Impact of row spacing and seed rate on growth and yield of chickpea
Plant height
In 2017-18 cropping season, the analysis of variance of the plant height showed a significant difference of row spacing and seed rate (Table 2). Results showed that plant height increased with increasing seed rate and decreasing row spacing. Maximum plant height was recorded under 40 cm row spacing and 140 kg ha
-1 seed rate with 48.2 and 49.3 cm, respectively (Table 3). In 2018-19 cropping season, analysis of variance of the plant height showed a significant difference of seed rate. The row spacing effect was not significant. Maximum plant height was recorded under140 kg ha
-1 seed rate (49.3 cm). Over both years, the interaction between row spacing and seed rate effect was not significant (Table 2). While, during 2017-18 and 2018-19 cropping seasons, the tallest plants were observed under 40 cm row spacing and 140 kg ha
-1 seed rate combination with 51.7 and 51.3 cm, respectively. Results indicated that besides genetic constitution, row spacing and seed rate also control growth behavior of chickpea plant. The current study revealed that plant height decreased with increased row spacing and decreased seed rate that probably due to plant competition for light. Plant height was affected by less light penetration in the crop canopy as well as increase in the competition for available nutrient which will affect plant branches.Increased plant height at increased seeding rates was mainly due to interplant competition leading to taller stems, as well as the production of fewer tillers as observed by
Bhatta et al., (2017). Furthermore, in case of raise seeding rates, plants tend to be taller and develop longer internodes as confirmed by
Maddonni et al., (2001).
Grain yield
Optimum plant population density in plant is an important factor to realize the potential yields as it directly affects plant growth and development
(Saleem et al., 2012). In 2017-18, different row spacing and seed rate had significant effects on grain yields. In 2018-19, analysis of variance of grain yield showed a significant difference of row spacing. Over both years, the interaction between row spacing and seeding rate effect was not significant (Table 2). The highest seed yield was registeredunder the narrowest row spacing (40 cm) with 1014 and 1099.7 kg ha
-1 in 2018 and 2019 cropping seasons, respectively. Grain yield was tending to increasing with increasing seed rates but at a density higher than optimal, grain yields decrease. Indeed, seed yield responded positively to an increase in seed rate up to about kg ha
-1. Results of Table 3 showed that the increase in seed rate from 80 to 110 kg ha
-1 increased grain yield from 868.5 to 1163.2 kg ha
-1 and from 974.7 to 1287.8 kg ha
-1 in 2017-18 and 2018-19 cropping season, respectively. Under 140 kg ha
-1 seed rate, grain yield decreases significantly. The Influence of row spacing × seed rate interaction on seed yield was not significant. However, the highest seed yield (1343 kg ha
-1) was observed at 40 cm row spacing combined with 110 kg ha
-1 seed rate treatment. Therefore, to achieve the highest yield from chickpea, determining a suitable row spacing and seeding rate is too important for production.
Biçer, (2014) reported that high plant density may lead to competition among plants and increase risk of disease and lodging of the crop, resulting in reduced grain yield. As plant density per unit area increased there is more plant to plant competition as a result there was low seed yield as reported by
Kissi and Tamiru (2016). An optimum plant density ensures proper growth of plant through efficient utilization of solar radiation, nutrients, land as well as air spaces and water as reported by
Malek et al., (2012).
Biological yield
Data given in Table 2 showed that, in 2018, row spacing and seed rate affected significantly the biological yield. Table 4 showed that changing the row spacing had shining influences on biological yield per hectare, where it was increased from 2121.3 to 2791.8 kg ha
-1 by decreasing row spacing from 60 to 40 cm. Different seed rates had also significant differences in biological yields per hectare. Maximum biological yield was recorded at 110 kg ha
-1 seed rate. In 2019, row spacing and seed rate didn’t affect significantly the biological yield. Over 2017-18 and 2018-19, row spacing × seeding rate interaction on biological yields was not significant. While, the 40 cm row spacing and 110 kg ha
-1 seed rate treatment was found to be the best for chickpea production in terms of biological yield per hectare (Table 4). This combination produced the highest biological yields 3518 and 3392.3 kg ha
-1 in 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively. Optimum plant population density is an important factor to realize the potential yield as it directly affects plant growth and development. When plants are widely spaced, biological yield tend to increase linearly with increase in plant density due to no or minimum competition between the adjoining plants. In this study, biological yield was achieved through more plants with increasing plant population density.
Ramroodi et al., (2008) showed that appropriate plant density is an important parameter affecting the yield of crops. Optimum plant density is important considering the point that too much reduced plant density may reduce total yield due to reduced number of plants per unit area. The increase in plant density increased dry matter accumulation per unit area because of higher leaf area index and greater absorption of solar radiation.
Impact of row spacing and seeding rate on Ascochyta blight severity
The analysis of variance of Ascochyta blight severity showed a significant effect of seed rate in 2017-18 and 2018-19 cropping seasons. Over both years, the effect of row spacing and row spacing × seed rate interaction were not significant (Table 2). Results of Table 4 showed that the increase in seed rate from 80, 110 and 140 kg ha
-1 increased Ascochyta blight severity. Ascochyta blight severity score was lower at 80 kg ha
-1 seeding rate (mean score 1.7 and mean score 2.3 in 2017-18 and 2018-19, respectively), compared to the highest severity of Ascochyta blight (mean score 3.7 and mean score 4) that was scored at 140 kg ha
-1 seed rate. Reduced plant population density could be one tool in a program to manage Ascochyta blight of chickpea. Decreasing disease severity level of chickpea observed with 80 kg ha
-1 seed rate could be due to proper aeration resulting in decreased humidity level suitable for fungus growth and decreasing plant population also limits the transmission of rust pathogen to the next plant as confirmed by
Mengesha and Tesfaye, (2015). Higher plant density may lead to severe competition between plants and increase risk of disease and lodging of the crop, resulting in reduced grain yield as confirmed by
Liaqat et al., (2019). In Tunisia, Ascochyta blight disease is among the major constraint to yield improvement and adoption of the crop by farmers which cause complete yield loss. So, disease management strategies are necessary to offer farmers high chickpea yields. Since only chickpeas are susceptible to
Aschochyta rabiei, cultural practices such as optimum seed rate and row spacing areableto control this disease as confirmed by
Kimurto et al., (2013). So, choice of optimum row spacing and seeding rate could be among the disease management strategies and are essential for diseases control and therefore provide higher chickpea yields.
Correlation among disease severity and yield and related traits
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of row spacing and seed rate on yield and disease development. Information on nature and magnitude of association among disease severity and yield and related traits could be helpful for the achievement of the highest yield and determining the suitable row spacing and seed rate to decrease diseases severity and therefore increase chickpea production. Based on the coefficients of correlation computed for the relationships between the disease and yield parameters, Ascochyta blight severity was strongly (p≤0.01) and positively correlated with seed rate (r=0.61) and plant height (r=0.59) (Table 5). It is known that plant diseases reduce crop yields compared to yields that could be expected in the absence of disease. In this study, ABL severity was not correlated with grain and biological yields. Consequently, ABL attacks hadn’t a negative impact on yields. This is agreeing with
McGrath, (2004) results who reported that small amounts of ABL disease have little or no effect on yield and the disease may not be worth controlling. Biological yield was negatively correlated with row spacing (r= -0.33). Furthermore, plant height was positively correlated with seedrate (r= 0.75) and negatively correlated with row spacing (r= -0.51). It is usually not sufficient to determine whether a disease is present or absent. The critical information required is the amount of disease that is present. Disease often has to exceed a certain threshold before it reduces the yield of a crop. In other study, on chickpea,
Chang et al., (2007) reported that wide row spacing and low seed rate reduced Ascochyta blight severity and increased seed yield per plant.