Study area
The observation well located in the National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) campus, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, was selected for the study. Roorkee is located in Hardwar district at 29° 51' N and 77° 53' E latitude and longitude respectively. Daily rainfall, water table depth and maximum, minimum and mean temperature data of Roorkee were collected from July 2008 to April 2013. Evapotranspiration was calculated using Hargreaves temperature model. The Hargreaves temperature equation is one of the simplest, less data intensive and most accurate equations used to estimate evapotranspiration (ETo) in mm/day and expressed as,

Where ETo = evapotranspiration in mm/day, Tmean, Tmax and Tmin = mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures (°C) respectively and Ra = extraterrestrial radiation (mm/day)
(Bhabagrahi et al., 2012).
ANN Model Development
An ANN is a parallel information processing architecture which contains number of inter connected processing elements called nodes resembles the neurons in the brain. Each node combines number of inputs and produces an output, which is then transmitted to many different locations, including other nodes
(Azhar et al., 2007). ANN is characterized by its architecture
i.e., pattern of connection between nodes, its method of determining the connection weights and the activation function (
Fausett, 1994). In this study feed-forward neural network architecture was used in predicting monthly water table depths. Most important step in the ANN model development is the selection of significant input variables. Generally, all the potential input variables are not equally informative, because some input variables may be correlated, noisy, or may not have any correlation with the output variable being modelled (
Maier and Dandy, 2000). Hence, statistical methods like cross-correlation, auto-correlation and partial auto-correlation techniques were used for selection of significant input variables.
Feed-forward Neural Network (FNN): Feed-forward means all the inter connections between the layers propagate forward to the next layer, flow of information is only in forward direction. In ANN, the type of node being used determines the method in which the total input is calculated and the way the node calculates its output as a function of its net input (Eq. 2). Each nodes acts as a simple processing element that responds to the weighted inputs it receives from other/previous nodes.
The net input xj to node j is the weighted sum of all the incoming signals as given in Eq. 2.

xj = net input coming to node j; wij = weight between node i and node j; yi = activation function at node i.
The log sigmoidal activation function (Eq. 2) , were used between input and the hidden layers.

Typical feed forward neural network with input output combinations were presented in Fig 1. The main advantage of feed forward neural network is that they are easy to handle and can approximate any input-output map.
Training with Algorithm
Determining the best values of all the weights and updating the weights to reduce the error is called training the ANN. Weights are usually randomly set in the initial iterations, are then adjusted so that the next iteration will produce near value between the desired and the actual output. The training phase can consume a lot of time. Bayesian regularization algorithm was used in this study in order train the given network more efficiently. The advantage of this algorithm is that whatever the size of the network, the function won’t be over-fitted.
Network architecture
The network geometry indicates number of nodes in input, hidden and output layer. Network geometry is generally problem oriented. Numbers of nodes in the input layer were decided based on the desired inputs and number of hidden neurons in the network, which were responsible for capturing the dynamic and complex relationship between various input and output variables, were identified by various trials. Network was trained for each set of hidden neurons with the input datasets in batch mode to minimize the mean square error at the output layer. MATLAB 2012a software was used for this analysis.
Wavelet transformation
In analysing the non-stationary time series, wavelet analysis will be the more effective tool than the Fourier transform. Mainly wavelet analysis consists of breaking up of a signal into shifted and scaled versions of the original (or mother) wavelet. Wavelet analysis can be majorly used to decompose an observed time series (such as rainfall, evapotranspiration and groundwater levels) into various components so that the new time series can be used as inputs for WANN model. In wavelet analysis, signal-cutting problem can be eliminated by the use of a fully scalable modulated window. Generally wavelet transformation is classified into continuous and Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT). In the present study discrete wavelet transformation were used. It transforms a time series using a set of basis functions called wavelets. The main purpose of transformation is to reduce the size of data and/or to decrease noise in the data set. The advantage of DWT over Fourier transforms is temporal resolution, it captures both frequency and location information. The signals of the time series was divided into high and the low frequency parts in case of one-dimensional DWT. This splitting were done using signal decomposition equation as indicated in Eq. 4

The DWT of any signal x was calculated by passing it through series of low pass and high pass filters. Initially the samples were passed through a low pass filter (Eq. 5) with impulse response ‘g’ resulting in a convolution of the two. Then again the samples were passed through a series of high pass filters (Eq. 6) to analyse the high frequencies.


Discrete wavelet transform permits easy and fast de-noising of a noisy signal hence it can be implemented over conventional wavelet transformation. In this study Haar wavelet and Daubechies wavelets (Fig 2) were used for decompose the input signal time series.
The performance during calibration and validation was evaluated by using statistical parameters like coefficient of efficiency (Eq. 7) and root mean square error (Eq. 8) as follows. Coefficient of efficiency (CE)

Root mean square error (RMSE)

j = Observed water table depth, X
j = Predicted water table depth, n = Number of observations.