication thereby increasing the plant height
(Kumar et al., 2008 and
Banerjee and Pal, 2011). Application of N
1 recorded significantly more number of leaves hill
-1 due to the faster availability of nutrients from the fertilizers. The higher rate and easy availability of nutrients favored the increase in the number of leaves. The mean number of functional tillers hill
-1 (Table 1), a significant response to nutrient fertilization was observed at all the stages of crop growth. Application of N
1 recorded a significantly higher number of functional tillers hill
-1 at all the growth stages except at 30 DAT. It might be due to the rapid availability of nutrients through chemical fertilizers helped to gain more number tillers
(Singh, 1999 and
Singh et al., 2015). The dry matter accumulation in proso millet crops significantly increased from 30 DAT up to harvest as nitrogen levels. At the initial stage, the rate of dry matter production was rather slow. However, at 60 DAT and onwards the crop entered into a phase of a rapid rate of dry matter production and at the final stage, it lowered to some extent, following the sigmoid growth curve. This might be due to N
1 application which helped in synthesizing more photosynthates resulting in higher dry matter accumulation
(Kumar et al., 2008 and
Banerjee and Pal, 2011).
The number of panicles hill
-1 was significantly higher in the treatment of N
1. Generally, higher nutrients influenced the number of tillers hill
-1 and it ultimately reflected into increased panicle number in proso millet crop
(Singh, 1999, Kumara, 2007 and Banerjee and Pal, 2011). Application of N
1 recorded significantly higher panicle length
(Singh 1999, Kumara, 2007 and
Chouhan et al., 2015). The data on the number weight of panicle hill
-1 revealed that significantly maximum weight of panicle hill
-1 was recorded with the planting of N
1. It was quite clear from data given in Table 2 that due to fact the application of the recommended dose in the main field help to carry out photosynthesis and established a better source and sink relationship which turns in the highest weight of panicle
-1 (Singh 1999, and Kumara, 2007). The increased number of rachis panicle
-1 recorded under N
1 might be due to proper crop growth rate and maximum crop net assimilation rate followed by the attainment of physiological growth, particularly panicle initiation, flowering and asynchronous tillering
(Singh, 1999). The effect of different treatments on test weight was presented in Table 1 which revealed that N
1 recorded the highest value. Test weight was an important yield contributor that depends on genetic makeup and was affected by growing conditions, nutrient management as well as other managemental factors
(Banerjee and Pal, 2011 and
Gour et al., 2015). The maximum grain yield (12.48 q ha
-1) in N
1 was due to the combined effect of more number of tillers, more number of panicles and more number rachis panicle
-1 (Nigade and More, 2013,
Singh et al., 2015, Gour et al., 2015 and Pradhan et al., 2016). The data in respect of straw yield at harvest indicated that the straw yield of proso millet was significantly influenced due to nutrient combinations. Application of N
1 produced significantly higher straw yield (29.80 q ha
-1) .This might be because the different combinations of nutrients influenced the physiological activity of the dry matter accumulation also increased with the nutrient application and it was optimum at the maturity stage due to diversion of food material from source to sink
(Kumar et al., 2008, Nigade and More, 2013 and
Singh et al., 2015).
Interaction effect
The interaction effect of seedling’s age and nutrient combinations was found to be non-significant in respect to all the characters studied.