Salinity is a growing threat in agriculture and becoming one of the major limiting factors in crop production. Six different doses of salt (NaCl) were investigated against two different forage pea cultivars with contrasting root characteristics and architectures (Unpublished data). According to variance analysis (ANOVA), salinity caused a significant (p<0.05) reduction in most root and growth parameters and shoot length at cultivar, dose and cultivar × dose interactions.
Number of roots
According to our results, the salt application significantly reduced the number of roots (NOR) and the first significant decrease on NOR was seen at 100 mM dose when compared to control (Fig 1). While the first sharpest effect of salinity in Livioletta was observed at 100 mM, for Ulubatlý, a remarkable decrease was observed at 200 mM salinity dose (Fig 1). At the higher doses, both cultivars’ NOR values were decreased dramatically. The increase in salinity level changes the osmotic potential. And low osmotic potential reduces the water potential of the soil and therefore water uptake ability of the plant is reduced. As a result, salinity affects many biological events such as growth, development, germination, cell division and photosynthesis (Sadeghian and Yavari, 2004). Previous reports showed that salinity stress reduces root biomass in forage pea
et_al2005; Önal Aþçý and Eriþ, 2019) and our results also showed reduced NOR.
Root and shoot length
The effect of salinity stress on the total root length (TRL) showed that although there were no differences in the root lengths between the control and 50 mM dose, 100 mM salt concentration clearly affected TRL for both cultivars and higher doses impact TRL more dramatically (Fig 2). The TRL varied between 153.2 cm (control) and 5.2 cm (300 mM) (Fig 2). The effects of salinity on the TRL differed for each cultivar. The Livioletta and Ulubatlý did not differ between 0- and 50-mM doses, but Livioletta still had higher TRL values compared to Ulubatlý at the control as well as at all other doses (Fig 2). The level of salinity may vary according to dose, the time elapsed after salt exposure
(Hasanuzzaman et al., 2013), species (Özkorkmaz and Yýlmaz, 2017) and variety (Okçu
Egamberdieva et al., (2017) reports TRL as 1425.3 cm at 0 mM and 919.2 cm at 75 mM dose in soybean. According to our results, the TRL was decreased as the salt doses increased. Even though low salinity levels may encourage root elongation under mild stress conditions, higher doses generally reduce root growth
(Julkowska et al., 2014).
According to our results, taproot lengths (TapRL) varied between 32.2 and 4.9 cm (Fig 3). The highest TapRL values were obtained at control and 50 mM doses and from 100 mM concentration, the effect of salinity stress was seen on both cultivars (Fig 3-4). The higher salinity doses, the lower TapRL for both cultivars.
Rewald et al., (2013) reported that salinity reduces stem elongation by preventing cell expansion and division in the root meristem due to osmotic stress and toxic ions. Besides, high salinity was reported to inhibit the growth of main and lateral roots by suppressing cell division and elongation
(Zolla et al., 2010). It causes reduced root elongation and limits root surface area, resulting in limited soil coverage and reduced water and nutrient uptake.
Also, average total root length (aTRL) (TRL/NOR) was evaluated to determine the effects of salinity on overall root growth potential. The highest aTRL value was detected in Ulubatlý at 50 mM with 5.08 cm and from 200 mM salt concentration, aTRL values decreased dramatically (Table 2). When the average lateral root length (aLatRL) was examined, the effect of salinity stress began to be seen in Ulubatlý at 200 mM dose. While aLatRL was the highest at 50 mM (3.38 cm), this value decreased to 0.13 cm at 300 mM (Table 2). Lateral root length (LatRL) values were not significant on cultivar × dose interactions. The reason is thought to be due to higher values at 50 mM compared to control. Although it was not significant, LatRL ranged between 125.4 cm (control) and 0.65 cm (300 mM) for Livioletta (Table 2). No previous studies were reporting the effect of salinity on forage pea seedlings aTRL and aLatRL values, therefore, no direct comparisons were made.
In our results, cultivar × salinity interactions for shoot length (SL) were found (p<0.05) significant and each cultivar responded differently to salinity. The highest value was detected in Livioletta with 50.0 cm at 50 mM dose. For Livioletta, there was no significant difference between control and 50 mM and between 100 and 150 mM salinity levels. Livioletta started to be affected at 200 mM, while Ulubatlý was affected at 100 mM dose (Table 2). Different responses of cultivars within a species against increased salinity may be due to higher photosynthesis potential and as a result, shoot and root development in Livioletta. McPhee (2005) reports 5.9 to 38.0 cm SL in pea accessions, Önal Aþçý and Eriþ (2019) reports SL between 37.52 and 42.67 cm, Önal Aþçý and Zambi (2020) reports high SL values at 50 mM salt dose, while significant decreases were observed as the salt dose increased in forage pea. The results obtained in this study were similar to previous reports. Salinity may enhance shoot growth up to a certain dose and seems to limit growth after that threshold.
Root and shoot biomass
The effect of cultivar × salinity interactions on shoot fresh (SFW) weights was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). The highest SFW values were found in Livioletta at control (0.845 g) and 50 mM (0.844 g) doses. The sharpest effect of salinity on SFW was observed at 150 mM in Ulubatlý, while the same effects were seen at 200 mM dose in Livioletta. For Ulubatlý, the lowest values were 0.178 and 0.081 g in 250- and 300-mM doses, respectively (Table 2, Fig 5).
Demirkol et al., (2019) reported reduced SFW at 30 mM, while
Maksimovic et al., (2010) reported decreased water content in the leaves and stems in pea and this caused a reduction in SFW. Önal Aþçý and Zambi (2020) reported that 25 mM salt dose started to reduce SFW in forage pea. In the current experiment, a higher salinity tolerance compared to previous reports were observed. This may be due to differences in cultivars or experimental systems.