Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 53 issue 5 (october 2019) : 548-553

Effect of Photo-Thermo Period on Seed Setting Percentage (In Selfed Earheads) of the Parental and Hybrid Lines of Rabi Sorghum

V.H. Borkar, L.N. Dongarwar, V.M. Dharanguttikar, S.R. KASHIWAR, M.R. Kondawar, S.R. Gadakh
1Department of Agricultural Botany, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Ahmednagar, Rahuri-413 722, Maharashtra, India.
Cite article:- Borkar V.H., Dongarwar L.N., Dharanguttikar V.M., KASHIWAR S.R., Kondawar M.R., Gadakh S.R. (2019). Effect of Photo-Thermo Period on Seed Setting Percentage (In Selfed Earheads) of the Parental and Hybrid Lines of Rabi Sorghum. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(5): 548-553. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5253.
The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications during rabi 2013-14 at All India Co-Ordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (M.S.). Total seven sowing dates (E1-15th August, E2-15 September, E3-15 October, E4-15 November, E5-15 December, E6- 15 January and E7- 15 February) were assigned to the main plot and 16 parental and hybrid lines having four male sterile lines (viz., 104A, 185A, RMS 2010-24A and RMS2010-10A), four maintainer lines (viz., 104B, 185B, RMS2010-24B and RMS2010-10B), four restorer (viz., SPV1830, RSV1130, RSV1098 and BJV116) and their four respective hybrids (viz., 104A x SPV1830, 185A x RSV1130, RMS2010-24A x RSV1098 and RMS2010-10A x BJV116) were assigned to the sub plot treatment. The observations on growth, phenology, physiology and dry matter production were recorded during crop growth period, also, the data on seed set, grain yield and yield contributing characters were recorded at harvest stage. The seed setting percentage in selfed condition was recorded to be higher in September sowing environment followed by October sowing while, in case of the parental lines restorer lines SPV1830, RSV1130, RSV1098 and hybrid RMS2010-24A X RSV1098 recoded the higher seed setting percentage in all the environments and among all the genotypes,  indicating their thermo-insensitivity for all the seasons which were considered to be promising genotypes for further breeding programme for yield improvement.
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