Indian Journal of Agricultural Research
Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi
Print ISSN 0367-8245
Online ISSN 0976-058X
NAAS Rating 5.60
SJR 0.293
Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi
Print ISSN 0367-8245
Online ISSN 0976-058X
NAAS Rating 5.60
SJR 0.293
Effect of LCC-based nitrogen application on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties during dry season
First Online 07-02-2017|
Data from a field experiment on Real Time Nitrogen Management (RTNM) in rice revealed that variety Gobinda produced significantly the highest grain yield of 49.6 q ha-1 associated with long panicle (26.75 cm) bearing significantly the maximum number of filled grains panicle-1 (156.78) producing highest net return (Rs.33214.71), B-C ratio (1.83) and return per rupee invested (0.83). Application of nitrogen based on LCC threshold value 4 produced significantly the highest grain (52.6 q ha-1), straw yield (64.4 q ha-1), number of EBT m-2 (403.71), panicle length (25.43 cm) and 148.94 filled grain panicle-1. Variety x RTNM interaction was significant and variety Naveen and Gobinda produced significantly the highest yield of 55.4 and 58.2 q ha-1 at recommended of nitrogen whereas, Lalat and Hiranmayee responded to LCC threshold value 4 (N4) with grain yield of 50.4 and 52.1 q ha-1, respectively.
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