Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 49 issue 5 (october 2015) : 421-426

Identification of early maturing high yielding mutants in black gram [Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper]

Mohan Dadarwal, V.L. Mathur
1Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur-313 001, India.
Cite article:- Dadarwal Mohan, Mathur V.L. (2025). Identification of early maturing high yielding mutants in black gram [Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper]. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(5): 421-426. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v49i5.5804.
The study was carried out with the effect of EMS, DMS and their post treatment with respective modifiers IAA and GA on different traits in black gram variety Barkha. The experiment was carried out in compact family block design during Kharif, 2005 at Experimental field of Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur. EMS 0.4 + 3 x 10-3 M IAA induced early maturity with higher yield and yield contributing traits. High coefficient of variation and range was observed for all the treatments. On the basis of yield parameters there were eight progenies identified which were high yielder with most of the yield contributing traits and eighteen progenies were earlier in maturity than control.Variability parameters viz., GCV, PCV, Heritability and Genetic advance were calculated for all the families. Family EMS 0.4 per cent and DMS 0.04 per cent with modifiers exhibited high values for variability parameters for yield and yield contributing traits.
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