Indian Journal of Agricultural Research

  • Chief EditorV. Geethalakshmi

  • Print ISSN 0367-8245

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Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, volume 48 issue 3 (june 2014) : 232-236


K. Bharathi*, P. Panneerselvam, H.P. Bhagya1
1Department of Agronomy Annamalai University, Annamalainagar- 608 002, India
Cite article:- Bharathi* K., Panneerselvam P., Bhagya1 H.P. (2025). EFFECT OF CLIPPING AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR ALONG WITH DIFFERENT KINDS OF FERTILIZERS ON YIELD AND YIELD PARAMETERS IN SESAME (SESAMUM INDICUM L.) DURING MONSOON PERIOD. Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(3): 232-236. doi: 10.5958/j.0976-058X.48.3.039.
The field experiment was conducted to study suitable production technologies to maximise yield of sesame during the year 2004-2005. The experiment was conducted in randomised block design with thirteen treatments and replicated thrice. The treatment comprises of control, recommended dose of NPK, organic matter, application of biofertilizer, micronutrients, clipping at (0+2) leaf stage and planofix spraying of 30 ppm at 45 DAS and 55 DAS with different combinations. Among the treatment T12 (Azospirillum seed treatment, RD of NPK, soil application of MnSO4 @ 5 kg ha-1, clipping at 0 + 2 leaf stage and planofix spraying of 30 ppm at 45 DAS and at 55 DAS) has recorded maximum number of capsules per plant (91.12), number of seeds per capsule (69.82), seed yield (1160.75 kg ha-1), stover yield (3133.61 kg ha-1) and harvest index (27.02%). Hence, application of Azospirillum as seed treatment, recommended dose of NPK, soil application of MnSO4 @ 5 kg ha-1, clipping at 0 + 2 leaf stage and planofix spraying of 30 ppm at 45 DAS and at 55 DAS found to be the best production technologies to improve yield.
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