Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 52 issue 3 (june 2018) : 250-256

Role of seed-Zn content on seed longevity of pigeonpea genotypes

D. Hanumanthappa, S.N. Vasudevan, N.M. Shakuntala, M. Muniswamy, B. Kisan, I. Sangeeta Macha
1Department of seed science and Technology, College of Agricultural, UAS, Raichur-584 104, Karnataka, India.
Cite article:- Hanumanthappa D., Vasudevan S.N., Shakuntala N.M., Muniswamy M., Kisan B., Macha Sangeeta I. (2018). Role of seed-Zn content on seed longevity of pigeonpea genotypes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 52(3): 250-256. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-4891.
Fifteen pigeonpea genotypes were selected to establish the role of seed-Zn content in maintaining seed longevity of pigeonpea genotypes. The present study revealed clear genotypic variability with respect to storability among different pigeonpea genotypes. The genotype with highest seed-Zn content (30.81 ppm) proved as good storer by recording highest seed quality parameters viz., seed germination (84.57 %), seedling length (27.67 cm), seedling vigour index (1303), speed of germination (23.29 %), dehydrogenase enzyme activity (0.551 OD value), a-amylase activity (28.46 mm) with lowest electrical conductivity (1.04 µS/cm) and moisture content (7.29 %) at the end of twelve months of storage period. Whereas, genotypes with low seed-Zn content showed lowest seed quality parameters.
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