Enriched compost types
Five (5) types of enriched composts were prepared with the use of crop residues
viz. rice straw, maize stalk and banana leaves mixed with the weed biomass
Eupatorium spp.,
Ambrosia spp. and broom grass following Berkley rapid composting method (
Raabe, 2001) with slight modification according to the suitability for the region and availability of substrates. The efficient cellulose decomposer (CDB) was inoculated in all the compost pits. Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and
leguminosarum (NR and ER) are inoculated in specific compost types. The compost types prepared were: (i) Enriched Compost 1 (EC1): Normal compost, (ii) Enriched Compost 2 (EC2): Rock phosphate (RP)+Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) compost, (iii) Enriched Compost 3 (EC3): native
Rhizobium (NR) compost, (iv) Enriched Compost 4 (EC4): RP+PSB+NR and (v) Enriched Compost 5 (EC5): RP+PSB+exotic
Rhizobium (ER).
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae strains
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae CK1 strain, is the exotic strain (ER) used as reference was obtained from All India Network Project on Biofertilizers and Soil Biodiversity (AINP), Solan Centre, Dr. YSPUH and F, Solan, HP, India and it is suitable for acidic soil conditions.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae NR2 strain is the native strain isolated from acidic soils of North Eastern Hill region, India.
Preparation of liquid formulation for seed treatment
For preparation of liquid formulation for both native and exotic
Rhizobium isolates (2 strains) YEMA (Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar) media (with composition of K
4 0.5 g, MgSO
4 0.2 g, NaCl 0.1 g, Mannitol 10 g, Yeast extract 0.5 g and Agar agar 15 g and adjusted to pH 7.0, Vincent, 1970) was prepared where chemical amendments
viz. polyninyl pyrollidone (PVP) as additives, carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt as adjuvants, tween 20 as surfactants and ascorbic acid as an antioxidant were added. The liquid formulations were autoclaved and the
Rhizobium strains were inoculated separately and incubated at 28±1
oC and from the 4
th day viable population count by serial dilution technique was carried out until the required population was achieved (108 cfu/ml). When the formulation was ready the required amount of seeds were washed with the tap water thoroughly and then 100 ml of liquid formulations were mixed with the 200 g of sterile compost and the seeds were mixed with the paste. Thereafter it was shade dried for 2 h and sowing was done.
Field experiment
The field experiment was conducted in acidic soils of ICAR-RC-NEHR farm, Umiam, Meghalaya located in 250 41' 18.36" latitude and 910 55'04.38" longitude and at the elevation of 1010m above mean sea level during
rabi season of 2020-21. Nine (9) treatments in 3 blocks (replications) were laid out in RBD in the field experiment and lentil crop (variety-PL 8-140 days duration) was grown. Treatment combinations were: T1: 100% Recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) @ 20:60:20 kg ha
-1 NPK, T2: 50% RDF @ 10:30:10 kg ha
-1 NPK, T3: Seed inoculation (SI) with native
Rhizobium (NR2)+Enriched compost 1 (EC1)+50% RDF, T4: SI with exotic
Rhizobium (ER)+ Enriched compost 1 (EC1)+50% RDF, T5: SI with NR2+Enriched compost 2 (EC2)+50% RDF, T6: SI with ER+Enriched compost 2 (EC2)+50% RDF, T7: SI with NR2+Enriched compost 4 (EC4)+50% RDF, T8: SI with ER+Enriched compost 5 (EC5)+50% RDF and T9: SI with NR2+Enriched compost 3 (EC3)+50% RDF. The layout of the field experiment is in RBD with 9 treatments and 3 replications. Enriched compost of 5 types was applied @ 2t ha
Plant growth and yield parameters
Plant growth parameters
viz. plant height, leaf area, leaf area index, nodule number and weight were recorded following the standard procedure. The leaf area (LA) and leaf area index (LAI) in the lentil was determined by following the destructive gravimetric method (
Gratani and Bombelli, 2000). Yield attributes
viz. number of branches, number of pods, biomass yield and total yield were recorded.
Soil analysis
Soil samples were analyzed for pH (1:2.5 soil/water suspension) using a standard pH meter. Soil organic carbon (SOC) in air-dry soil sample was determined by following wet oxidation method described by
Walkley and Black (1947). The alkaline permanganate oxidation method described by
Subbiah and Asija (1956) was followed for the estimation of available nitrogen in soil (Avail. N). Available phosphorus (Avail. P) in soil was determined by method described by
Bray and Kurtz, 1945. Available potassium (Avail. K) was determined in neutral 1N ammonium acetate by
Hanway and Heidel (1952) method in flame photometer. DTPA extractable Zinc (Zn) was determined in an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) after shaking a soil in 0.005M DTPA (diethylene triamine penta acetic acid)+0.01M CaCl2+0.1M Triethanolamine (TEA) adjusted to pH 7.3 (
Lindsay and Norvell, 1978).
Soil biochemical properties {dehydrogenase (DHA), acid-phosphomonoestrases (PHA) and urease activities} were determined at 60 days of plant growth. DHA {µg (TPF) g
-1 (dw) soil h
-1} in air dried soil samples was determined as per the method described by
Casida et al., (1964). PHA {µg p-nitrophenol g
-1 (dw) soil h
-1} in fresh soil samples was determined as per the procedure described by
Tabatabai and Bremner (1969). Urease activity {µg NH4 released g
-1soil h
-1} was determined by following the method described by
Tabatabai and Bremner (1972).
Statistical analysis
All univariate analyses were performed using SPSS v21.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data generated from the field experiments were subjected to the statistical analyses of variance appropriate to the experimental design. Data were assessed by Duncan’s multiple range tests (
Duncan, 1955) with a probability P≤0.05. Least significant difference (LSD) between means was calculated using the SPSS program.