Plant height
The late-sown crop had significantly taller plants than the early-sown crop throughout the crop-growing period (Table 1). The early sown crop was exposed to a substantially higher average maximum temperature (28.7°C-28.8°C) during the first 30 DAS in both years of experimentation, which might have restricted the plant height initially. A mean daily maximum temperature of 25°C is considered the ceiling for heat stress in cool-season crops
(Wahid et al., 2007). The late sown crop in the present experiment experienced favourable average maximum temperatures of 25.3°C and 25.2°C during the initial period in 2018-19 and 2019-20, respectively, which possibly improved its vegetative growth as evident from the increased crop height.
Zn nutrition significantly improved crop height compared to control because of its contribution to chlorophyll, cell division, meristematic physiology, cell volume, the formation of the cell wall and photosynthesis
(Liu et al., 2019). Among the Zn fertilizations, basal application of ZnSO
4 at a rate of 25kg ha
-1 recorded significantly higher crop height (36.67 cm-110.63 cm) throughout the crop growth period.
Leaf area index
A sharp increase in LAI was observed after 50 DAS. In the present experiment, LAI continued to increase even after 50% flowering, with the maximum LAI being recorded at 90 DAS (Table 1). In determinate crops, the highest LAI is attained before the reproductive stage, but in indeterminate crops like pulses, the maximum LAI may be obtained after flowering. Congenial weather conditions might have facilitated better LAI development in D
2 sowing in the early stages and this early head start helped it to consistently maintain a higher LAI throughout the growing period. However, with the dip in mean temperature (17.3-18.2oC), the D
1 sown crop showed a sharp increase in LAI development during 50-90 DAS, indicating canopy adjustment in response to favourable weather conditions
(Tesfaye et al., 2006).
In the current study, Zn fertilization significantly improved LAI. Despite recording low LAI values on 30 and 50 DAS, lathyrus showed a rapid response to foliar nutrition, as evident from significantly higher LAI values (1.46-1.74) in Zn
5 and Zn
6 on 70 and 90 DAS. This indicates that in the case of foliar feeding, a quicker response to the applied nutrient can induce favourable canopy adjustment in lathyrus in Zn-deficient soils.
Root and shoot dry weight
D2 recorded significantly higher root weight than D
1 on 30 and 50 DAS, while no significant difference was observed between them during later stages of crop growth (Table 2). However, in the case of shoot biomass, D
2 recorded significantly higher values throughout the crop life. Exposure to a congenial thermal regime, especially during the first 30 DAS (25.3°C in 2018-19 and 25.2°C in 2019-20) possibly improved root and foliar growth in D
2. The initial boost in vegetative growth might have helped the D
2 sown crop to sustain a favourable biomass accumulation even when exposed to high maximum temperatures (>27.0°C) in the reproductive stage.
Sehgal et al., (2018) reported that, due to their efficient thermo-tolerance capacity, leaves exhibit high resilience at reproductive ceiling temperatures.
1 (control) recorded the highest root dry weight but the lowest shoot weight. The soil at the current experimental site had low (0.54 ppm) DTPA-extractable Zn. It is likely that in the Zn
1 treatment, where no Zn was applied, the crop developed a vigorous root system at the cost of shoot biomass to explore a larger volume of soil to acquire Zn.
Yang et al., (2011) also reported that Zn deficiency augmented root growth in wheat. On the contrary, soil fertilization with 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1 recorded significantly lower root weight than other levels of soil fertilization on 70 and 90 DAS but significantly higher shoot weight during the growing period. The addition of Zn fertilizer to the soil increases DTPA-Zn in the upper soil layer
(Liu et al., 2019). This supports sufficient Zn absorption to meet the crop’s physiological needs from the upper layer itself, with no need for a robust root system to capture Zn from the deeper soil layer. Foliar nutrition recorded significantly lower root weight during crop life but showed significant improvement in shoot growth after Zn application, as observed on 70 and 90 DAS. Zn supplementation through foliar fertilization might have met the Zn demand of the crop by maintaining a favourable plant Zn status, ultimately resulting in enhanced shoot growth
(Ahmed et al., 2023). This possibly also acted as a signal to offset the need to capture Zn from the soil, which, when perceived by the root, limited its growth.
Crop growth rate (CGR)
The crop exhibited early slow growth (30-50 DAS), followed by rapid growth during the late vegetative and early flowering stages (50-70 DAS) (Fig 2). CGR then showed a sharp decline during the late flowering and pod development stages (70 -90 DAS). The dip in overall CGR during 70-90 DAS might be because of the diversion of current assimilates more towards pod formation and filling than vegetative growth. The late sown crop recorded a significantly higher CGR during 30-70 DAS. Despite the D
2 sown crop being subjected to high temperatures during 70-90 DAS, no significant difference in CGR between the two dates of sowing was seen. An early head start in TDM production and LAI due to a favourable thermal regime in the early stages may have helped the D
2 sown crop sustain a higher CGR even while experiencing high maximum temperatures (27.3 and 27.7oC) during 70-90 DAS. Although the threshold heat stress temperature of the lathyrus has not been specifically reported, it is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures
(Dixit et al., 2016). Likewise, significant improvements in TDM accumulation and LAI of lathyrus in response to Zn nutrition were reflected in increased CGR. For instance, favourable canopy adjustment as an immediate response to foliar Zn nutrition resulted in improved biomass accumulation and significantly increased CGR (5.43 g m
-2 day
-1) in Zn
6 during 50-70 DAS.
Yield attributes, yield, grain and straw Zn content and economics
The late sown crop (D2) recorded significantly higher pods plant
-1 (24), 100 seed weight (7.40 g), harvest index (0.40) and yield (1380 kg ha
-1) than the early sown crop due to overall improved crop growth favoured by congenial weather conditions (Table 3). Foliar nutrition with Zn, irrespective of doses, was observed to be more effective than soil fertilization in improving yield (1512-1647 kg ha
-1). Therefore, growing conditions
(Tzudir et al., 2016) and Zn management
(Kumar et al., 2016) favouring improved biomass accumulation, growth rates and partitioning of assimilates to sink in lathyrus are likely to fare well in terms of productivity.
Interestingly, the dates of sowing exerted no significant influence on grain and stover Zn content (Table 3).
Domingos and Bilsborrow (2021) also observed no significant influence of sowing conditions on Fe and Zn content in buckwheat. Basal application of 25 kg ZnSO
4 ha
-1 and 1.0 % ZnSO
4 foliar spray at pre-flowering and pod initiation stages recorded significantly higher grain Zn (29.10- 30.36 ppm) and stover Zn (40.37- 40.89 ppm) content. The higher Zn content in these two treatments was likely due to improved assimilation and absorption of the applied nutrient, which enhanced crop growth and produced Zn-enriched seeds
(Dhaliwal et al., 2021).
The D
2 sown crop recorded a 15.0% higher gross return (GR) and GR: COC ratio than D
1 due to the crop’s better yield performance (Table 4). Foliar nutrition with 1.0% ZnSO
4 fetched maximum gross return (Rs. 62638 ha
-1) and GR: COC ratio (1.67) closely followed by foliar nutrition with 0.5% ZnSO
4, thereby making them feasible agronomic interventions for resource-poor farmers.