Legume Research

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Legume Research, volume 47 issue 2 (february 2024) : 196-200

Assessing Genetic Parameter, Correlation and Path Coefficient in Spontaneous Mutant Progenies of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus ssp. culinaris) Variety DPL 62

Sunaina Yadav1,2,*, Rajesh Yadav1, Ravika1, S. Bhaskar Reddy1, Samita1, Deepak Kumar1
1Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004, Haryana, India.
2ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012, India.
  • Submitted14-06-2022|

  • Accepted27-09-2022|

  • First Online 03-10-2022|

  • doi 10.18805/LR-4983

Cite article:- Yadav Sunaina, Yadav Rajesh, Ravika, Reddy Bhaskar S., Samita, Kumar Deepak (2024). Assessing Genetic Parameter, Correlation and Path Coefficient in Spontaneous Mutant Progenies of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus ssp. culinaris) Variety DPL 62 . Legume Research. 47(2): 196-200. doi: 10.18805/LR-4983.
Background: Lentil is one of the most significant pulse crops, frequently referred to as “poor man’s meat” because of its high protein content and inexpensive price. The present study was assessed for eleven morphological and yield variables to determine genetic variability, correlation and path co-efficients. 

Methods: The experiment was conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design using 56 different homogeneous progenies of a spontaneous mutant of lentil variety DPL 62 and four control varieties in triple replica during rabi 2017-18. 

Result: Significant amount of variability was observed for all the traits. High phenotypic coefficients of variance and genotypic coefficients of variance coupled with high heritability and genetic advance were observed for peduncle length, number of pods per plant, seed width, seed yield per plant suggesting that these traits are genetically controlled by additive gene action. Seed yield per plant exhibited significant positive association with number of branches/plant and number of pods/plant while number of pods/plant revealed highest positive direct effect on seed yield per plant followed by 100-seed weight, number of branches per plant, days to maturity and leaflet breadth. Therefore, selection for these characters will directly lead to improvement in the yielding ability of lentil genotypes.
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus ssp. culinaris) is the third most important cool season and oldest food legume after chickpea and dry peas in the world which can be cultivated well on low fertility and limited rainfall areas of the world (Oplinger and Hardman 1990). It is considered one of the first domesticated grain legume, originating from the Near East centre of origin (Zohary, 1999), cultivated worldwide in the fertile crescent 7000-9000 years ago which subsequently spread to central Asia and the Mediterranean Basin (Cubero, 1981; Lev-Yadun et al., 2000). Though India ranks second in the world with respect to production and acreage, its position in average productivity is 23rd. Highest productivity (2111 kg/ha) has been reported from Australia which is more than double as compared to India’s which envisage the scope of further improvement in this crop (Singh et al., 2018).
Main concern with lentil is low yield potential because of narrow genetic base of the local cultivars that restricts the breeding progress (Dikshit et al., 2015). Yield is a complex character and depends on number of component characters, which are quantitatively inherited and have considerable environmental influence. Therefore, before launching any breeding programme, a thorough knowledge of the nature and magnitude of genetic variability and extent of association between yield and other components is very essential. Further, path coefficient analysis helps in partitioning of genetic correlation coefficients into direct and indirect effects leading to assessment of relative contribution of each component characters directly or indirectly to the yield. A single plant was isolated from a commercial population of DPL-62 in 2007-08 assuming it to be a mutant of DPL-62 by Punia et al., (2014b). Progenies of this presumed spontaneous mutant segregated up to sixth generation and wide variation was observed for morphological and seed traits. Considering the above facts, the present study was planned to study the M7 progenies derived from a spontaneous mutant of lentil variety DPL 62.
The experimental material comprising of 56 diverse homogeneous progenies of a spontaneous mutant of variety DPL 62 along with four check varieties (DPL 62, HM-1, Sapna and Garima) were evaluated at Pulses Section Research Farm, CCSHAU, Hisar (India) in a randomized block design with three replications during rabi 2017-18. Observations were recorded on five randomly selected plants for days to flowering, leaflet length (mm) and leaflet breadth (mm), peduncle length (mm), days to maturity, plant height (cm), number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, seed width (mm), 100-seed weight (g) and seed yield/plant (g). Leaflet length, leaflet breath, peduncle length, plant height and seed width are measured manually with the help of measurement ruler.
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics of data to assess the variability in each trait were calculated in excel and are given in Supplementary Table 1. Data on the above eleven quantitative traits of 60 lentil genotypes were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) as per the standard procedure suggested by Panse and Sukhatme (1995). PCV and GCV were estimated using method suggested by Burton and Devane (1953). Heritability in broad sense, genetic advance and genetic advance as per cent mean was calculated using formula given by Falconer, (1981), Hanson et al., (1956) and Johnson et al., (1955), respectively. Correlation coefficients worked out as per Al-Jibouri et al., (1958) and path analysis as suggested by Dewey and Lu (1959).

Supplementary Table 1: Descriptive statistics of various for yield and its components in lentil.

Descriptive statistics
High variability for each trait was demonstrated by result with the following range of values: 67-82 (days to flowering), 1.0-2.5 mm (leaflet length), 0.3-0.7 mm (leaflet breadth), 2.0-6.0 mm (peduncle length), 125-134 (days to maturity), 35.3-80.3 cm (plant height), 3.0-7.0 (number of branches/plant), 63.7-215.3 (number of pods/plant), 2.2-7.5 mm (seed width), 4.1-11.76 g (100-seed weight) and 2.58-13.5 g (seed yield/plant) (Supplementary Table 1). The high variability in all these traits can be due to difference in the genetic composition of the lentil mutants.

Analysis of variance
Highly significant mean squares owing to genotypes for all the characters in the current analysis revealed a large level of variability among the genotypes for the characters analysed (Table 1). Furthermore, almost all of the quantitative characters have marginally larger phenotypic coefficients of variance (PCV) than their genotypic coefficients of variance (GCV), indicating that the environment had a modest confounding effect on the expression of the traits under investigation (Table 2). Hussan et al., (2018), Kumar, (2020) and Kumar et al., (2020) also observed higher magnitude of PCV than that of GCV for all the traits. The findings demonstrated that observed traits were largely resistant to environmental changes and also trait variation was mostly due to heritable factors.

Table 1: Analysis of variance for yield and its components in lentil.

Table 2: Estimates for PCV, GCV, heritability, genetic advance and genetic advance as per cent of mean for yield and its components in lentil.

Phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation
Among all the characters, high PCV was estimated only for seed yield/plant (32.85%). Moderate PCV was observed for seed width (25.35%), number of pods/plant (22.74%) and peduncle length (22.45%) whereas, low PCV was recorded for leaflet breadth (19.13%), number of branches/plant (16.67%), leaflet length (16.23%), plant height (14.82%), 100-seed weight (14.50%), days to flowering (5.32%) and days to maturity (2.10%). As far as GCV is concerned, high magnitude was observed for seed yield/plant followed by seed width (24.36%) and peduncle length (21.78%) whereas, moderate GCV was observed for number of pods/plant (19.86%), leaflet breadth (15.55%), plant height (14.02%), number of branches/plant (13.94%), leaflet length (13.77%) and 100-seed weight (12.02%) and low GCV was observed for days to flowering (5.03%) and days to maturity (1.53%).
Heritability and genetic advance
All the characters exhibited high heritability (broad sense) except days to maturity which showed moderate heritability (55.66%). These results were in partial concurrence with the results reported by Rasheed et al., (2008) and Bicer and Sarkar (2008). Genetic advance as percentage of mean was observed to be high for almost all the characters except days to flowering and days to maturity where it was observed moderate (12.57%) and low (3.08%), respectively. Peduncle length, number of pods/plant, seed width and seed yield/plant exhibited high PCV and GCV coupled with high heritability and genetic advance suggesting that additive gene action are responsible for inheritance of these characters and hence can be improved through direct selection. Low GCV coupled with low heritability and genetic advance were observed for days to maturity indicated presence of non-additive gene action and high GXE interaction. Leaflet length and plant height revealed moderate GCV along with high heritability and genetic advance which pointed towards presence of lesser variability for these traits in the material studied; however, they can be improved through selection to a limited extent. These results are in partial agreement with the findings of Hussan et al., (2018), Chowdhury et al., (2019), Kumar (2020), Kumar et al., (2020) and Sharma et al., (2022).
Correlation coefficient analysis
The higher magnitude of genotypic correlation coefficients than the phenotypic correlation coefficients for most of the cases indicated highly heritable nature of the associations (Table 3). The results indicated that seed yield/plant was positively associated with number of branches/plant (0.215) and number of pods/plant (0.420) but it was negatively associated with days to flowering (-0.182), leaflet length  (-0.207), days to maturity (-0.150) and plant height (-0.179). The results obtained in the present study were in consonance with the findings of Kumar et al., (2017), Chowdhury et al., (2019), Maurya et al., (2020) and Girgel et al., (2021). Number of pods/plant showed positive association with seed yield/plant (0.420) but showed negative association with leaflet length (-0.181), leaflet breadth (-0.161), days to maturity (-0.338) and seed width (-0.184). Number of branches/plant was found positively associated with plant height (0.203) but negatively associated with seed width (-0.221) and 100-seed weight  (-0.240). Occurrence of significant positive association of seed yield with most of its component traits and positive association between most of the yield components revealed less complex inter relationship between yield and yield components. Such situation is favourable from breeding point of view because selection for one trait may bring correlated response for improvement of other traits which are positively associated with it. These findings remain in close agreements with the observations reported by Kumar et al., (2017), Chopdar et al., (2017), Kumar et al., (2020) and Sharma et al., (2020) which may be obviously due to the fact that estimates may differ from location to location, year to year and even in the same year because of different study material method of estimation used.

Table 3: Estimates for phenotypic (below diagonal) and genotypic (above diagonal) correlation coefficients yield and its components in lentil.

Path coefficient analysis
On genotypic basis (Table 4) analysis revealed that among the ten characters studied, five characters exhibited positive direct effect and five negative direct effects on seed yield. Maximum positive direct effect on seed yield/plant was observed to be that of number of pods/plant followed by 100-seed weight, number of branches/plant, days to maturity and leaflet breadth. Seed yield/plant is also contributed by Number of pods/plant via days to flowering, leaflet length, plant height, number of branches/plant and by 100-seed weight via days to flowering and plant height. Apart from direct effects of number of branches/plant, it also unveiled positive indirect effect via leaflet length, leaflet breadth and number of pod/plant. Similarly, days to maturity contributes seed yield/plant via leaflet breadth, peduncle length, plant height and seed width. Therefore, for enhancement of seed yield emphasis should more be on the traits having positive and direct effect because of the reason that importance and balanced selection based on these traits would be more rewarding for improvement of lentil. Chowdhury et al., (2019), Kumar et al., (2020), Maurya et al., (2020), Girgel et al., (2021) and Sharma et al., (2022) also reported more or less similar results in lentil.

Table 4: Direct (diagonal) and indirect (off diagonal) path coefficients based on genotypic correlations on seed yield in lentil.

In brief, moderate PCV and GCV coupled with high heritability and genetic advance for number of pods per plant and number of branches per plant suggested that additive gene action are responsible for inheritance of these characters and hence can be improved through direct selection. Also, these traits exhibited positive correlation, positive direct effects and positive indirect effects via other traits and therefore, can be emphasized upon during selection for seed yield improvement in lentil.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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