Gene action of quantitative traits
The analysis of variance for combining ability based on Griffing’s Model 1 and Method 2 exhibited significant components of GCA and SCA mean squares for PDI of anthracnose and other economically important traits in F1 generation (Table 1) suggesting apparent control of both additive and non-additive gene action.
The relative importance of additive and non-additive genetic effects for a trait is reflected by the predictability ratio
(Baker, 1978). Predictability ratio was >0.80 for PDI of anthracnose and ten pod weight indicating the role of additive gene action in control of these traits (Table 1). Recurrent selection may increase the frequency of favorable alleles and identify superior cross combinations by repeated crossing and selection in later generations which would be the best possible approach to exploit additive gene effects for the improvement of traits. The economically important traits
viz. days to 50 % flowering, pod length, pod diameter, number of pods per plant, 100 seed weight, number of seeds per pod, green pod yield per plant, total soluble pod protein content and total sugar content of green pod
, were controlled both by additive and non-additive gene action as their predictability ratios were <0.50 and <0.80 (Table 1). A population improvement approach in the form of diallel selective mating
(Jensen 1970) or mass selection with concurrent random mating
(Redden and Jensen, 1974) or restricted recurrent selection by intermating the most desirable segregates followed by selection
(Shende et al., 2012) could be followed for the exploitation of additive and non-additive gene action governing traits.
Combining ability analysis
Among the parents none was found to be a good general combiner for all the characters under study (Table 2). Among the parents, the maximum significant GCA effects in desired directions were recorded by the genitors, Arka Sharath, Vaishnavi and Lakshmi for PDI of anthracnose and other economically important traits including pod yield per plant. The minimum disease severity of anthracnose and the maximum average performance for pod yield per plant along with other economic traits was recorded in Arka Sharath followed by Lakshmi and Vaishnavi (Table 2). These three genitors could be identified as potential donors because they exhibited the highest frequency of low severity of disease and high yielding cross combinations along with good quality attributes when crossed with other genitors.
Different cross combinations exhibited different SCA effects and only a few crosses expressed consistently either positive or negative SCA effects for certain traits (Table 3). High significant SCA effects in desired direction for PDI of anthracnose and other economic traits were shown by two crosses Arka Sharath x Lakshmi and Arjun x Arka Sharath which also involved either both parents or one of the parents as good general combiner(s) for PDI of anthracnose and other economic traits, suggesting further exploitation of these crosses in segregating generation to identify superior lines of fixable nature.
Study on heterosis
Heterobeltiosis and the mean performance for different characters varied (Table 3) among the crosses. The extent of heterobeltiosis was not so high in French bean in the present study. Maximum heterobeltiosis in desired direction with highest average performance for PDI of anthracnose and pod yield per plant was exhibited in the hybrid of Arka Sharath × Lakshmi and Arjun × Arka Sharath. Other horticultural traits exhibiting significant heterobeltiosis in the desired directions were protein content of pod (Arka Sharath × Lakshmi), total sugar (Vaishnavi-264 × Lakshmi), number of pods per plant (Arka Sharath × Lakshmi) and days to 50% flowering (Arjun × Arka Sharath). Although commercial exploitation of these promising hybrids could not be done as such but these hybrids could also be exploited in segregating generations to identify pure lines having appreciable resistance to anthracnose disease combining high yield. The manifestation of heterosis in some crosses was relatively high which might be due to the more diverse parents involved in these crosses or intermediate divergent than other parents that manifested little, or no, heterosis in their crosses. The absence of significant heterosis in desired direction in crosses with respect to pod diameter could be explained by internal elimination of heterotic components.
Based on gca effects, the promising heterotic crosses involved four types of combinations namely, H × H, H× L, L × H and L × L, where H denotes significant GCA effect of parent in desired direction and L stands for non-significant GCA effect of the parent (Table 4). In the H × H type cross combinations, additive as well as additive × additive type of interactions were involved. These crosses would be very useful as desirable segregates would be fixed in early advance generation. On the other hand, crosses of H × L type or L × H type involved at least one parent with significant GCA effect indicating predominantly the presence of additive genes in good combiner and possibly complementary epistatic effect in poor combiner and these two gene actions acted in complementary fashion to maximize the expression
(Salimath and Bahl, 1985). In crosses involving L × L category, SCA effects seemed to have played a very important role and high performance was due to non-additive gene action
(Bhutia et al., 2015).
Anthracnose disease severity
Disease severity of bean anthracnose is an essential criterion to judge the resistance level of French bean parents and hybrids. Reactions of parents and hybrids in terms of PDI values of bean anthracnose differed at different DAT (Fig 1 and Fig 2). All parents and hybrids showed comparatively lower PDI values from 30 to 60 DAS. An increase in PDI values occurred from 60 DAS up to 90 DAS. The PDI values were lower in Arka Sharath and Lakshmi among parents and Arka Sharath × Lakshmi, Arjun × Arka Sharath and Vaishnavi-264 × Arka Sharath in hybrids up to 120 DAT. Previous researchers have carried out screening and documented variable levels of anthracnose resistance in native land races and exotic French bean genotypes
(Kour et al., 2012; Maibam et al., 2015; Ganie and Wani, 2022). Planting resistant cultivars is the most efficient, affordable and simple management method for this disease.
Dominance estimates
Dominance estimates values varied among the 15 F1 crosses studied (Table 4). Different degrees of gene effects;
i.e., partial- to over-dominance, were involved in the inheritance of pod yield and its components, quality and anthracnose disease severity traits (Table 4). No previous studies have been documented so far in French bean to support the present findings.