Validation and calibration
To evaluate Bengal gram production and water usage efficiency under various climatic conditions, field experiment data from the Guziliamparai Block of Dindigal District, Tamil Nadu, was gathered using the AquaCrop model as a tool. The experimental site is situated at 10.6809°N latitude and 78.1130°E longitude, 120 m above mean sea level.
Climate and weather
Guziliamparai Block in Dindigal District has a moderate climate, with typical maximum temperatures ranging from 29.0 to 37.3°C. The average amount of precipitation each year is 840.5 mm, with most of it falling during the North-East monsoon season as well as some in the summer. The majority of the agricultural areas have red sand soil.
The soil on the experimental field is a sandy loam that drains well. The physical and chemical parameters of the original composite soil sample were investigated and the findings are shown in Table 1. The soil is a sandy clay loam with a low availability of N and medium availability of P and K.
Co-4 was used in the study.
Details of field experiment
Crop period-2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Treatment details
i. Dates of sowing: 4
D1- 1
st November
D2- 15
th November
D3- 1
st December
D4 - 15
th December
Irrigation methods: Ridges and furrows.
Input requirement for setting up AquaCrop
The AquaCrop model relies on a very small set of explicit parameters and mostly obvious input variables that are either widely used or can be derived using simple processes. The input consists of weather data, crop and soil characteristics and management practices that define the environment in which the crop will grow (Fig 1).
Validation of aquacrop model for bengalgram
The AquaCrop model was validated using field experimental data from the Guziliamparai Block in the Dindigal District, Tamil Nadu. Dates from four seeding experiments were collected.
Climate data
In this study, maximum and minimum air temperatures (C), rainfall (mm) and relative humidity (%) using IMD gridded data were employed for the study period (2018-2022).
Crop data
The crop’s rooting depth, initial canopy, canopy expansion, flowering and yield output were all simulated using the AquaCrop model.
Soil data
The model requires a comprehensive dataset for each soil texture, including the wilting point, field capacity, bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, saturation, totally accessible water (TAW), nutritional status and initial soil water content. These essential soil characteristics were identified by inspecting the soil of the experimental field.
Irrigation application
The four sowing experiment dates were used to establish the experimental plots and irrigation was done in accordance with the crop’s water needs.
For model validation, a number of statistical indicators are utilized, including: The experimental plots were established using the four sowing experiment dates and irrigation was carried out in line with the crop’s water requirements.
For model validation, a variety of statistical indicators are used, including:
Root mean square error (RMSE)

Si and Oi = Simulated and actual values of the study’s variables, respectively. Consider grain yield and total biomass.
n = Mean of the measured variables.
Normalized RMSE provides a measurement (%) of the relative difference between simulated and real data (RMSEn). The simulation is deemed excellent if the normalised root-mean-square error (RMSE) is less than 10%. It is regarded as good if it is between 10% and 20%. It is regarded as fair if it is between 20% and 30%. It is harmful if it is greater than 30%
(Loague and Green 1991). The RMSEn was calculated using an equation:
BIAS (BIAS) was calculated as
Oi stands for observed yield, n for the number of observations and Si for simulated yield. BIAS calculates the average tendency of simulated data to be larger or smaller than their genuine counterparts
(Gupta et al., 1999). It is advised to use BIAS values of small magnitude. Positive values point to a model bias toward overestimation, whereas negative values point to a bias toward underestimation
(Gupta et al., 1999).
Coefficient of determination (R2) was calculated as follow
The squared value of the coefficient of correlation is what Bravais-Pearson refers to as the coefficient of determination (r2). It is predicated on:

Utilising O real-world data and S simulations. R2 may also be expressed as the squared ratio between the covariance and the multiplied standard deviations of the observed and simulated values. As a consequence, it contrasts the single dispersion of the observed and simulated series with their combined dispersion. R2 measures how much of the observed dispersion can be explained by simulation and ranges from 0 to 1.
Index of agreement (d)
Lack order to overcome E and r2’s insensitivity to changes in the observed and simulated means and variances,
Willmot (1981) created the index of agreement d.
(Legates and McCabe, 1999).
Willmot (1984) said that the ratio between the mean square error and the potential error is the index of agreement.

n = Number of observations,
i = Observation.
i = Simulation.
The bigger the difference between the index value and one and vice versa, the higher the agreement between the two variables under comparison, according to the D-statistic.
Impact of varied climatic conditions on Bengal gram productivity and water requirements across these distinct agro-climatic zones
Tamil Nadu is characterized by a varied topography, encompassing coastal plains, hilly regions and plateaus, contributing to a rich agro-climatic diversity. The state is divided into several Agro-Climatic Zones (ACZ) (Fig 1), each exhibiting unique environmental characteristics influencing agricultural practices. These zones include the Western zone (WZ), Northwestern zone (NWZ), Northeastern zone (NEZ), Cauvery delta zone (CDZ), Southern zone (SZ). The selection of these specific zones for the study was based on their prominence in bengal gram cultivation and their representation of the diverse agro-climatic conditions prevalent in Tamil Nadu. The research aimed to provide comprehensive insightsinto the impact of varied climatic conditions on Bengal gram productivity and water requirements across these distinct Agro-Climatic Zones.
Input requirement for setting up the AquaCrop model
The AquaCrop model employs a concise set of parameters and input variables that are commonly used or can be determined using simple methods. Input consists of weather data, crop and soil characteristics and management practices that define the environment in which the crop will be developed.
Comprehensive data on rainfall and temperature spanning from 1980 to 2022, sourced from the India Meteorological Department (IMD), were incorporated into the AquaCrop model.
Soil data
A digital soil map of Tamil Nadu at a scale 1:50,000 obtained from Department of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) were used to define the soils of Tamil Nadu portion of the basin.
Assessing the impact of climate change on water requirement, WUE and yield of bengal gram in different agro-climatic Zones of Tamil Nadu
Cropping districts with high efficiency were delineated across various agro-climatic zones (ACZ) in Tamil Nadu (Fig 2), prioritizing regions with the largest bengal gram cultivation areas, as reported in the Season and Crop Report by the Department of Economics and Statistics, Government of Tamil Nadu Seasonal Crop Report, (2016). This model was employed to simulate both the crop water requirements and bengal gram yields over the past 43 years. The simulations were conducted with temperature variations of 2°C, 3°C and 4°C, enabling a detailed analysis of the impact of elevated temperatures on bengal gram crops.