Effect of finger millet + blackgram / redgram intercropping on growth attributes
The growth parameters of finger millet were evaluated under various intercropping treatments with blackgram and redgram, revealing notable differences in plant development (Table 2). Sole finger millet exhibited robust growth with a plant height of 92.7 cm, 5.7 productive tillers (
Yadav and Yadav, 2018), a root length of 11.9 cm and the highest total dry matter per plant at 41.8 g. When intercropped with blackgram, especially at a 4:1 ratio, finger millet maintained its height (92.7 cm) and number of tillers (5.7) but showed a significant increase in root length (19.9 cm), which likely contributed to efficient nutrient and water uptake (
Patil and Sheelavantar, 2006), resulting in a total dry matter of 40.5 g per plant
(Kumar et al., 2018). Other black gram ratios (3:1, 3:2, and 4:2) also enhanced root length (ranging from 15.7 to 16.2 cm) and supported reasonable dry matter production (38.5 to 40.3 g per plant), albeit slightly lower than the 4:1 ratio. Conversely, intercropping with redgram (6:1 and 8:1 ratios) led to a substantial reduction in plant height (down to 84.8 cm), fewer productive tillers (as low as 3.8) and minimal increases in root length (up to 12.6 cm). These treatments also resulted in the lowest total dry matter values (35.5 to 36.9 g per plant), indicating that redgram intercropping poses more competitive stress on finger millet (
Bitew et al., 2021). Overall, intercropping with blackgram, particularly in a 4:1 ratio, proves more beneficial for optimizing growth, while intercropping with redgram tends to hinder finger millet development. These findings suggest that choosing compatible crop pairings and ratios is crucial for enhancing finger millet productivity in intercropping systems (
Sharma and Mittra, 2004).
Effect of finger millet + blackgram / redgram on yield attributes and yield
The yield parameters and overall yield of finger millet were assessed under different intercropping treatments with blackgram and redgram, indicating significant variations in performance and economic returns (Table 3). The sole finger millet crop, cultivated in row planting, exhibited a grain yield of 2582 kg/ha, a straw yield of 3591 kg/ha and a finger millet equivalent yield (FMEY) of 2582 kg/ha. This high yields are attributed to the absence of competition for resources, leading to optimized growth and productivity (
Nirmal, 2021).
When intercropped with blackgram, the finger millet demonstrated varying responses based on the intercropping ratios. At a 4:1 ratio, finger millet with blackgram achieved the highest grain yield among intercropped treatments (2199 kg/ha), straw yield (2987 kg/ha) and FMEY (2895 kg/ha). The enhanced performance can be attributed to the efficient utilization of resources and reduced competition due to the optimized intercropping ratio, which allowed for better light interception and nutrient use
(Ahmed et al., 2019). In contrast, intercropping at a 3:1 ratio, while yielding a lower grain yield (2072 kg/ha), still achieved a notable FMEY (2843 kg/ha) demonstrating the effectiveness of this combination in maximizing resource use efficiency
(Patel et al., 2020). The 3:2 and 4:2 ratios also provided substantial benefits, though slightly lower with grain yields of 1903 kg/ha and 1955 kg/ha, respectively, and similar economic returns, indicating that these ratios still offer good resource optimization and economic viability (
Rao and Rajesh, 2020).
Intercropping with redgram, particularly at higher ratios (6:1 and 8:1), resulted in diminished grain yields (1819 kg/ha and 1863 kg/ha, respectively), lower straw yields (2478 kg/ha and 2558 kg/ha) and reduced FMEY (2206 kg/ha and 2229 kg/ha). The reduced yields are likely due to the increased competition for resources such as light and nutrients, as redgram’s growth habit and root structure might not complement finger millet as effectively as blackgram
(Kumar et al., 2018). Intercropping finger millet with blackgram, especially at a 4:1 ratio, proves to be the more beneficial in terms of yield, resource use efficiency and economic returns. Conversely, redgram intercropping, while still beneficial in certain respects, does not perform as well as blackgram combinations, necessitating further research and optimization for better integration into finger millet-based systems
(Sharma et al., 2017).
Effect of finger millet + blackgram intercropping on yield of blackgram
The impact of different finger millet-blackgram intercropping ratios on blackgram growth and yield (Table 4). The highest seed yield (515.3 kg/ha) was observed in the 3:2 ratio, demonstrating that this combination provides an optimal balance of light, nutrients and water, minimizing competition and enhancing growth parameters such as the number of pods per plant (12.2) and seeds per pod (8.2). It’s mainly due to the more number of blackgram rows compare to other treatmetns. Conversely, the 4:1 ratio resulted in the lowest seed yield (373.7 kg/ha), likely due to lesser number of rows allocated in this treatment, despite having a significant number of branches (6.5). This finding aligns with
Patel et al., (2020), who reported that appropriate intercropping ratios maximize yield by balancing resource use.
Effect of finger millet + redgram intercropping on yield of Redgram
The influence of different finger millet intercropping ratios on the growth and yield parameters of redgram (Table 5). The 8:1 ratio exhibited taller plants (190.7 cm) compared to the 6:1 ratio (180.3 cm), suggesting that higher densities of finger millet may provide some structural support to redgram plants. However, despite the taller height, the 8:1 ratio resulted in a slightly lower number of pods per plant (110.3) and pod yield (194.7 kg/ha) compared to the 6:1 ratio (118.3 pods/plant and 206.0 kg/ha, respectively). This could be attributed to increased competition for light and nutrients in the denser intercropping ratio, which aligns with findings by
Kumar et al., (2018) on legume-cereal intercropping. Optimal ratios in intercropping systems are crucial for balancing competition and cooperation between crops to maximize overall productivity, as supported by
Rangasami et al., (2024). Adjusting planting densities and ratios can enhance resource use efficiency and yield stability in mixed cropping systems, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and food security.
Effect of finger millet intercropping on economics of intercropping
The economic performance of various intercropping systems involving finger millet with blackgram and redgram. The finger millet with blackgram at a 4:1 ratio achieved the highest gross income (Rs. 87,028/ha) and benefit-cost ratio (B:C ratio) of 2.84, indicating superior profitability among the treatments. This outcome can be attributed to the optimal balance between plant population and resource utilization, which aligns with findings from studies by
Bhagat et al., (2019) showing that strategic intercropping can enhance economic returns by maximizing yields and minimizing costs. In contrast, intercropping with redgram, particularly at the 6:1 and 8:1 ratios, resulted in lower gross incomes (Rs. 68,265/ha and Rs. 69,328/ha, respectively) and B:C ratios (2.24 and 2.28), reflecting less favorable economic outcomes due to potential over-competition for resources, as supported by
Kumar et al., (2018). The results underscore the importance of selecting appropriate crop combinations and ratios to optimize economic benefits, echoing the principles of diversified farming systems that enhance productivity and profitability through efficient resource use.
Effect of intercropping system on competitive functions
The Table 6 presents results from an intercropping study involving finger millet combined with blackgram or redgram at various ratios, focusing on four key metrics: land equivalent ratio (LER), relative production efficiency, aggressivity and competitive ratio. The land equivalent ratio measures the efficiency of land use in intercropping compared to sole cropping, with values above 1 indicating more efficient land utilization. For instance, finger millet with blackgram at a 3:1 ratio achieves an LER of 1.25 suggesting a 25% increase in land efficiency. Relative production efficiency reflects the productivity gain or loss from intercropping compared to sole cropping, where positive values indicate increased productivity. Notably, finger millet paired with blackgram at different ratios consistently shows positive efficiency gains (
e.g., 10.1 at 3:1 ratio), whereas combinations with redgram result in negative efficiency values (
e.g., -14.6 at 6:1 ratio), indicating decreased productivity. Aggressivity, indicating the competitive ability of crops within intercropping systems, reveals that finger millet generally exhibits lower aggressivity compared to both blackgram and redgram. Competitive ratios further highlight the dominance of one crop over another, with values closer to 1 indicating balanced competition. The findings underscore the potential benefits of intercropping with finger millet and blackgram for enhancing land use efficiency and productivity, contrasting with less favorable outcomes when redgram is intercropped, suggesting varying crop interactions and competitive dynamics influenced by crop ratios and combinations
(Li et al., 2021).
Econometric Analysis
The correlation results were represented in Table 7. Its results revealed that all the variables included in the model were positively significant at one percent level of significance and these signs emphasize all the variables would attribute to the grain yield of the black gram. The correlation coefficients of the grain yield with plant height (0.83), number of branches plant
-1 (0.55), DMP (0.92), number of pods plant
-1 (0.89), number of seeds pod
-1 (0.89), 1000 seed weight (0.81) show that all the attributes were positively related and that strongly proves when there is an increment in these variables, there would be an increase in the yield of the blackgram. So, all these variables are included as the independent variables in the multiple linear regression model
(Ajaykumar et al., 2024). The multiple linear regressions were estimated to measure the relationship and the change in magnitude of the grain yield due to the other prescribed parameters (Table 5). The multiple linear regression equation could be written as:
Grain yield= -101.07 + 1.11 Plant height + 0.83 No. of branches plant-1 + 1.28 DMP Kg ha-1 + 2.08 No. of pods plant-1 + 2.54 No. of seeds pod-1 + 0.07 Test weight(g)
The R
2 (0.81) depicts a good sign of model fit which implies that 81 percent of the grain yield was caused by the independent variables. All the variables except plant height except plant height and DMP were found statistically significant (Table 8). The slope coefficient of the number of branches has shown that when there is one percent increase number of branches, there would be a significant increase in the grain yield by 0.83 percent, other variables being held constant. Likewise, when there is a one percent increase in the variables
viz., number of pods plant
-1, number of seeds pod
-1 and test weight, there would an increase in the yield by 0.19, 2.08, 2.54 and 0.07 percent respectively
(Ravi et al., 2024). There is strong econometric evidence that the number of branches and pod weight have a significant impact on the grain production of black gram.