Growth parameter
The pooled data in Table 1 showed that the different foliar applications of nano fertilizers and organic nitrogen sources utilized in the previous
kharif rice had a residual effect on the green pea’s growth characteristics. The application of nano NPK (19:19:19) @ 1.5% resulted in the highest plant height (40.50 cm), which was statistically higher than all other treated plots. This was followed by the application of nano NPK @ 1% (34.30 cm) and nano NPK @ 0.5% (31.44 cm) and lowest was observed in control plot (19.34 89 cm). It might be due to reducing nutrient leaching and improving nutrient use efficiency, which releases nutrients gradually over a longer period of time. This can help conserve nutrients in the soil for succeeding crops. This finding was similar to
(Raliya et al., 2016).
With regard to organic source of nitrogen, green pea plots receiving a combination of nano NPK fertilizers and organic sources of nutrients, such as vermicompost, showed the highest development features (Table 1). The application of vermicompost @ 100% RDN recorded a 95 vermicompost @ 50% RDN (29.47 cm). It might be due the application of vermicompost provided the highest availability of N, P, K and organic carbon in soils on soil sampling (after harvesting rice), helping to provide the best direct and residual effect on the availability of soil nutrients, plant nutrient uptake and soil enrichment of the rhizosphere with micro and macronutrients. A similar trend was found in
(Nurhidayati et al., 2018).
The subsequent green pea crop’s plant height was significantly influenced by the interactions between nano NPK and organic source of nitrogen used in
kharif rice. The interaction between several NPK and organic source of nitrogen used in the prior
kharif rice crop, on the other hand, had a substantial influenced on the crop growth rate of green pea (Table 1). The interaction between foliar application of nano NKP @ 1.5% + vermicompost @ 100% RDN, (N
4) with a value of (42.59 cm) recorded the highest plant height among the various treatment combinations The lowest plant height was recorded in control + vermicompost @ 50% RDN (17.45 cm). The accumulation of more nutrient residues that were made available to the succeeding crop may have led to better crop growth characteristics of green pea. This may have occurred through the mineralization of organic manures
i.e vermicompost or the solubilization of nutrients from native sources during the process of decomposition.
Yield attributes
The no. of pods/plant, pod length (cm) and no. of seeds/plant in the following green pea crop significantly increased as a result of various nano NPK fertilizers and organic source of nitrogen (Table 2). The pooled data revealed that application of nano NPK @ 1.5%, recorded maximum no. of pods/plant (3.27), pod length (cm) (9.26cm) and no. of seeds/plant (8.57) which was comparable with the plot receiving nano NPK @ 1% and nano NPK @ 0.5%, respectively but they were significantly higher than control plot. The lowest no. of pods/ plant (1.40), pod length (cm) (6.51) and no. of seeds/plant (4.9) were also observed in control plot.
The pooled data in Table 2 showed that among the various sources of organic nitrogen, the plot receiving vermicompost @ 100% RDN had the statistically highest no. of pods/plant (2.73), pod length (cm) (8.49) and no. of seeds/plant (7.55) while the plot receiving 50% RDN (N3) had the least residual effect on no. of pods/plant (2.20), length (cm) (7.73) and no. of seeds/plant (6.47). This might be due to the application of vermicompost enhanced the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil, contributed plant development factors and had a favorable impact on the production of dry matter both directly on the first crop and indirectly on the second crop. Application rate and quality both affected the residual effect of vermicompost, so the higher the rate of application, the more residual effect should be on the soil. Hence, it had a positive effect on the vegetative growth of the plants and improved the yield of crops. Similar findings were reported by
Jat and Ahlawat (2004) and
Atiyeh (1999).
The no. of pods/plant, pod length (cm) and no. of seeds/plant in the following green pea crop were significantly affected by the interaction between nano NPK and organic source of nitrogen (Table 2). The interaction between foliar application of nano NKP @ 1.5% + vermicompost @ 100% RDN, (N
4) recorded the highest no. of pods/plant, pod length (cm) and no. of seeds/plant among the various treatment combinations. The lowest no. of 50% RDN Table 2.
Table 2 makes it clear that the various foliar applications of nano NKP fertilizers and organic source of nitrogen used in the prior
kharif rice crop had a considerable lasting residual effect on the production of the following green pea crop. Higher green pod yield was achieved in the plots receiving F
4, or nano NKP @ 1.5% (4131 kg/ha), F
3 i.e. nano NKP @ 1% (3612 kg/ha) and they were significantly difference with one another. F
1 or control plot (2030 kg/ha) gave considerably decreased green pod yield across the treatment plots. Application of nano-NPK fertilizers, alternatively, decreased soil pH and EC while increasing soil organic matter and N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn concentrations. The findings unmistakably show that the green pea’s pod yield and nutritional value were boosted by the nano-fertilizer. As a result, our study has demonstrated that nano fertilizers release nutrients gradually, increasing soil fertility and improving green pod yield. Similar finding was also reported by
El-Sayed et al., (2020).
The plot receiving N
1, which was application of 100% RDN (3567 kg/ha), had the highest green pod yield among the various organic source of nitrogen and that was followed by N
i.e application of vermicompost @ 75% RDN (3212 kg/ha). The lowest green pod yield was obtained with 50% RDN application (N
3), which resulted in yields of (2978 kg/ha) (Table 2). This could be owing to the vermicompost’s microbial stimulation and the N given through slow mineralization. Hence application of vermicompost significantly improved the soil chemical properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter and nutrient status and resulted in better plant growth and yield
(Senthamizhkumaran et al., 2021 and
Nagavallemma et al., 2004).
The green pod yield of the succeeding green pea crop was significantly affected by the interactions between the various foliar applications of nano NKP fertilizers and organic source of nitrogen (Table 2). The interaction between foliar application of nano NKP @ 1.5% + vermicompost @ 100% RDN, (N
4) recorded the highest green pod yield among the various treatment combinations, with a total of (4761) kg/ha. The green pod yield with the lowest value (1881 kg/ha) was observed in control + vermicompost @ 50% RDN.
The pooled data in Table 3 revealed that the foliar application of nano NKP @ 1.5% + vermicompost @ 100%RDN (N
4), gave the highest gross returns (Rs.238073), net returns (Rs. 213373) and B:C ratio (8.6), respectively followed by the treatment combination of N
4 i.e nano NKP @ 1.5% + vermicompost @ 75% RDN ( Rs. 199535), (Rs. 174835) and (7.1) and N
3 i.e nano NKP @ 1% + vermicompost @ 100% RDN (Rs.185025), (Rs. 160325) and B:C ratio of (6.5). The N
1 plot, which was given 50% RDN through vermicompost + control, produced the lowest gross returns (Rs. 94082), net return (Rs. 69382) and a B:C ratio of (2.8). Higher net returns and a better B:C ratio might have been caused by the production of more yield in combination with a higher market price for greenpea seeds. The outcome of
Ajithkumar et al., (2021) is consistent with the outcomes of this study.