Legume Research
Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu
Print ISSN 0250-5371
Online ISSN 0976-0571
NAAS Rating 6.80
SJR 0.391
Impact Factor 0.8 (2024)
Chief EditorJ. S. Sandhu
Print ISSN 0250-5371
Online ISSN 0976-0571
NAAS Rating 6.80
SJR 0.391
Impact Factor 0.8 (2024)
Genetic Improvement of Arachis hypogaea var TMV(Gn) 13 Through Induced Mutagenesis
First Online 19-12-2024|
doi 10.18805/LR-5405
Background: Groundnut, a reputed cash crop govern the national economy integrating biometrical and nutritional superiority. The role of oleic and linoleic acids determining the oil quality were controlled by alleles a09 (ahFAD2A) and b09 (ahFAD2B) respectively. Groundnut exhibiting significant levels of oleic acid can supplement variety of nutritional and physiological benefits. The present study involved the investigation of major biometrical and nutritional traits on the putative mutants developed from the groundnut variety TMV(Gn)13.
Methods: Genetic material used for the present study involved M3 populations (200Gy, 250Gy and 30 EMS, 50 EMS) developed involving a pureline from TMV (Gn) 13. The seeds of TMV(Gn)13 were exposed to gamma irradiation with an acute dose ranged between 100 and 700 Gy and EMS during Kar 2024. Based upon the GR 50 values, the progenies of 200 gy and 250 gy besides chemical EMS dose of 30 EMS and 50 EMS dosage were evaluated in M1 during Rabi 2022 and selected putative mutants was forwarded to M2 during Kharif 2023. Phenotypic traits including oil quality traits along with LLS were investigated.
Result: Biometrical traits viz., pod length, kernel width and other yield contributing traits had exhibited minimum coefficient of variation while the greater CV was registered for the oil quality traits. Putative mutants PM 8, PM 24 and PM 32 construed as superior mutants among the thirty-two putative mutants expressing greater value for most of the yield and oil quality traits. Principal component analysis construed that the first five principal components explained about 86.99 per cent of the total genetic variability. Cluster analysis grouped 32 putative mutants and three checks under three clusters indicating the maximum accommodation of putative mutants in cluster I. The putative mutants were genotyped with allele specific marker along with the primers specific to LLS and oleic acid trait implicated that Girnar 4(71.27%), PM 8(43.23%), PM 24(44.34%) and PM 32(43.47%) were found to have ahFAD2A mutation with high oleic acid content when compared with the control TMV (Gn) 13 (35-39%).
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