According to analysis of variance, cowpea cultivars caused statistically significant differences at the level of P<0.01 in the PH, SFW, SDW, RFW and LPC while it led to significant differences (P<0.05) in RDW and LNC. However, cultivars did not significantly affect SD and LKC. Treatments and their interaction with cowpea cultivars caused statistically significant differences (P<0.01) in all traits (Table 2).
The PH depending on cultivars and treatments changed between 22.3-24.8 and 20.9-25.0, respectively. The highest pH was in Akkýz and the lowest one was in Karnýkara. The highest PH depending on treatments was obtained by T8 treatment which promoted the PH up to 25% compared with control (Fig 1). All cultivars were in the same statistical group in terms of SD, however, treatments were effective. Depending on treatments, SD varied between 2.48-3.56 mm. The highest SD was observed in T8 treatment whereas the lowest one was determined by control seedlings (Fig 2). The highest SFW was obtained by T8 treatment with Karnýkara and Karagöz, respectively, following T8 treatment with Akkýz. Rising vermicompost applications induced both SFW and the effectiveness of AMF (Fig 3). Differences and fluctuation between treatments were higher in SFW compared with SDW due to holding water in plant metabolism. The T8 treatment led to observing the highest dry matter accumulation in shoots. However, T8 treatment promoted dry matter accumulation over control up to 31.8%, 28.0% and 18.2% in Karnikara, Akkiz and Karagöz, respectively. The effectiveness of AMF in these promotive impacts was about 5% in all cultivars (Fig 4). RFW and RDW were similarly affected by treatments and the highest RFW and RDW were obtained by the T8 treatment in Akkiz (Fig 5 and 6). The highest LNC was determined with T8 treatment in Akkýz while the lowest one was observed in control of Karnikara seedlings (Fig 7). In particular, the effectiveness of 45% vermicompost and its synergistic relationship with nitrogen uptake was remarkable since the T5 and T8 treatments increased the LNC compared with control up to 11.7% and 28.5%, respectively (Fig 10). The consortium of vermicompost and the mycorrhizal was more effective on phosphorus uptake than nitrogen (Fig 8). Promoting rate of the LPC belonging to cultivars by treatments varied between 4-72% and the highest increment was observed in T8 treatment. Although individual AMF treatment was not very effective on P uptake, it has a remarkable impact when used with vermicompost (Fig 10). The highest LKT (1.69%) was determined with T8 treatment in Karagöz while the lowest LKT was observed with control seedlings of Karnýkara. The LKC varied between 1.41-1.69% depending on cultivars and treatments. Treatments induced potassium uptake by 2.1-15.3%. The highest increment was determined with T7 treatment following T8 (Fig 9).
The AMF facilitates nutrient uptake under optimum and stress conditions. AMF treatment increased PH, SFW and SDW, induced dry matter accumulation in all parts and enhanced the LNC, LPC and LKC in seedlings, therefore, the findings are in agreement with previous experiments
(Etesami et al., 2021). On the whole, the primary contribution of AMF is considered as increasing the supply of nutrients to plants, in particular, ionic forms of poor-mobility ones such as ammonium, phosphate, copper and zinc
(Barea et al., 2005). Neuman and George (2010) indicated that AMF both directly contributes to nutrient uptake by symbiotic pathway, and also indirectly influences it
via alteration of the root system and functioning and soil properties of mycorrhizosphere. It is considered that AMF hyphae may be able to achieve in smaller soil pores due to their thin diameter, thereby, they can exhibit better competition against soil microbes for nutrient resources. Moreover, AMF might enhance the chemical mobilization of nutrients
via activation of inorganic phosphate and ammonium transporters, as well as, plant morphological growth
(Banasiak et al., 2021). Thus, AMF applications promoted nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake and transportation to aboveground parts of plants and enhanced morphological growth of roots and shoots in all cultivars. Besides, individual and combined application of vermicompost caused a remarkable promotion of nutrient uptake and seedling growth. It is considered to be caused by alteration of soil carbon and nutrient pools depending on vermicompost doses.
Sarma et al., (2018) denoted that vermicompost application led to increasing soil organic carbon, C-mineralization and soil respiration. So, these changes promote C transportation to AMF, nutrient uptake by hype and transmit to plant roots and increase seedling growth and development.
Ceritoglu et al., (2018) pointed out that vermicompost enhances soil nutrient pool, promotes microbial activity and improves physiological properties. This experiment also presented that N-P-K uptake gradually increased by individual application of vermicompost and continued to increase by the synergistic influence of AMF. In particular, the LPC increased from 28% to 40% depending on individual vermicompost doses, however, it achieved 72% with AMF treatment. The findings are in agreement with
Etesami et al., (2021) who reviewed the effectiveness of AMF on phosphorus uptake.
Muthukumar and Udaiyan (2002) stated that organic manures have a promotive impact on the effectiveness of AMF and soil N-P-C pool and more, there are strong positive correlations between nutrient uptake, plant growth and yield depending on mycorrhizal and organic applications.
Although AMF treatment promoted nutrient uptake and plant development compared with control seedlings, its alone performance was not satisfactory in the experiment. The reason for this situation is guessed to be caused by the photosynthetic pathway of cowpea (C3).
Wilson and Hartnett (1998) stated that plants containing the C3 photosynthetic pathway such as legumes have low mycorrhizal response over other species including the C4 pathway. In conclusion, vermicompost application is an eco-friendly and effective scenario for nutrient uptake and seedling growth in cowpea cultivation and more, combined application of vermicompost with AMF has a noteworthy synergistic influence on each other.