Growth parameters
Irrigated blackgram markedly influenced by foliar fertilization that too with the aid of un-maned aerial vehicle like agriculture drone. Foliar application of TNAU pulse wonder @ 2.0% through drone with spray fluid of 75 L ha
-1 using atomizer nozzle recorded significantly taller plants (38.1 cm), higher number of branches per plant (7.8) and dry matter production (3952 kg ha
-1) over manual spray of both TNAU pulse wonder and polyfeed either 1.0% nor 2.0% (Table 2). However, foliar spray of polyfeed @ 2.0% recorded the next best growth parameters of blackgram. Manual spray of 1% poly feed recorded shorter plants (29.4 cm), lesser number of branches per plant (6.8) and dry matter production (3248 kg ha
-1). The presence of micronutrients in addition to macro nutrients in pulse wonder might have responsible for boosted plant height and dry matter production. Moreover the hexacopter Agriculture drone propellers created turbulence, causing downwash air flow to flutter and turn the leaves over. This resulted in increased deposition of pulse wonder on the active sites of the leaves from top to bottom of the crop canopy. The delivery of finer spray droplets with increased penetration can improve nutrient translocation efficiency compared to manual spraying and thus increased growth parameters (
Nandhini et al., 2022).
Likewise, Drone spray of 2% TNAU pulse wonder also recorded higher number of root nodules per plant (25.4) over other treatments (Table 2). Manual spray of 1% poly feed recorded lesser number of root nodules per plant (21.9). The higher number of root nodule in Drone spray of Pulse wonder @ 2% might be due to the increased nitrogen fixation capacity of the pulse crop. The higher N fixation might have helped in better plant growth and higher biomass production which intern resulted in better development of yield attributes like pods plant
-1, seeds pods
-1 and seed weight
(Das and Jana, 2015).
Growth analysis
The foliar spray of TNAU pulse wonder and poly feed under different concentrations using drone and manual spray significantly influenced the LAI (Fig 3) and Crop Growth Rate at 45 DAS (Fig 4). Drone spray of 2% TNAU pulse wonder significantly recorded 17 per cent higher CGR during 30-45 DAS and 36.7 per cent during 45 DAS to harvest over other foliar nutrition treatments. Besides, the same treatment also recorded higher LAI of 2.0 and 3.54 during 30 and 45 DAS, respectively and it was 9.0 and 7.0 per cent higher than the LAI recorded under 1.0% pulse wonder applied through drone as well as 12 and 10 per cent higher than the 1% pulse wonder applied manually during the respective periods of observation. This could be because of the greater number of leaves, leaf area and branches attained by the drone nutrition with pulse wonder. The foliar nutrients might have supplemented the nutrient demand of the crop at the critical stage, resulting in better growth and development of the crop and ultimately the plant physiological parameters.
(Manivannan et al., 2002).
Yield attributes
Spraying of TNAU pulse wonder @ 2% using drone recorded significantly more number of pod plant
-1 (34.6), number of seed pod
-1 (6.7) and 100 seed weight (5.53g) however it was followed by foliar spray of polyfeed @ 2.0% recorded the next best yield attributes of blackgram which recorded 31.5 number of pod plant
-1, 6.5 number of seed pod
-1 and 5.49gof 100 seed weight (Table 2). Manual spray of 1.0 % poly feed with spray fluid of 500 litre ha
-1 recorded lesser number of pods plant
-1 (23.60), number of seed pod
-1 (5.80) and 100 seed weight (5.23). The increased number of flowers and pods were due to pulse wonder application using drone supplemented nutrient at critical stage of growth, decreased flower dropping and increased floral bud by increasing the metabolic activity of the plant and finally more number of pods. Similar findings were reported by
Kunjammal and Sukumar (2019). The yield attributes in drone spray when compared with conventional knapsack sprayer was high due to the high absorption of TNAU Pulse wonder. The improvement in the growth phases, active absorption and transfer from source to sink as a result of physiological and biochemical processes
(Kaniska et al., 2022).
Growth promoting substances applied at different concentration either by drone or manually cause significant variation in yield of irrigated blackgram. Higher grain yield of 745 kg ha
-1 and haulm yields of 2835 kg ha
-1 as well as a harvest index (0.208) were significantly recorded with a drone spray of 2% TNAU pulse wonder using spray fluid of 75 litres per hectare (Table 2 and Fig 5). It was followed by foliar application of polyfeed @ 2.0% recorded the next best grain and haulm yield of blackgram. With 1.0 % poly feed through hand spray, a lower grain yield of 555 kg ha
-1 and haulm yield of 2248 kg ha
-1. A pulse wonder foliar spray retarded senescence and provided the crop with balanced nutrients that enhanced overall transport and partitioning efficiency. This led to continuous source-to-sink translocation, which was manifested in a higher number of pods per plant and seeds per pod as well as a higher yield. These results were in conformity with the work
Sachin et al., (2019). Moreover Pulse wonder was better absorbed when it was sprayed by drone than with hand spray. Reduced deposition of pulse wonder from top to bottom of the crop canopy on the active site of the leaf occurred as a result of the propeller-induced turbulence, which flipped and fluttered the leaves. The translocation of nutrients may have been enhanced more effectively by uniform dispersion of finer spray droplets with higher penetration than by manual spraying. Better crop growth and production were the outcome of higher physiological parameters brought about by the combination of all the factors. These results were in line with the work of
Yang et al.,(2018) and
Martin et al., (2020). Application of 2% concentration performed better than 1% due to increased droplet deposition density; spray fluid 75 liters ha-1 performed better spray coverage under drone spray.
Among the treatment results, Table 3 shows that the cost of cultivation ranged between Rs. 19,800 ha
-1 and Rs. 21,680 ha
-1. Higher cost of cultivation was registered in manual spray of TNAU Pulse wonder @ 2% (Rs. 21,680 ha
-1). Whereas, Drone spray of Poly feed @ 1% (T
1) recorded lowest cost of cultivation which was on par with manual spray of Poly feed @ 1% (T
3). Conversely, higher gross return (Rs. 46,435 ha
-1) was determined in drone spray of TNAU Pulse wonder @ 2% (T
6) and It was followed by foliar application of polyfeed @ 2.0% through drone accounting Rs. 41,880 ha
-1. Lower gross income of Rs.35, 648 ha
-1 was obtained in manual spray of Poly feed @ 1% (T
3). similarly Superior net return of Rs.25,335 ha
-1 and B: C ratio of 2.20 was recorded in drone spray of TNAU Pulse wonder @ 2% (T
6) which was followed by drone spray of Poly feed @ 2% (T
5) registered net return and B: C ratio of Rs. 21,380 ha
-1 and 2.04, respectively. The higher returns and BCR were primarily due to increased grain yield, lower labour costs and reduced input requirements under application of TNAU pulse wonder through drone. These findings were consistent with Dayana
et al. (2022). Minimum net return of Rs.15,848 ha
-1 and B: C ratio of 1.80 was recorded in manual spray of Poly feed @ 1% (T3).