Indian Journal of Agricultural Research
Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi
Print ISSN 0367-8245
Online ISSN 0976-058X
NAAS Rating 5.60
SJR 0.293
Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi
Print ISSN 0367-8245
Online ISSN 0976-058X
NAAS Rating 5.60
SJR 0.293
Relationship of flowering pattern and pollen sterility on productivity of chickpea genotypes under temperature regimes
First Online 03-08-2017|
Three chickpea genotypes (Annigeri-1, JG-11 and JG-14), with five dates of sowings (40th to 48th standard meteorological week (SMW) with an interval of two weeks) were evaluated in field to study the effect of temperature regimes on pollen sterility per cent (%), phenological characters and productivity. Pollen sterility per cent increased significantly from D1 to D3 dates of sowing and then decreased towards D5 date of sowing. JG-14 and JG-11 recorded less pollen sterility as compared to Annigeri-1 at all the dates of sowing. When the low temperature around 9.7 oC to 11.0 oC the pollen sterility per cent was increased (44 to 62 %). The third date of sowing was showed significantly greater duration of flowering (25, 32 and 32 days), total number of flowers (225, 195 and 97) produced with respect to the genotypes (Annigeri-1, JG-11 and JG-14) and longer cool season during flowering produced average number of flowers per day per plant (9.00, 6.09 and 3.03), with optimum flowers to pod ratio (3.42, 2.60 and 1.39). Accumulation of more heat units measure (GDD, 1735) untill physiological maturity helps to get a higher yield (28.52 q per hectare) with a test weight of 19.6 g and more number of pods and seeds per plant.
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