Water stress significantly reduced the plant height (p<0.05) and the number of leaves (p<0.01) during water stress (Fig 1A, 1B). All concentration (S50 and S100) of selenite used significantly (p<0.05) increased the plant height when compared to S0 and the highest plant height was recorded under selenite S50 (Fig 1A). On the contrary, selenite had no effect on number of leaves and tillers of upland rice with or without water stress (Table 1; Fig 1B). The number of tillers was not sensitive to water stress. Growth and yield of rice were reduced when water stress persisted more than 7-14 days
(Manish et al., 2018). However, plant height and number of leaves were increased in all selenite primed rice cultivars during water stress. Furthermore, rice seed primed with 90 and 105 μmol L
-1 selenium solutions showed a retarded growth
(Khaliq et al., 2015).
Cultivars, selenite and water stress had a significant (p<0.001) effect on the total carotene and chlorophyll contents of the upland rice (Table 2). There was an increased in chlorophyll A content at S50 when there was no water stress (D0). During water stress, Nerica U7 had the highest chlorophyll A content at S50 (Table 3). Cultivar Nerica U7 had the highest chlorophyll B with (D8) or without water stress (D0) at S50. The highest total carotene was recorded in cultivar Nerica U7 at S50 when there was no water stress (DO). However, when water stress was imposed, Nerica U4 at the highest total carotene content at S50 (Table 3). The lowest total carotene and chlorophyll contents were recorded in cultivar Vandana (Table 3). All cultivars without selenite had a high total carotene as the drought stress increased. Selenite concentration at 50 mg/l significantly increased the total carotene content and chlorophyll contents of all the cultivars. Unlike cultivars without selenite, chlorophyll contents were directly affected by water stress. Negative effects were observed on the photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll fluorescence of
Phaseolus vulgaris cultivated under drought stress
(Zadražnik et al., 2020). Each cultivar also varied in the total carotene content when primed with selenite under water stress conditions. Selenite increased the chlorophyll content A and B of cultivar Nerica U7 under water stress. High anthocyanin in selenite primed Nerica U7 could be responsible for high chlorophyll contents during water stress which might be as a result of the tolerant ability of the cultivar. Genetic variability and differential respond observed in plants could be due to their genotypes
(Nkoana et al., 2019).
Selenite had no significant effect on APX with or without water stress except for cultivar Nerica U4 and Nerica U7 at S0 and S100 respectively, which were significantly (p<0.05) high (Fig 2A). Selenite increased the activity of CAT in cultivars Nerica U4 and Vandana during water stress (D8) when compared to plants without water stress. However, cultivar Vandana had the lowest CAT activities (Fig 2B). Selenite increased APX and CAT with or without water stress in cultivar Nerica U4 than other cultivars. Antioxidant enzymes were enhanced in selenite primed seeds (
Yokota, 1988). Similarly, enzyme CAT had been boosted in selenite treated wheat plants when exposed to abiotic stress
(Agbolade et al., 2019). Other cultivars showed no significant differences in their APX and CAT with or without water stress. Despite an increase in anthocyanin during water stress, Ascorbate peroxidase APX activity of cultivar Nerica U7 was not significant thus high MDA contents were observed in this cultivar. Low Selenite induced levels of Peroxidase (POD), whereas APX activity decreased
(Cartes et al., 2009). In spite of this non-significant effect of selenite on number of leaves, tillers APX and chlorophyll contents of cultivar Nerica U4, it was interesting that anthocyanin and catalase activity increased significantly under water stress, this may be an indication for mild tolerance to water stress (Fig 2 and Table 4). Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) was significantly (p<0.05) affected by cultivar and water stress but not by selenite primed concentrations. However, each cultivar behaved differently in its APX activities under water stress and selenite priming treatment. APX plays a key role in catalyzing the process of detoxifying hydrogen peroxide in plant cells under stressful environmental conditions
(Caverzan et al., 2012). Higher levels of APX production in plants have been attributed to their tolerance to water stress
(Kong et al., 2016). However, APX activities in the cultivars used in this study were not significantly higher under water stress conditions compared to non-stress conditions, except for cultivar Nerica U4 and Nerica U7.
Though low total anthocyanin was observed in cultivar Vandana however, an increased in APX with low MDA content was recorded as selenite concentration increase during water stress (Tables 2 and 4). Similarly, the rice seedlings emerged from primed seeds manifested significantly lower MDA contents as well as ROIs-accumulation
(Hussain et al., 2016). No significant differences in the shoot POD activity were observed among plants grown with Se supply levels from 0 to 2 µM, except at 1 µM Se
(Kong et al., 2016).
During water stress, the grain number per panicle ranged from Nerica U4>Nerica U7>Vandana in all the concentrations of selenite. Nerica U4 and U7 had the highest grain number per panicle when there was no water stress (D0) at S0 (Fig 3A). Nerica U4 at S50 and S100 was high though not significant with the grain number per panicle in cultivar Nerica U7 at S50 and S100. During water stress, the number of grain per panicle increased as concentration of selenite increase in cultivars Nerica U7 and Vandana (Fig 3A). During water stress (D8), Nerica U7 had the highest dry shoot and root per plant at S50 and S0 respectively (Fig 3B and 3C). There was no significant difference in dry root of all the cultivars except Nerica U4 and U7 at S0 (Fig 3C). At S100, the dry shoot ranged from Nerica U4>Nerica U7>Vandana with or without water stress (Fig 3B).
This showed that selenite improved the number of grains per panicle under water stress conditions in cultivar Nerica U4 and Nerica U7. However, selenite priming did not have any effect on number of grain in cultivar Vandana. It was also observed that dry shoot weight was improved in all three (3) cultivars with selenite treatments under water stress conditions. Selenite 50mg/l increased the dry shoot weight of Nerica U7. Selenium did not improve biomass in wheat under normal watering condition but there was a significant increase in biomass with selenium treatment under water stress condition
(Nawaz et al., 2013). Similarly, an improved yield in selenite primed wheat plants under abiotic stress conditions was observed
(David et al., 2018).