Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 50 issue 3 (june 2016) : 238-243

Effect of integrated phosphorus management on growth, yield and quality of lentil (Lens culinaris)

Mukesh Kumar Pandey, Ajay Verma, Pramod Kumar
1<p>NAE-Farm Machanization in Rainfed Agriculture,&nbsp;Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur- 492 012, Chhattisgarh, India</p>
Cite article:- Pandey Kumar Mukesh, Verma Ajay, Kumar Pramod (2016). Effect of integrated phosphorus management on growth,yield and quality of lentil (Lens culinaris) . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 50(3): 238-243. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v0iOF.9625.

A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season of 2012-13 and 2013-14 to study the effect of integrated phosphorus management on growth, yield and quality of lentil. The trial was laid out in split plot design assigning 8 treatments of three phosphorus levels (0, 40 and 80 Kg ha-1), three mode of PSB application (soil application, seed inoculation including control) and sulphur application of 20 Kg ha-1 with control. The crop was fertilized up to 80 Kg ha-1 of phosphorus application enhanced more growth, yield attributes, seed yield and protein yield than the 40 Kg ha-1 and control, however the initial plant population per running meter was remain non-significant during both the years. The PSB applied by seed inoculation and 20 Kg ha-1 sulphur application were showed similar effects. The economic value also calculated to judge best combination and found that the 80 Kg ha-1 phosphorus application, seed inoculation with PSB and 20 Kg ha-1 sulphur application received more net income (ha-1) and benefit cost ratio also.

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