Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 53 issue 5 (october 2019) : 632-635

Monitoring the activity and biology of pest Bruchus rufimanus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in beans crops

Siham Hamani-Aoudjit, Ferroudja Medjdoub-Bensaad
1Laboratory of Production, Preservation of Endangered Species and Crops, Influence of Climate Changes, Faculty of Biological Science and Agronomic Sciences, Mouloud MAMMERI University, Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.
Cite article:- Hamani-Aoudjit Siham, Medjdoub-Bensaad Ferroudja (2019). Monitoring the activity and biology of pest Bruchus rufimanus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in beans crops. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 53(5): 632-635. doi: 10.18805/IJARe.A-408.
The main objective of this study is the Population dynamics evaluation of broad bean bruchid Bruchus rufimanus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in crops beans of Vicia faba within the El Asnam’s region (Algeria). A weekly monitoring of B. rufimanus was made during breeding diapauses in the laboratory and during their colonization in the parcel of variety of Séville, and then a comparative study had been implemented to characterize the total haemolymphatic protein levels during diapause and the periods of reproductive activity. The obtained results demonstrated that after the diapause period, the colonization of the field by adults of B. rufimanus coincides with the period of full bloom of the host plant which represents a trophic source necessary for the reproductive activity. 54 beetles were captured from which 28 were males. Oviposition covering a period of one month and 15 days, with a total of 168 eggs being counted, of which 72 were placed on the low layer pods. The total hemolymphatic protein content of B. rufimanus was found a high concentration during diapause and varying between 46 to 85.8ìg/ìl. High levels of protein were probably due to the stock of proteins during the larval life of this pest. Protein levels had decreased significantly in April, reflecting a recovery in the activity and colonization of bean fields for food, sexual partnership, spawning, and other activities. However, throughout the month of May, the protein concentration increased due to the pollen supply provided by the host plant and weeds present in the agrosystem.
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