Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 52 issue 4 (august 2018) : 380-385

Genetic diversity studies for pod yield and nutrient uptake related traits in groundnut

Mohammad Raza, M. Reddi Sekhar, M. Shanthi Priya, T.N.V.K.V. Prasad, V. Rajarajeswari
Cite article:- Raza Mohammad, Sekhar Reddi M., Priya Shanthi M., Prasad T.N.V.K.V., Rajarajeswari V. (2018). Genetic diversity studies for pod yield and nutrient uptake related traits in groundnut. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(4): 380-385. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-4995.
Divergence analysis using Mahalanobis’s D2 statistics grouped 40 groundnut genotypes into eight clusters. The maximum inter-cluster distance was found between clusters II and VIII (D=183.23) followed by cluster VI and VIII indicating that the genotypes of these groups were highly divergent from each other. Among all the characters, pod yield per plant contributed the maximum to the diversity followed by leaf iron content (ppm) at 60 DAS, seed iron content (ppm) at maturity, seed calcium uptake (Kg ha-1) and seed calcium content (%) at maturity.The genotypes of above clusters revealed a substantial difference in the means for important yield contributing characters and form ideal parents for genetic improvement in groundnut. 
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