The results showed that the 1000-Grain weight (TGW) of cowpea and maize were affected by different intercropping ratios (Table 2 and 3). The highest 1000-Grain weight (TGW) of cowpea (240 g) and the same in the 1000-Grain weight (TGW) of maize (272 g) was observed in IC2 under Fe+Zn nano-chelate and the lowest (100.6 g) was observed for cowpea in treatment IC1 control and for maize (184g) in treatment MPC under control (Table 2 and 3). Different intercropping ratios affected cowpea and maize Biological yield (Table 2 and 3). The maximum biological yield (19580 kg/ha
-1), leaf Fe (68.63 mg/kg
-1) and leaf Zn (168.6 mg/kg
-1) of cowpea was produced in treatment CPC under Fe+Zn application. Moreover the maximum biological yield was produced for maize (28129kg/ha
-1) under Fe+Zn application, leaf Fe (51.6 mg/kg
-1) under Zn and leaf Zn (173 mg/kg
-1) under Fe in IC1 application which was not significantly different from biological yield produced in intercropping with other levels. The minimum biological yield (10083kg/ha
-1) and leaf Zn (95.4
-1) was obtained in IC1 and leaf Fe (27.3 mg/kg
-1) IC3 of cowpea under Control (Table 2). The minimum biological yield (23586 kg/ha) in IC2 of maize under Fe application and leaf Fe of maize (22.7
-1) in IC3 under Control and leaf Zn (63.6
-1) in MPC under control (Table 3).
The highest protein of seed (28.6%), grain yield (2813 Kg/ha-1) and harvest index (44.4%) was measured for cowpea in treatment IC3 under Zn application alone, while The lowest protein of seed (16.9%) and grain yield (1618 Kg/ha
-1) was observed in treatment CPC and harvest index (36%) in treatment IC2 under control (Table 2). Moreover, the highest protein of seed (22.2%) in treatment IC1 under Zn application, grain yield (12050 Kg/ha
-1) in MPC under Fe application and harvest index (54.8%) was measured for maize in treatment MPC under Fe application, while the lowest protein of seed (7.4%) and grain yield (9980 Kg/ha
-1) was observed in treatment MPC Control and Harvest index (36.5%) in treatment IC1 under control for maize (Table 3). The present study demonstrates that intercropping of common cowpea with maize affect the total performance of culture. According to the results, the application of nano zinc and iron chelates alone or together increased the yield and improved all quantitative and qualitative traits of cowpea. Intercropping also increased the 1000-seed weight of cowpea. According to
Nassary et al., (2020), the 1000-seed weight of cowpea increased in intercropping with maize. The increase in 1000-seed weight in intercropping with equal proportions of legumes and grains is related to intraspecific competition. On the other hand, the high proportion of high cereals and broad leaves with shading leads to reduced photosynthesis and reduced accumulation of carbohydrates. The application of micronutrients such as zinc increases the 1000-seed weight in mung beans
(Shojaei and Makarian 2014;
Kanwal et al., 2020). Iron, zinc and the 1000-seed weight in soybean
(Shesh Bahre and Movahedi, 2012) due to improved photosynthesis and accumulation of carbohydrates
(Shojaei and Makarian, 2014). These results were consistent with the results of this study.
Nanofertilizers have a significant impact in the agriculture sector for achieving enhanced productivity and resistance to abiotic stresses. Intercropping of 75% cowpea + 25% maize and application of nano iron or zinc chelates in the region increased the yield of the crops. According to
Nord et al., (2020), in intercropping of maize and cowpea, cowpea biological yield was increased in monocropping compared to intercropping. In the study of evaluation of intercropping of cowpea and maize,
Nassary et al., (2020) and
Hosseinzadeh et al., (2018) provided similar results on a significant increase in biological yield in sole cropping of cowpea compared to intercropping with maize. In monocropping and intercropping with a high portion of cowpea, the number of cowpea plants per unit area increases and, therefore, cowpea biological yield increases. Ahmadi
Dastgerdi et al., (2015) reported that the application of 5 g/l nano-iron chelate fertilizer in the 3-4-Leaf stage significantly increased the capsule bean biomass. Iron and zinc are essential elements in photosynthesis. Therefore, foliar application of iron and zinc nano-chelates leads to increased leaf yield during photosynthesis and increased yield by rapidly providing nutrients during plant growth stages, increasing vegetative growth, improving photosynthesis, increasing greenness and leaf area duration
(Monica and Cremonini, 2009).
Intercropping also increased cowpea protein content.
Shaker-Koohi and Nasrollahzadeh, (2014) also reported an increase in grain protein content of cereals in intercropping compared to monocropping. Increased nitrogen fixation from legumes increases the grain protein content.
Krishnasree et al., (2022) reported that Foliar nutrition of macro and micro nutrients enhanced the crude protein content in bush type vegetable cowpea.
Suman (2018) revealed that foliar application of Zn and B enhanced the N metabolism leading to increase in the protein content of rice grain. Zinc plays a major role in the translocation of starch from source to sink and N metabolism. Hence, adequate availability of Zn improved the quality of seed
(Taliee and Sayadian, 2000).
Shruthi et al., (2013) revealed that foliar application of water-soluble fertilizers enhanced the protein content of pod.
Marzouk et al., (2019) reported an increase in cowpea grain protein content (27.8% in the first crop season and 26.9% in the second crop season) as a result of the application of zinc nano-micronutrients compared to other micronutrients. This increase can be attributed to the appropriate concentration of amino acids and other nutrients in it, which stimulated plant metabolism. Therefore, sufficient amounts of these elements are necessary to increase the metabolism of carbohydrates, RNA, DNA and the synthesis of oils and proteins and foliar application and elimination of deficiency of these elements improve the physiological reactions involved in protein synthesis
(Thomas et al., 2009). Sheikh-Baghloo et al. (2010) reported that soybean grain yield was significantly increased due to the application of iron oxide nanoparticles.
Rafique et al., (2015) and
Marzouk et al., (2019) reported that foliar application of nano zinc and iron improved the yield of pea and cowpea, respectively. The results of the study by
Jamal et al., (2018) indicated that the simultaneous application of iron and zinc increased grain yield in mung bean. It was also found that grain yield and Harvest index in intercropping of 75% cowpea + 25% maize were maximum. According to
Soleimanehpur et al., (2017), the maximum Harvest index was obtained in sole cropping of cowpea (46.46%) and also in sole cropping of pea (26.03%) in comparison with inter with intercropping with barley or triticale. They also found that the harvest index in intercropping treatments was similar to or superior to Harvest index in monocropping (weed). On increasing the cowpea harvest index as a result of the application of nano-iron chelate fertilizer
(Pierre et al., 2017). Since it has been suggested that higher densities of legumes are used in combination with cereals to increase yield
(Lithourgidis et al., 2011), on the other hand, nanoparticles such as zinc increase yield by increasing chlorophyll durability and improving photosynthesis
(Monica and Cremonini, 2009), the combination of these two treatments can increase harvest index.