Environmental data
Analysis pertaining to various attributes of environmental data revealed that throughout the experiment period, decreasing pattern of total average rainfall (R=-0.057; p=0.85) was recorded from the years 2015-16 to 2019-20 (Fig 1). During the growing season of 2018, the fennel growing (
Rabi) season received the least average rainfall (0 mm) while, the maximum average rainfall (741 mm) occurred during the cluster bean growing (
Kharif) season of 2019. The increasing pattern of evaporation (R=0.16; p=0.59) was recorded (non-significant) in the years 2015-16 to 2019-20. In all experimental years, a maximum temperature was recorded during the cluster bean growing season (
Kharif) of 2019 and the
Rabi season of fennel at 39.2°C and 27.5°C, respectively. While, the minimum temperature recorded in 2018 for
Rabi fennel and 2015 for the
Kharif season were 3.5 and 28.3°C, respectively. The decreasing pattern of maximum and minimum temperature (R=-0.089; p=0.76 and R=-0.19; p=0.52, respectively) was recorded in the years 2015-16 to 2019-20.
Yield and yield attributes
Over the period, long-term integrated fertilization has significantly increased fennel and cluster bean yield compared to the solely organic fertilization however, in the year 2017 and 2018 reduced yield was recorded due to variations in climate variables such as temperature and rainfall. Fennel yield increased over the years, especially under the PS
4 and PS
6 treatments while, cluster bean yield showed irregular patterns due to unfavourable climatic conditions, particularly in the
Kharif season. On an average across the years from 2015-16 to 2019-20, compared to the PS
5, fennel seed yield increased by 2.53%, 4.32%, 11.97%, 19.62% and 19.72%, respectively and cluster bean yield increased by 3.48%, 4.75%, -1.00%, 19.09% and 14.43%, respectively, under the PS
1, PS
2, PS
3, PS
4 and PS
6 production system, respectively (Fig 2a). In the year or temporal factor, the fennel seed yield in 2016–2020 ranged between 1148 (2017) and 2207 (2019) kg ha
-1. In the production system factor, the highest fennel grain yield (1971 kg ha
-1) was observed in PS6 completely at par with PS
4 (1970 kg ha
-1). However, the lowest seed yield (1646 kg ha
-1) was observed in PS5 completely at par with PS
1 (1688 kg ha
-1). Similarly, the highest cluster bean yield (1501 kg ha
-1) was observed in PS
4 completely at par with PS
6 (1443 kg ha
-1) (Fig 2c). The study showed that PS
4 was the most suitable production system for seed yield in both crops. The highest annual biological yields of fennel (6817 kg ha
-1) and cluster beans (6799 kg ha
-1) were observed in the years 2019 and 2017 respectively (Fig 2b and 2d).
The yield-year interaction analysis data was previously tested for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test (W=0.983; p-value=0.3012, R
2=0.995 and W=0.989; p-value=0.8383, R
2=0.998) for fennel and cluster bean, respectively. The two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) detected that the differences between the evaluated seed yield of fennel and cluster bean were highly significant (p<0.001), which proved that the production system used in this study had great differences in seed yield (Fig 2). High significance (p<0.001) was also observed between the seed yield and year (Y).
The days to germination in fennel depended significantly on the production system used for the raising of the crop and the interaction between the year and the production system (Fig 3a). Significantly, the highest days to germination initiation were characteristic of the seed with significantly highest in the PS
4 production system (8 days) and the pattern was almost similar to days to complete germination (12 days) (Fig 3b) in the year 2016. While, plant height at different stages (45 DAS and 90 DAS) had observed lowest in the year 2016 and highest observed in the year 2020 in the production system PS
4 (43.24 cm and 118.56 cm, respectively) (Fig 3c, 3d).
In fennel, the number of primary and secondary branches (12 and 26, respectively) was highest in production system PS4 which was at par with the production system PS
6 in the year 2018 and 2016, respectively (Fig 4a, 4b). The number of umbels per plant and umbellate per umbel was significantly higher observed in the production system PS
4 which was at par with the production system PS
6. The number of umbels per plant was highest observed in the year 2020 and was on par with the year 2018. The umbellate per umbel was highest observed in the year 2018 at par with the year 2016 (Fig 4c, 4d). The days to flower initiation and 50% flowering were longest in the year 2020 which was significantly superior to other years. It was observed that the maximum days to flowering were recorded in production system PS
4 which was completely at par with the PS
6 (Fig 4e, 4f).
In cluster bean, the plant height and number of primary branches were observed significantly highest in production system PS
4 which was at par with the PS
6. Meanwhile, the plant height and number of primary branches were observed in decreasing patterns over the year (Fig 5a and 5b). It was also observed that the lowest plant height and number of primary branches were studied in the production system PS
1. The number of pods had significantly superior in the year 2020 over to the remaining years. The production system PS
4 had significantly superior in the number of pods and seeds per pod of cluster bean. The seed per pod was significantly superior in the year 2018 over to the remaining year (Fig 5c and 5d). The seed index of cluster bean was highest observed in the production system PS
4 and PS
6 (Fig 5e).
Higher yield might be a result of increased availability of nutrients from organic manure and favourable impacts from production system PS
4 (75% organic + 25% inorganic), which supplies nitrogen and phosphorus to support plant yield and growth. In contrast to organic fertilizers, which release nutrients gradually through microbial mineralization to assure nutrient availability in the seed developmental stages of crops and even in the succeeding crops, inorganic fertilisers supply nutrients immediately after application. When compared to the combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers, it was revealed that the single use of inorganic fertilisers was ineffective at increasing crop output. These findings are consistent with the findings of
Mevada et al., (2017); Singh et al., (2018) who observed significant effects of mixed organic manure and chemical fertiliser application on yield production and growth parameter of fennel. The addition of legumes in crop sequence during the long term experiment favoured improved nutrient availability and uptake, resulting in greater source accumulation and efficient translocation of photosynthates into a sink and therefore, a higher seed production. Similarly, according to research by
Kumar et al., (2022), the application of both organic manures and inorganic inputs had a substantial impact on the fennel crop’s growth and yield characteristics metrics.
Seed quality attributes
In fennel, the highest seed nitrogen (2.92 and 5.08%, respectively) was observed in the production system PS
4 which was significantly superior to other production systems but at par with the PS6 in the cluster bean (Table 1). The study shows that fennel following cluster bean in the PS
4 system had 17.29 and 30.75% increment of protein as compared to PS
5 and PS
1 in fennel and cluster bean, respectively. The protein content in fennel, as well as cluster bean, was highest observed in the year 2020 due to the inclusion of pulses in cropping systems which helps in improved plant uptake. On an average across the years, compared to the PS
2, fennel essential oil increased by 5.51%, 2.29%, 0.75%, 2.29% and 2.29%, under the PS
1, PS
3, PS
4, PS
5 and PS
6 production systems, respectively. While, the cluster bean seed index compared to the PS4 increased by 4.05%, 2.66%, 3.70%, 4.76% and 0.98%, respectively, under the PS
1, PS
2, PS
3, PS
5 and PS
6 production systems. Therefore, diversified cropping systems that include pulses in the rotation can more consistently produce high seed and protein yields than a continuous fennel monoculture system and fallow systems in semiarid prairies, regardless of growing conditions.
Soil properties
Soils under (PS
1) 100% organic and (PS
2) 75% organic + 25% innovative practice (compost extract, cattle urine) plots contained higher soil nitrogen at the depth of 0-20 cm, over the (PS
5) 100% inorganic nutrient sources in the year 2020 (Fig 6a). The mean estimate of N by the system was ~9% higher in the plots under (PS
1)-100% organic than that under (PS
5) - 100% inorganic nutrient sources. Soils under (PS
1) 100% organic plots contained higher soil phosphorus at the depth of 0-20 cm, over the remaining production system all year (Fig 6b). The mean estimate of P by the system was ~38.8% higher in the plots under (PS
1) - 100% organic than that under (PS
5)-100% inorganic nutrient sources. Over the years 2016 to 2020 it was observed that soil phosphorus had a significant increment with the application of different production systems. Soils under (PS
4) Integrated (75% organic + 25% inorganic) plots contained higher soil potassium in the 0-20 cm soil layer, which was at par with (PS
2) - 75% organic + 25% innovative practice (Compost extract, cattle urine) in all years (Fig 6c). The potassium concentration in the soil had not much variation in the production system. Over the years 2016 to 2020 it was observed that soil potassium had a non-significant increment with the application of different production systems.
The soil organic carbon (SOC) ranged from 0.27% to 0.34% for different production systems at the beginning of the experiment in 2016-2020 (Fig 6d). All the field plots were low in soil fertility as the organic carbon was less than 0.27%. All production systems had significant differences in SOC in year 2020. The SOC increased with the continuous application of organic and inorganic fertilizers for 5 years among all production systems. The soil fertility in 100% organic (PS
1) was the highest significant increment in SOC ranging between 0.27% and 0.34% at par with all other production systems except the PS
5 production system in the year 2020. The SOC in production system PS1 was completely at par with PS
2 (75% organic + 25% innovative practice (Compost extract, cattle urine) all year. The lowest SOC was observed in the production system PS
5 (100% inorganic nutrient sources) in all years of the experiment.
The quantitative relations between yield and soil parameters
The data included 30 yield data (fennel and cluster bean each) and 30 soil data of three soil variables (soil organic carbon, soil nitrogen and soil phosphorus each). A significant positive relationship was observed between fennel grain yield and soil organic carbon, soil nitrogen and soil phosphorus (Fig 7a-7c) and also the Shannon-Wiener indexes (R
2 = 0.75, P<0.01, R
2 = 0.83, P<0.01 and R
2 = 0.95, P<0.01). Similarly, in cluster bean, a significant positive relationship between cluster bean grain yield and soil organic carbon and soil phosphorus (Fig 7d and 7f) and also the Shannon-Wiener indexes (R
2 = 0.69, P<0.01 and R
2 = 0.71, P<0.01). However, the relationships between cluster bean grain yield and soil nitrogen were found not significant for the evenness index (R
2 =0.04, NS) (Fig 7e).
Under production system PS
1, the per cent increment of readily available N (~9%), P (~38.5%) and K (~non-significant) were noted over the years respectively, compared with PS
5. Long-term use of organic manures could effectively stop applied nitrogen from leaching and raise the N and SOC content of the ploughed layer
(Meng et al., 2005). After 5 years, the rise in SOC was greatest (~25.2% increment) in production system PS
1 (100% organic) and lowest for production system PS
5 (100% inorganic nutrient sources). In a similar study, rice-wheat cropping systems based on pulse systems outperformed in terms of available nitrogen (8-29%), phosphorus (3-35%), potassium (6-15%) and sulphur (3-13%) at the surface soil
(Nath et al., 2023). The pulse-based cropping system and organic manures both work wonders for improving the soil’s physical, chemical and biological qualities as well as its fertility gradient. These findings are consistent with the findings of
(Brar et al., 2015), who studied continuous pulse farming systems, as well as combined effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers, boosted soil carbon sequestration and crop yields. Higher carbon input through organic supplements (farmyard manure and above-ground biomass) and biological nitrogen fixation resulted in increased SOC and accessible N under organic manure and pulse-based systems, respectively
(Rob et al., 2022). The study resulted that the inclusion of pulse crops in the cropping pattern, the addition of organic amendments and a reduction in chemical fertiliser could gradually restore soil fertility and soil health according to higher SOC in the fennel-cluster bean (PS
1) than the fennel-cluster bean (PS