Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 49 issue 5 (october 2015) : 383-391

Efficacy testing of in vitro diazotrophic activity of Acinetobacter on the field growth of soybean

S.D. Bhawsar, S.D. Patil
1Department of Microbiology, University of Pune, Pune-411 007, India
Cite article:- Bhawsar S.D., Patil S.D. (2024). Efficacy testing of in vitro diazotrophic activity of Acinetobacter on the field growth of soybean. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 49(5): 383-391. doi: 10.18805/ijare.v49i5.5799 .
Nitrogenase enzyme activity as a measure of nitrogen fixation by Acinetobacter genospecies3 A15 was found to be 49.56 µmoles ethylene/96h at 280C. Efficacy testing of diazotrophic A15 inoculum for growth promotion at field I showed early germination, podding and flowering, increased post harvest parameters, freedom from weeds and diseases but complete absence of nitrogen fixing root nodules. The control plants were infected with mildew, stem rot and blights causing 36% mortality. The average yield of inoculated soybean was 12% over control. At field II, inoculated plants were poorly nodulated without indication of promotion of growth parameters or yield unlike control.
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