Estimation of combining ability and genetic diversity
The mean comparison among parents and their hybrids was presented in Fig 1 and Fig 2. In case of maturity, the hybrid mean (87 days) was found to be early as compared to parent mean (90 days). The hybrid PL 5× LH 84-8 (82 days) was found as earliest maturing hybrid. The primary branches in hybrids ranged from 4.3 (PL 4 × LL 864) to 8 (PL 8× PL 7) with a mean value of 6.2, which is higher than the parental mean (4.2). The mean for number of pods in hybrids was 36.4 while in parents it was 28.9, the hybrid PL 8 × PL 7 exhibited highest number of pods (51.3). In case of number of seeds per pods and 100-seed weight the hybrid mean was 1.6 and 2.36 respectively while parents mean was 1.6 and 2.18, respectively. The seed yield in hybrids ranged from 1.43 g (PL 639×LL 864) to 2.52 g (PL 8 × PL 7) with a mean of 1.79 g while in parents it ranged from 1.39 g (L 4147) to 2.14 g (PL 8) and the mean parents yield was 1.66 g. The hybrids
viz., PL 8 × PL 4 (2.1 g), PL 8× L 4147 (2.11 g), PL 8 ×L 4076 (2.13 g), PL 8×PL 406 (2.27 g), PL 8 × PL 5 (2.32 g) and PL 8× PL 7 (2.52 g) were identified as most promising hybrids for seed yield while the parents PL 8 (2.14 g) and PL 7 (2.07 g) can be used as donor for high seed yield. A close perusal of Table 1 indicated that genotypic differences were significant for all characters which indicated the preponderance of sufficient genetic variability among the experimental material. The adequacy of genetic variability for these studied traits were also reported earlier by
Sellami et al., 2021, Suri et al., 2022 and
Tan et al., 2022 in lentil. The diallel ANOVA indicated that MSS due to GCA and SCA effects were highly significant (p<0.01) for all the characters (Table 1). The significance of GCA and SCA effects were also reported earlier by
Naik et al., (2020). The estimates of SCA variance were found to be higher than the corresponding GCA variance for all characters except number of seed/pod, hundred seed weight and seed yield/plant. Average degree of dominance was found to be more than unity for the characters
viz., days to flowering, days to maturity and number of pods/plant which indicated the presence of over dominance. The parent PL 7 was ranked as the best parent, as it had a good GCA effects for maximum six characters including seed yield (Table 2). The hybrids
i.e. PL 8× PL 406, PL 8 ×PL 5, PL 8 ×PL 7, PL 4 ×PL 5 and L 4147 ×L 4076 exhibited good SCA effects for seed yield (Table 3). The perusals of Table 4 indicated that for seed yield, out of 45 experimental hybrids seven hybrids
viz., PL 8 × PL 5, PL 8 ×PL 7, PL 4 × PL 5, PL 4 ×LH 84-8, PL 4 × L 4147, LH 84-8 × L 4147 and L 4147 × L 4076 exhibited both significant and positive MPH and BPH for seed yield. The estimation of genetic diversity among parents revealed that four different clusters were present (Table 5). The cluster I (PL 5, LH 84-8, L 4076 and PL 7) and cluster II (PL 406, PL 639, LL 864 and L 4147) contains four parents each while cluster III (PL 4) and IV (PL 8) contains one parent each. The inter cluster distance was greater than the intra cluster distance indicating sufficient genetic diversity among the genotypes. The presence of sufficient genetic diversity in lentil was reported earlier by
Gautam et al. (2014).
Relationship between PM, SCA, MGCA, MPH and BPH for seed yield
Both MPH and BPH (r=0.805*) were significantly and positively correlated with each other (Table 6). The PM was found to be non-significantly correlated with MPH (r= 0.037) and BPH (r=-0.279) (Table 6). Table 7 and Table 8 indicated that in case of mid parent, highest frequency of heterotic hybrids (65%) was observed when parents having high × low combinations were crossed. In case of BPH, highest frequency of heterotic hybrids (43%) was reported when parents having low x low combination were crossed. These results indicated that parental mean cannot be used as reliable criteria to predict heterosis. The MGCA effects were found to be positively and significantly correlated with MPH (r=0.414*) while positively and non-significantly correlated with BPH (r=0.024), respectively. A close perusal of Table 8 indicated that in case of MPH, 40.00% heterotic frequency was observed by crossing parents having poor ×poor GCA effects combination while the good ×poor GCA combination showed 35% heterotic frequency. In case of BPH the poor×poor combination showed a heterotic frequency of 57%. The parents having good x good or good ×average GCA effects produced a moderate level of heterotic hybrids. The SCA effects were positively and significantly correlated with the MPH (r=0.859**) and BPH (r=0.760**), respectively. In case of MPH, 75% heterotic hybrids showed average SCA effects while 25% showed good SCA effects. In case of BPH, 57% hybrids have shown average SCA while 43 % had good SCA. No heterotic hybrids were obtained having poor SCA. Present finding indicated that high frequency of heterotic hybrids was obtained if crosses possessed average or good SCA. These results indicated SCA as most important factor in heterosis determination. This strong relationship may be due to the reason that both SCA and heterosis are function of non- additive gene action. The presence of genetic diversity between the parents used in hybridization programme is considered as an important parameter for obtaining significant heterosis in hybrids
(Tecklewold and Becker, 2006).
However, negligible correlation between heterosis and parental diversity was also reported
(Devi and Singh, 2011). Heterosis may increase with increase in genetic diversity but greater divergence between parents cannot always results in good heterosis
(Cress, 1966). In the present study, GD was found to be positively and non- significantly correlated with MPH (r=0.117) and BPH (r=0.169). In case of MPH the highest frequency of heterotic hybrids were produced when parents having moderate (55%) amount of diversity were crossed while the parents having high level of GD results in 30% heterotic hybrids. In case of better parent heterosis 57% of heterotic hybrids were obtained when parents having high amount of diversity were crossed while parents having moderate amount of diversity resulted in 43% hetrotic hybrids.