According the data analysis of the sowing characters of the seeds form Kurtovska kapia 1, it was found that the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments had a positive effect on the germinated energy and germination of the seeds in all the studied treatments, with the exception of the 6
th treatment for germinating energy and the 5
th treatment for germination as in both treatment the seed stay have been 4 days (Table 2.1). Positive effects were reported in all variants with stay of processing of T = 8 and T = 12 days. For a stay of T = 8 days, the germination energy was improved from 16.04% in the 9
th treatment to 33.02% for the 10
th treatment, while for the germination the deviation from the control was with lower levels - from 0.79 - 14.62%. The highest values for the germination energy were reported in treatment 10 with U = 6 kV, time t = 20 s, stay of T = 8 days (33.02% / K), followed by treatment 12 with U = 10 kV, time t = 5 s, a stay of T = 8 days (28.77% / K) as they were proven to be different from the control. In germination the treatment 10 is only with proven higher values compared to the control, as the deviation is 14.62%. Depressive effect on the germination energy after treatment but with unproven differences is recorded in treatment 6 with U = 6 kV time t = 35 s with a stay before sowing time of T = 4 days (2.36% / K) and on germination - in treatment 5 with U = 14 kV, time t = 35 s at T = 4 days with a minimal difference from the control of 0.79% / K.
The studied variants of electromagnetic seed treatments have unproven differences from the control by the length of the embryonic root, as a small stimulating effect was established in seven of them only (Table 2.2). Similar results were reported for the length of the hypocotyl, as lower values were reported in treatment 5 only. The greatest influence on the morphological parameters of the germinated seeds was registered in treatment 10 with voltage U = 6 kV, time t = 20 s and T = 8 days, where the root and hypocotyl growth were respectively 11.36% and 20.42% higher than the control. A positive effect on the length of the cotyledons cot was found in variant 11 with U = 10 kV, time t = 35 s and T = 8 days, as only this variant having proven differences towards the control. A suppressing, but unproven, effect on root lengths
r = 9.65% / K had a stay of the seeds before sowing T = 12 days in treatment 1 with U = 14 kV, time t = 35 s; at hypocotyl length
h = 34.82% / K was reported in treatment 5 at T = 4 days with U = 14 kV, time t = 35 s; in cotyledon
c the differences are insignificant.
The results of the studied sowing properties of the seeds from the Sofiyska kapia variety are given in Table 3.1. According to the analysis of these studies, this variety is characterized by a large variation in the treatments due to pre-sowing treatments, but differences with respect to the control were demonstrated in treatment 4 for germinating energy, as a decrease is with 40.86% compared to the control. The germination energy and seed germination have improved in the three stays of the seeds T = 4, 8 and 12 days after treatment with U = 10 kV, time t = 20 s, from 30.11 to 32.26% / K and 5.79-11.57% / K, respectively. At the same time, a negative effect on germination energy was also observed in the group of treatments at T = 12 days as it is strongly expressed in treatment 4 with U = 6 kV, time t = 5 s - 45.81% / K. The results in the germination index are different. The analysis shows that in 47% of the treatments the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments in the corona discharge field have a negative effect despite the fact that the differences with the control are proved. The lowest readings were recorded in treatment 4 with U = 6 kV, time t = 5 s and seed stay before sowing T = 12 days. This confirms the data from laboratory tests performed on tomatoes
(Ganeva et al., 2013) and cabbage
(Antonova et al., 2013; Sirakov et al., 2013) with the same controllable factors.
The results of the influence of the controllable factors on the morphological features, on the root lengths, hypocotyls and cotyledons are shown in Table 3.2. The analysis of the data shows that for the Sofiyska kapia variety, the treatments had a negative effect on the observed root
r parameter, the most strongly expressed in all treatments during the stay of the seeds until sowing T = 4 days. The highest results for the hypocotyl length
h, were reported in variant 13 with U = 10 kV, time t = 20 s and T = 12 days of 41.52% / K. At the cotyledon length
c, the variation of values is small and it reaches to 5.55% / K.
The results of pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments of seeds of the Kapia UV variety for their sowing properties are given in Table 3.1. The analysis of the data shows that this type of treatments does not satisfactorily affect the germination energy and germination of the studied variety. The values of germination energy reach 25.71% / K for treatment 15 with U = 10 kV, time t = 20 s and T = 8 days, while for half of the treatments in the field of alternating corona discharge the effect is suppressing. The variation in germination values is weak, only in treatment 4 with U = 6 kV, time t = 5 s and T = 12 days it reaches 8.46% / K.
Kuzmanov et al., (2010), Sirakov, (2010) have not established a regularity in the results obtained after electromagnetic processing of seeds of cucumber variety “Gergana” and barley variety “Obzor”, which correlates with the data obtained in pepper variety.
The values of the morphological characters of the germinated seeds are close to the control. Stimulating effect was registered in the hypocotyls length
h almost in all treatments, compared to the root length
r and cotyledons
c. As a result of the comparison of data in Table 4.2 and Table 3.2 was established that the observed parameters in the seeds of the “Kapia UV” variety are similar to the results obtained in the “Sofiyska kapia” variety. The highest responses as a result of electromagnetic processing were analyzed in treatment 13 with U = 10 kV, time t = 20 s and T=12.
Spendier et al., (2018) establish that, under the influence of magnetic fields, the percentage of germination and morphological characters of hemp that this is the potential of culture.
Govindaraj et al., 2017) study the effect of actual methods for pre-sowing seed treatment on the qualitative and quantitative characters in different types of crops. At the same time,
Abdiazar N. et al., (2019) study the effect of the magnetic field on weed vegetation (
Amaranthus retroflexus) and the suppress of weed growth under the influence of various magnetic field exposures.
Nair R. M. et al., (2018) investigated the effect of magnetic treatments on the chemical composition of different lines of mung bean (
Vigna radiata L.) and
Kakhki et al., (2018) on morphological characteristics and yield in sesame.
The data of the studied sowing properties of the seeds for the three varieties were analyzed by three-way analyze of variance (Table 5). The analyze make an evaluation of the interaction of factors - variety (A), voltage (B) and stay of seeds before sowing (C).
As a result of the performed three-factor analysis of variance for germination energy, statistical differences were found between the studied varieties, voltage and stay of seeds before sowing, as well as the interaction A × C. The greatest influence was established in the germinating energy of the variety (16.97%), followed by voltage (8.30%) and stay of the seeds before sowing (7.14%) and at lowest effect was observed in the interaction between factors variety A and stay of the seeds before sowing C (5.64%), i.e. the seeds from the different varieties react differently to electromagnetic treatments at the set values of controllable factors.
From the results of the analysis of variance for the character “germination” was established that only the “variety” factor and the interaction between “variety” and “voltage” were found significant. Variety (25.04%) appears to be the strongest source of variation, followed by the interaction between factors × variety (10.70%). The other factors and interactions do not show statistically differences.
The general analyze of the data in Table 5 show that after the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments of the seeds with controllable impact factors, a variety peculiarity on the studied parameters exist. The three-factor analysis of variance, in the “germination energy” and “germination” indices, proves that the influence of the variety is a determining factor in the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment in the corona discharge field in the seeds of the studied pepper varieties.
Based on the studies performed, it can be assumed that pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments with selected controllable values on seeds of the pepper varieties studied can be applied as follows:
- “Kurtovska kapia 1” variety voltage U = 6 kV, processing time t = 20 s and stay before sowing T = 8 days (treatment 10).
- “Sofiyska kapia” and “Kapia UV” varieties, U = 10 kV, processing time t = 20 s and stay before sowing T = 12 days (treatment 13).