Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 50 issue 4 (august 2016) : 340-344

Response of fodder maize to different levels of nitrogen under various planting methods 

Rupinder Kaur Jassal, Avtar Singh*, J.S. Kang, Thakar Singh
1<p>Department of Agronomy,&nbsp;Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004, India.</p>
Cite article:- Jassal Kaur Rupinder, Singh* Avtar, Kang J.S., Singh Thakar (2016). Response of fodder maize to different levels of nitrogen undervarious planting methods . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 50(4): 340-344. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v0iOF.10780.

The experiment was conducted to find out the planting method and nitrogen level for enhancing the seed yield of fodder maize (Zea mays L.). The treatment comprised of three planting methods as zero tillage (ZT), conventional tillage (CT) and bed planting (BP)  and four nitrogen levels (0, 100, 125 and 150 kg N/ha). Successive increase of 25kg N/ ha has significantly  increased the seed and stover yield of maize with which significantly higher values of plant height, stover yield and shelling percentage was obtained. 

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