Yield and yield attributes
The data obtained in the study were pooled and analyzed. The mean performance of 23 genotypes in respect of different quantitative characters is presented in Table 2. In respect to 50% flowering, the genotypes exhibited a wide range of variation from HAFB-5 (31.14) to Swarna Lata (55.59) with an overall mean of 43.43. Days to 1st green pod picking varied from FAB var-6 (52.17 days) to HAFB-4 (81.33 days) with an overall mean of 65.46 days. The magnitude of variability of plant height varied from IIHR-4 (35.94 cm) to Swarna Lata (121.76 cm) with an overall mean of 61.22 cm. The number of primary branches per plant was maximum in HAFB-6 (5.26) and minimum in IIHR-4 (2.95) with an average value of 3.90. Number of secondary branches per plant ranged from Almora Local-1(4.39) to HAFB-6 (9.49) with an average of 6.50. The variation in basal internodal length ranged between IIHR-4 (1.22 cm) to HAFB-4 (7.73 cm) with an average value of 2.44 cm.
The variability in basal internodal diameter ranged from 0.34 cm (HAFB-3) to 0.81cm (Arka Anoop) with an average value of 0.58cm. The magnitude of green pod length ranged from HAFB-3 (10.17 cm) to HAFB-5 (16.89 cm) with an average of 13.93 cm. The extent of variability with respect to green pod width ranged from 0.51 cm (IIHR-4) to 1.02cm (HAFB-6) with average value of 0.75 cm. The magnitude of green pod breadth ranged from 0.87cm (Kashi Param) to 1.15 cm (HAFB-5) with average value of 1.00 cm. The mean value for number of pods per plant was 14.34 with a range of 6.98 (PDR-14) to 25.27 (HAFB-5). The genotype Arka Suvidha exhibited maximum single pod weight (9.33 g) with an average value of 7.56 g. The green pod yield per plant ranged between 44.26 g (IIHR-4) to 158.61 g (HAFB-5) with an average value of 93.82 g.
Analysis of variance
The analysis of variance for thirteen different quantitative characters was carried out and the results are presented in Table 3. It revealed that there was significant difference among genotypes for all the characters under investigation except basal internodal diameter, green pod width, green pod breadth. The environmental differences were significant for all the character except basal internodal diameter, green pod width, green pod breadth. However, the genotype ´ environment interactions were significant for the traits such as days to 50% flowering, days to 1
st green pod picking, plant height, green pod length, number of pods per plant, single pod weight and green pod yield per plant.
Genetic diversity
Genetic diversity was studied using D
2 statistics of
Mahalanobis (1928) and populations were grouped into clusters by following the method as suggested by
Rao (1952). The genotypes were grouped into seven clusters. Among the clusters, maximum number of genotypes (7) were included in cluster II followed by cluster I (7), cluster III (4), cluster IV (2), cluster V (2). Cluster VI and VII were mono-genotypic cluster consisting of one genotype each indicating their independent identity and importance due to various unique characters possessed by them (Table 4). The formation of largest cluster II comprising 7 genotypes might be due to a free flow (or) exchange of breeding material from one place to another.
The present pattern of grouping of genotypes indicated that the genotypes have grouped or diverged into different clusters irrespective of their geographical origin which means that the genetic constitution of the varieties was more dominant than their geographical origin while forming a cluster
(Choubey et al., 2003, Singh, 2006). This kind of genetic diversity was recorded among the genotypes belonging to the same geographic origin might be due to differences in adoption, selection pressure and selection criteria and environmental condition as suggested by
Gokulkrishnan et al., (2012). According to
Nancee et al., (2013) choice of the parents for hybridization should be decided on the basis of genetic diversity rather than geographic diversity. Inter cluster distance values were greater than intracluster distance value suggesting heterogeneous and homogeneous nature of the strains between and within the clusters respectively (Table 5). The highest inter cluster distance value was observed between cluster V and VII, followed by IV and VI. Based on the above studies, it could be suggested that crosses involving genotypes from divergent clusters (V and VII, IV and VI, IV and VII, III and V) are likely to exhibit high heterotic expression for yield component and wider segregation in filial generations. Similar lines of observations were obtained by
Patel et al., (2011).
Morphological diversity by hierarchical cluster
An un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) analysis was made and a dendrogram was constructed using Jaccard’s similarity matrix involving data generated from four ISSR primers on 23 genotypes of French bean (Fig 1). These genotypes were grouped into five clusters as observed in the dendrogram. One genotype, Kashi Param was completely isolated from all other clusters. If Kashi Param is excluded, Swarna Priya and IIHR4 were the most distantly related parental pair as evident by lowest similarity value: 0.32 (Table 6). The genotypic pairs- Swarna Priya and VL Bean-3; Swarna Priya and HAFB-3; Swarna Priya and Contender; Swarna Priya and Arka Anoop; HUR 137 and HAFB-5; Arka Komal and FAB Var-3 also appeared to be fairly distant from all other genotypes. By excluding Kashi Param, at a similarity index value of 0.52, the remaining genotypes were divided into two cluster
viz. I and II. The first cluster include 15 cultivars which was further divided into two sub-clusters
viz. I-A and I-B. The first sub-cluster (I-A) contained four French bean cultivars (FAB Var-3, HAFB-6, HAFB-5 and FB-53). The second cluster (I-B) having eleven French bean cultivars was further grouped into two sub-clusters (I-B-1 and I-B-2) at a similarity value 0.65. Cluster I-B-1 contained five cultivars (PDR-14, IIHR-4, Vl bean-1, Swarna Lata and Arka Sharat); whereas cluster I-B-2 contained six cultivars (Arka Anoop, Contender, HAPB-4, HAFB-3, Pant Anupam and VL Bean 3). In this sub cluster, cvs. Arka Anoop and Contender clustered at a similarity value 0.88 depicting very close ancestry relationships. In cluster II, cv. Arka Komal cluster at a similarity value of 0.55, appeared to be distant from the other three accessions (Almora Local 1, Arka Suvidha and VL Bean 2). The cluster III was made up of three phenotypically divergent genotypes viz. Swarna Priya, HUR137 and HAFB-4, although Swarna Priya separated itself from the rest of the two genotypes.
Polymorphism of genotypes based on ISSR markers
Divergences among genotypes were analyzed by ISSR markers. The average numbers of clear bands generated per polymorphic primer were 7, with a maximum of 8 for primer USB-835 (Table 7). The four di-nucleotide motif primers under the current study resulted in the amplification of a total of 27 bands and among them 18 (66.66%) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) relative to the total number of amplified bands, ranged from 11.11% (USB-836) to 22.22% (USB-807). Out of four primers used, primers USB-835 and USB-810 provided the clearest banding pattern. Although most of the bands generated with primer USB-836 were monomorphic, some diversity between and within cultivars was observed (Fig 2).
Our study showed that a high degree of genetic diversity existed within French bean germplasm tested, (64.28% bands are polymorphic). In previous survey of
Galvan et al., (2001) in French bean, 53% of the ISSR makers generated with tri-nucleotide motif primers were polymorphic. However, our results suggest that ISSR- PCR products generated with di-nucleotide motif primers can be useful markers for analyses of French bean germplasms. Similarity value based on Jaccard’s coefficient clearly demonstrates that overall similarity between genotypes was low, reflecting strong genetic differentiation among the lines tested and our results were in accordance with previous investigators
(Alghamdi et al., 2011; Immaculee et al., 2015, Jannat et al., 2022).