Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 50 issue 1 (february 2016) : 45-50

Gender difference and readiness for entrepreneurial trait of agricultural graduates

Serene Shekhar*, Bhavika Joshi, Sarita Sanwal
1<p>Department of Extension &amp; Communication Management,&nbsp;ASPEE College of Home Science &amp; Nutrition, SDAU, SardarKrushinagar-385 506, India.&nbsp;</p>
Cite article:- Shekhar* Serene, Joshi Bhavika, Sanwal Sarita (2016). Gender difference and readiness for entrepreneurial trait ofagricultural graduates . Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 50(1): 45-50. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v50i1.8586.

Creation and development of enterprise is shouldered by men and women equally. The study was undertaken in seven colleges of Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University of Gujarat State; to seek the answer that whether the revised curriculum is able to attain its objectives of creating entrepreneurs among both the genders. A pre-structured interview scheduled and a standardized tool was used to measure independent variables (basic profile) and dependent variable (entrepreneurial talent and willingness to set-up enterprise) respectively. Frequency, percentage, range, correlation coefficient were used to tabulate the data. Significant difference was obtained when overall entrepreneurial talent was compared among girls and boys. Risk taking ability, problem solving ability, persuasiveness and leadership ability of both the gender were found to be non significant. Girls were found to have higher self-concept and achievement motivation in comparison to their counterpart while boys had more positive attitude towards other entrepreneurs’ trait. Only about 12 per cent of the respondents were ready to set-up their enterprise and among them only 14 per cent were girls. The reason stated by boys for non willingness for entrepreneurial venture was ‘lack of financial assistance’ and for girls it was ‘lack of family support’. Programme of study, year of study and mass media exposure showed positive correlation with entrepreneurial talent, thus enhancing these can bring change entrepreneurial talent of agricultural graduates. 

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