Certified seeds of blackgram (VBN 8) with 75% germination and 9% moisture were collected from State Seed farm, Annapanni, Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu used as base material for this study. Commercially available seven hydrophilic biopolymers
viz., Ethyl cellulose, Methyl cellulose, Carboxyl Methyl cellulose, Agar Agar, Xanthan Gum, Carrageenan and Gum Arabic were collected from the market and used for this study.
Polymerization and water holding capacities of polymers
Seven hydrophilic biopolymers
viz.,Ethyl cellulose, Methyl cellulose, Carboxyl methyl cellulose, Agar, Gum Arabic, Xanthangum and Carrageenan with commercial grades were purchased from the market and studied for their polymerization and water holding capacities.
Polymerization and water holding capacity
One gram of each polymer was taken in a beaker separately and mixed with one ml of distilled waterand left undisturbed for 30 min. Another 5 ml of water was added based on absorption of water and left undisturbed for 30 min. Additional 5 ml of water was added at 30 min interval till the polymers get saturated and weight increase was measured as given below:
Study the effect of HPbiopolymers seed coating technique on PEG induced moisture stress
Dry coating method I
Seeds of blackgram var. VBN 8 with 75% germination and 9% moisture content were coated with three different polymers namely Xanthan gum (P1), Carrageen (P2) and Agar Agar (P3) @ 5 gm, 10 gm and 20 gm as given in (Table 1) and subjected to germination test.
Treatment details for the dry coating method I (Single polymer coating)
0 : Untreated seeds.
1 : 10 gm Xanthan gum + 1% same polymer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
2 : 20 gm Xanthan gum + 1% same polymer as sticker @10 ml/kg of seeds.
3 : 10 gm Carrageen+ 1% same polymer as sticker @10 ml/kg of seeds.
4: 20 gm Carrageen+ 1% same polymer as sticker @10 ml/kg of seeds.
5 : 10 gm Agar Agar + 1% same polymer as sticker @10 ml/kg of seeds.
6 : 20 gm Agar Agar + 1% Sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
Germination test
Germination test in quadruplicate using 25 seeds each with 4 replications was carried out. Test conditions of 25±2°C and 95±3% RH were maintained in the germination room. At the end of 7 days the number of normal seedlings were counted and the mean expressed as Percentage (
ISTA, 2009).
Observations on germination (%), seedling length (cm), dry matter production (g 10 seedlings
-1) and vigour index recorded.
The best performing treatments were identified and forwarded to the next level of experimentation.
Dry coating method II polymers in combinations
For improving the coating efficiency and drought tolerance capacity of the hydrophilic polymers seeds of blackgram var. VBN 8 with 75% germination and 9% seed moisture content were coated with the following polymers combinations (Table 2).
Treatment details for dry coating method II (Concoction coating)
0 : Untreated seeds.
1 : X:C:A (2:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
2 : C:X:A (2:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
3 : A:X:C (2:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
4 : X:C:A (3:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
5 : C:X:A (3:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
6 : A:X:C (3:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
7 : X:C:A (4:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
8 : C:X:A (4:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
9 : A:X:C (4:1:1) @ 20 g/kg + 1% same polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
The treated seeds subjected to germination test and observed for germination (%), seedling length (cm), dry matter production (g 10 seedlings
-1) and vigour index. The best seed coating treatments were identified and exposed to different water holding capacities of sand and PEG Induced water stress under laboratory conditions.
Germination test under moisture stress condition
Germination test in quadruplicate using 25 seeds each with 4 replications was carried out in sand method with 60% WHC of substrata. Test conditions of 25±2°C and 95±3% RH were maintained in the germination room. At the end of 7 days the number of normal seedlings were counted and the mean expressed as Percentage (
ISTA, 2009). To obtain 60% water holding capacity 180 ml of water was added to one kg of hot air oven dried sand.
PEG induced water stress
25 blackgram seeds in four replication was germinated on two layers of filter paper in petri dishes and incubated at 25±2°C at different stress level of -2, -4, -6, -8 and -10 bars with PEG-6000 and control. The petri plates were covered to avoid the loss of moisture by evaporation under laboratory condition for 7 days. Seeds were considered as germinated if they exhibited radicle extension by more than 2 mm. after 7 days the number of normal seedlings were counted and the mean expressed as Percentage
(Basha et al., 2015).
Evaluation of the efficacy of improved hydrophilic polymers seed coating under water stress condition in blackgram
The hydrophilic biopolymers concoction coated blackgram seeds subjected to the water stress under field conditions of Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai during Feb-March 2021 and 2022.
Treatment details of field experiments
1 : Control (No seed treatment with water stress).
2 : 20 g Carageenan + 1% Carrageen as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
3 : Carrageenan : Xanthangum :Agar (4:1:1) ratio @ 20 g /kg of seeds +1 % Polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
4 : Xanthangum : Carrageenan : Agar (4:1:1) ratio @ 20 g /kg of seeds+1 % Polymer mixer as sticker @ 10 ml/kg of seeds.
The Irrigation schedules
1 : 1
st + life Irrigation +skipping irrigation for 10 days.
2 : 1
st + life Irrigation+skipping irrigation for 20 days.
3 : 1
st + life Irrigation+skipping irrigation for 25 days.
Seeds of blackgram var. VBN.8 with 75% germination and 9% seed moisture content were coated with the above mentioned seed treatments and subjected to the water stress under field conditions of Kudumiyanmalai, Pudukkottai during Feb-March 2021. The observations on field emergence (%), plant height (cm), leaf area, leaf area index, dry weight (g plant
-1) were recorded on 20 DAS, 40 DAS and 60 DAS and number of pods/plant and seed yield kg/ha were recorded.
On farm trials
The field trials were conducted during February and March 2022 at four centres/locations
viz., ARS, Bhavanisagar AC and RI, Madurai, NPRC, Vamban and ARS, Vaigai dam. The blackgram (VBN 8) seeds were treated with Xanthan Gum + Carrageenan + Agar (4 : 1 : 1) @ 20 g/kg and exposed to field conditions against the untreated seeds under both regular agronomical practices and water stress for 20 days after life irrigation.
The treatment details are as follows
0 : Control (No seed treatment with recommended agronomical practices).
1 : Control (No seed treatment with water stress up to 20 days after life irrigation).
2 : Seed treatment with Xanthan Gum + Carrageenan + Agar (4 : 1 : 1) @ 20 g/kg of seeds with recommended agronomical practices.
3 : Seed treatment with Xanthan Gum + Carrageenan + Agar (4 : 1 : 1) @ 20 g/kg of seeds with water stress up to 20 days after life irrigation.
The following observations were recorded in all the centres