Effect of zinc and iron on growth of Pigeon pea
The plant height of the pigeon pea showed a progressive increase across both the years of the study, 2021 and 2022, with the application of zinc and iron through soil or foliar methods. The data presented in Table 1 show a significant increase in plant height when compared to the control. Under the T6 treatment (RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg /ha
-1 + FeSO
4 @ 5 kg/ha), the maximum plant heights of 182.33 cm and 183.96 cm were recorded in 2021 and 2022, respectively. This was statistically at par with T
7, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 18.75 kg/ha + FeSO
4 @ 3.5 kg ha
-1; T
10, RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% + FeSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation; T
8, RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation; T
2, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg/ha; and T
3, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 18.75 kg /ha. Notable height of plants is seemingly an effect of combined application of Zn and Fe, as this combination likely showed synergy on pigeon pea growth. Zinc and iron play a vital role in most of the physiological processes connected with enzyme activation, synthesis of chlorophyll andcell division. The synergistic interaction between the two micronutrients likely raised meristematic cell activity, resulting in improved shoot growth due to enhanced cell division and elongation. This was the probable reason for the substantially increased height of the treated pigeon pea plants. The results were in conformity with the findings of
Behera et al., (2020) and
Saakshi et al., (2020).
Over 2021 and 2022, the application of zinc and iron through the soil or foliar route showed a considerable effect on some key growth parameters in pigeon pea with regard to LAI, the number of branches per plant anddry matter accumulation. From Table 1, treatment T
6 (RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg ha
-1 + FeSO
4 @ 5 kg ha
-1) invariably recorded the highest values for LAI, the number of branches per plant anddry matter accumulation in both 2021 and 2022, with values of 1.74 and 1.76, 42.88 and 42.99 and 460.25 and 463.18 g running m
-1, respectively. The results were statistically at par with T
7, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 18.75 kg ha
-1 + FeSO
4 @ 3.5 kg ha
-1; T
10, RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% + FeSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation; T
8, RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation; T
2, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg ha
-1 and T
3, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 18.75 kg ha
The high improvement in these growth parameters can be attributed to the combined and balanced application of zinc and iron with RDF. Quite likely, the adequate supply of these micronutrients checked premature leaf fall and facilitated cell division and cell enlargement, which, in turn, promoted leaf expansion both in length and breadth, resulting in a high leaf area index. With improved leaf area, the efficiency of photosynthesis is improved andhence assimilation and translocation of photosynthates become better. This further supports an increase in the growth of more branches and higher dry matter accumulation in pigeon pea. The revealed results are in line with findings of
Pal et al., (2021) and
Kharra et al., (2022).
Effect of zinc and iron on yield attributes of pigeon pea
The effect of zinc and iron on yield attributes of pigeon pea was assessed andthe results showed significant improvement in key yield parameters-number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100-seed weight-after the application of zinc and iron. Table 2 presents data showing a notable increase in these yield attributes.
In the
kharif seasons of 2021 and 2022, the highest pods per plant, seeds per pod and100-seed weight were recorded with a maximum value of 105.20 and 105.24, 4.02 and 4.09 and10.61 g and 10.63 g, respectively, under the treatment T
6 (RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg ha
-1 + FeSO
4 @ 5 kg ha
-1). This was statistically at par with T
7, RDF + soil application of 18.75 kg ha
-1 of ZnSO
4 + 3.5 kg ha
-1 of FeSO
4; T
10, RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% + FeSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation; T
8, RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation; T
2, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg ha
-1 and T
3, RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 18.75 kg ha
-1. Improvement in yield parameters may be attributed to the fact that, during the growing period, the balanced availability of macro- and micronutrients, especially zinc and iron, was maintained. Zinc works as a coenzyme in photosynthesis and also helps in producing the substrates essential for plant growth and development. Iron application, besides improving photosynthetic processes, might have facilitated better partitioning of photosynthates, enhancing source-sink relationships.
These findings are in line with earlier studies in chickpea by
Deshlahare and Banjara, (2019);
Verma et al., 2020, in various pulse crops by
Pal et al., (2019) and
Pal et al., (2021); in pigeon pea by
Saakshi et al., (2020); in chickpea by
Kharra et al., (2022) and in green gram by
Zafar et al., (2023).
Effect of zinc and iron on yield of pigeon pea
Application of zinc and iron significantly improved both seed and stalk yield of pigeon pea under study during 2021 and 2022. The yield data of both the years is presented in Table 3 for seed and stalk yield, respectively. The treatment T
6 (RDF + Soil Application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg ha
-1+ FeSO
4 @ 5 kg ha
-1) recorded the highest grain yield of 1764 kg ha
-1 and 1771 kg ha
-1 in 2021 and 2022, respectively. Similarly, the highest stalk yield was observed in T6, with 6151 kg ha
-1 in 2021 and 6160 kg ha
-1 in 2022. Although T6 outperformed other treatments, it was statistically at par with T7 (RDF + soil application of 18.75 kg ha-1 ZnSO4 + 3.5 kg ha-1 FeSO4 ), T10 (RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% + FeSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation), T
8 (RDF + foliar application of ZnSO
4 @ 0.50% at flowering and pod initiation), T
2 (RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 25 kg ha
-1) and T
3 (RDF + soil application of ZnSO
4 @ 18.75 kg ha
The combined application of Zn and Fe can thus be associated with improvements in seed and stalk yield, likely because of enhancement in nutrient availability and uptake promoted by early root growth for efficient nutrient absorption. This, in turn, supported better plant development, leading to increased number of pods per plant, seeds per pod and100-seed weight-key contributors to yield enhancement.
Correlation analysis justifies these findings. A heat map presented in Fig 1 shows the relationship of seed yield with yield attributes. The deep red colors indicate a very strong positive correlation, close to 1, of seed yield with the number of pods per plant, seeds per pod and 100-seed weight. All of these were very significantly correlated at 0.99, 0.98 and0.98, respectively, thus proving that the improvement in these yield attributes directly contributes to improvement in overall yield.
These findings are in agreement with earlier reports, including those in pigeon pea by
Saakshi et al., (2020) and
Verma et al., (2020), in chickpea by
Pal et al., (2023) and
Kharra et al., (2022) andin moth bean by
Devarnavadgi et al., (2023). These consistent findings across independent studies further confirm the potential role of zinc and iron fertilization in improving the yield attributes and overall yield of legume crops.