Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 53 issue 3 (june 2019) : 247-254

Economics, PUE and P balance as influenced by different P levels and P fertilization with AM fungi to rabi maize and summer green crop sequence

Asmatullah Durani, Sonal Tripathi, Hashmatullah Durrani, Naeem Jan Sarwary, Aminullah Yousafzai
1Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, N. M. Collage of Agricultural, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396 450, Gujrat, India.
Cite article:- Durani Asmatullah, Tripathi Sonal, Durrani Hashmatullah, Sarwary Jan Naeem, Yousafzai Aminullah (2019). Economics, PUE and P balance as influenced by different P levels and P fertilization with AM fungi to rabi maize and summer green crop sequence. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(3): 247-254. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-5039.
The relative the maximum agronomical phosphorus use efficiency was recorded (18.0 kg/kg) with the T8F1 treated plot. While the physiological efficiency was higher (205.8, 204.9, 204.8 and 200.9 kg/kg) with the application of T12F1, T6F1, T14F2 and T13F1 treated plots, respectively. The phosphorus use efficiency was maximum (40.8 kg/kg) with the application of T8F1. Highest net monetary returns from maize were (T8,  58390 /h followed by (T5, 57817  /ha), (T10,  55756 /ha) and (T14,  55348/ha). The highest net returns from green gram  76808 per hectare with B:C ratio of 3.8 was observed under the treatment T8F1 followed by treatment T8F2 with net returns of   69676  per hectare and B:C ratio of 3.4. The lowest net realization of  14905 and 14818 per hectare and B:C ratio of 0.7 was noted under T2F1 and T2F2 plots. on the basis of maize equelvent yield the maximium net returns was recorded under treatment T8  131632 follwed by T10,  119881 and T14,   117446 while B:C ratio was higher under treatment T10 (3.1) fallowed  by treatment T8 (3.0). The highest balance of available P2O5 was recorded after harvesting green gram with the addition of (T8F1) and (T8F2) treatments respectively fallowed (T7F2), (F5F1), and (T5F2) treatments respectively.
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