Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 53 issue 1 (february 2019) : 73-77

Management of low nitrogen input with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers for cropping system and yield of Sweet Sorghum Crop (Sorghum bicolour L. Moench) in a field experiment at Panskura, East Midnapore, West Bengal

Pradip Roy, Satakshi Basu, Jayeeta Chatterjee, Indrani Chakraborty, Rohan Dutta, Samarendra Barik, Arunava Goswami
1Agriculture and Ecological Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata-700 108, West Bengal, India.
Cite article:- Roy Pradip, Basu Satakshi, Chatterjee Jayeeta, Chakraborty Indrani, Dutta Rohan, Barik Samarendra, Goswami Arunava (2019). Management of low nitrogen input with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers for cropping system and yield of Sweet Sorghum Crop (Sorghum bicolour L. Moench) in a field experiment at Panskura, East Midnapore, West Bengal. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(1): 73-77. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5113.
A plot experiment was supervised in open pollinated field to evaluate the response of lower doses of Nitrogen combined with standard to high potassium and Phosphorus doses and the relative effects on sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) yield in Panskura Agriculture Field located at  East Midnapore of West Bengal during 2017-18 in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Data were collected on every 30 days interval starting from 40 Days After Sowing (DAS) to 130 DAS. Results revealed that maximum plant height of 193.4 cm was observed in N3P2K2 treatment at 130 DAS, maximum green biomass of 26.84 t/ha was observed with N3P2K3 treatment at 100 DAS, maximum sugar concentration of 10.07 % was observed with N3P2K2 treatment at 100 DAS and highest sugar yield of 1896.88 kg/ha with the same ratio of fertilizer treatment. All the parameters were evaluated to identify the cost-effective status as well as the significance of the study.
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