Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 50 issue 6 (december 2016) : 635-638

Effect of water deficit on accumulation of proteins in wheat seedlings correlates with grain filling

Maryada Sharma1, S.K. Thind*
1<p>Department of Botany,&nbsp;College of Basic Sciences, P.A.U, Ludhiana-141 004, India.&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Sharma1 Maryada, Thind* S.K. (2016). Effect of water deficit on accumulation of proteins in wheatseedlings correlates with grain filling . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 50(6): 635-638. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v50i6.6685.

Nine genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  C 306  PBW 154, PBW 175, PBW 396, WH 542, PBW519, PBW520, PBW527 and PBW528 were screened at seedling stage for water stress tolerance at mild (-0.20MPa) and moderate (-0.40 MPa) water potential. Water stress induced by polyethylene glycol. Dehydrins with molecular mass of 24Kd was observed in C306, PBW 396 and PBW 528. The dehydrin bands were absent in PBW154, PBW175, WH542, PBW519 and PBW520. The selected  tolerant and susceptible genotypes differing in their drought tolerance viz.C306,PBW154,PBW519,PBW527 were subjected to soil water deficit stress at two developmental stages in field conditions . The leaves of genotype C306 and PBW 527 accumulated dehydrins of Mw 24Kda and 53Kda C306, PBW527 at tillering as well as anthesis stage water deficit stress. The genotypes C306, PBW 527 have lower value of drought susceptibility index showing more tolerance to water stress as compared to   PBW 154, PBW 519.

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