In present study a set of 40 advanced breeding lines (ABL) at F
9 generation developed through pedigree breeding methos, comprising full sibs and half -sibs were used (Table 1). The lines were sown at three locations
viz., Farm area of Oilseeds section, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
, Regional Research Station, Kapurthala
, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kheri during spring (first fortnight of March 2019) and
kharif (mid May 2019). The test genotypes were planted in the alpha lattice design with three replications each. A plot of three rows of three-meter-length were sown for each genotype with row-to-row and plant-to-plant spacing of 30 cm and 15 cm, respectively in each replication at each location. Table 2 represents mean yield of these genotypes at given locations during respective seasons.
The data for yield was recorded for each ABL and was analyzed for the estimation of genetic variance-covariance for environment using the modeldeveloped by
Oakey et al., (2006) and
et_al(2007) in Microsoft excel 2017. Information from relatives through COP
among half and full-sib lines was estimated as:
Individual X and Y are full sibs (FS) or half sibs (HS) if they both have same parents A and B or have one common parent.
The variance-covariance matrix of additive genetic effect was obtained from COP multiplied by the population additive genetic variance,
Mixed model equations (MME) combining the genetic main effects and genetic × environment interaction effects for fitting the data from g genotypes, (i=1,2,... ...,g), s site (j=1,2,... ...,s) and r replicated (in each site) using the à and A matrices (both of dimensions g × g) can be written as:
X, Z
r, Z
g and Z
ge are the design matrices for fixed effects of sites, random effects of replicates within sites, genotype(s) ge, respectively. Vector b denotes the fixed effects of sites and vectors. r, a, i, ie and E contain random effects of replicates within sites, additive, additive × additive, additive× environment interaction, additive × additive× environment interaction and residuals respectively and are assumed to be random and normally distributed with zero mean vectors and variance-covariance matrices R, G
a, G
i, G
ae, G
ie and N, respectively, such that:
Variance-covariance matrices R and N are assumed to have a simple variance component structure, as defined for MME.
Assuming independence between vectors a and i, partitioning of total genetic effect g has normal distribution with mean zero and variance-covariance G
g= G
a + G
i, where the variance-covariance matrix of the additive, (G
a) and additive × additive main effects, (Gi), are modelled as
The unstructured variance-covariances are transformed to heterogeneity of within environment genetic variance (CSH model), in which case å
g1 or å
ge has structure:
Similarly, other matrices Z
geie, Z
gi and Z
ge were also obtained.
The solution for the vector of fixed site effects, b and vector of random effects of replicates within sites r ; additive a ; additive×additive i ; additive × environment (G
ae and additive × additive × environment (G
ie) interaction ie were obtained following Henderson (1975).
The genetic gain-based heritability (narrow sense) for individual genotypes was estimated as per method given by
Oakey et al., (2006).