In the present study, seeds subjected to various pre-sowing seed treatments are tested for their initial seed quality under laboratory and crop growth and yield of cowpea under field conditions. In laboratory analysis, the combined inoculation of
Rhizobium and PSB treated seeds recorded higher values for the initial seed qualities
viz. speed of germination (12.87), germination percentage (97), shoot length (26.70 cm), root length (20.68 cm), seedling fresh weight (9.86 cm), seedling dry weight (0.75 g), Vigour Index I (4579) and Vigour Index II (72) and the lower values were recorded in control (T
0) as represented in Fig 1.
The isolate’s ability to synthesize seed germination hormones like gibberellins may have prompted the action of particular enzymes like α-amylase, which increase the availability of starch for absorption and hence promote early germination. It may also be due to improved mitochondrial enzyme activity, higher oxygen consumption and increased absorption of carbon nitrogen ratio. Inoculation of
Rhizobium and PSB has brought this favourable result. The poor germination from untreated seed may be due to their failure to mobilize the resource from the seeds during initial period of germination but inoculated seeds made of the loss by using an improved synthesis of secondary metabolites and the presence of growth promoting substanceswhich migrates into the seeds have brought this positive effect. These resultsconform with the findings of
Mandal (2018) in cowpea and
Jaya et al., (2018) in peanut and soybean.
Rhizobium @ 600 g/ha + PSB @ 600 g/ha (T
5) recorded significantly higher values for root length, shoot length, seedling fresh and dry weight, seedling Vigour Index I and seedling Vigour Index II. There was 27.79%, 26.26%, 28.19% 14.67%, 31.51% and 18.06% increase in shoot length, root length, seedling fresh and dry weight, seedling Vigour Index I and II (Table 1) over the control respectively. Increment in seedling characters might be due to the process of repair mechanism and more synchronized germination which leads to early germination and early vigour with rapid rate of emergence because of which the seedling had reached autotrophic stage well in advance than T
0 and the production of longer seedlings.
Amruta et al., (2016) in blackgram,
Chauhan et al., (2016) and
Kumar and Pandita (2016) in cowpea and
Raja and Takankhar (2017) and
Jaya et al., (2018) in soybean have found similar results.
In the current study, a field trial was conducted with seeds subjected to pre-sowing seed treatment using various bio-inoculants as mentioned above to assess the effect of bioinoculant on the growth and yield parameters of cowpea under field condition. Among the treatments, it was observed that combined inoculation of
Rhizobium and PSB treated seeds (T
5) recorded higher values for the growth traits
viz. field emergence (97%), plant height(67.42 cm), number of branches plant
-1(5.00), number of leaves plant
-1 (67.73), leaf length (10.54 cm), leaf breadth (8.15 cm), duration to first flowering (38.33 DAS) (Table 1) and duration to 50 per cent flowering (44.53 DAS) and yield attributing traits
viz., number of pods plant
-1 (39.60), pod length (19.96 cm), number of seeds pod
-1 (15.00), seed yield plant
-1 (46.81 g) and 100 seed weight (14.92 g)(Fig 2) whereas the lower values for the above traits were registered in T
0 (control).
In the present study, seed treated with combined inoculation of
Rhizobium and PSB(T
5) recorded the higher plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf breadth which was 12.24%, 20.00%, 18.31%, 23.06% and 17.18% increase over control respectively (Table 1). The minimum days to first flowering (38.33 DAS) (Table 1) and days to 50% flowering (44.53 DAS) (Fig. 2), were recorded in T
5 treated seeds which are 18.63% and 18.28% earlier than control respectively (Table 1). Rhizobium produces amino acids and growth promoters (auxin, cytokinin and GA) which fix atmospheric nitrogen, while PSB makes phosphorus available by solubilizing insoluble phosphates through the production of organic acids such as lactic acid and acetic acid during early plant growth of cowpea leading to improvement of the vegetative growth (crop canopy), the reduced number of days to first flowering and increased physiological activity of the plants resulted in earlier flowering and field emergence of T
5 plants (
Mandal, 2018 in cowpea;
Nadeem et al., (2017) in cowpea;
Raja and Takankar (2017) in soybean and
Singh et al., (2016) in blackgram).
In the present study, the number of pods plant
-1, pod length, number of seeds pod
-1, seed yield plant
-1 and 100 seed weight registered 16.49%, 11.82%, 17.33%, 23.91% and 20.51% (Fig 2) higher than the untreated seeds respectively. Treatment T
5 increased the seed yield parameters might be due to increased availability of N and P in the root zone during the vegetative growth of crop through more atmospheric nitrogen fixation by rhizobium and solubilization of unavailable phosphates in the soil by PSB and which is not in case of biofertilizer inoculated alone or as single inoculation
(Kalegore et al., (2018); Singh et al., (2018) in chickpea;
Sibponkrung et al., (2020) in soyabean;
Benjelloun et al., (2021) in chickpea). The combined inoculation of
Rhizobium + PSB has involved in hormonal regulation, promoting pollen germination and pollen tube growth which in turn housed a maximum number of developed pods per plant
(Raj et al., (2021) and
Mandal (2018) in cowpea;
Raklami et al., (2019) in Fababean;
Dumsane et al., 2020).
It was concluded that, an increase in the number of pods plant
-1, pod length, number of seeds pod
-1, seed yield plant
-1 and 100 seed weight significantly increased the yield of cowpea.
In the present study, combined inoculation of rhizobium and phosphorous solubilizing bacteria inoculated seeds recorded higher values for the resultant seed qualities
viz., speed of germination (12.97), germination percentage (97%), shoot length (16.74 cm), root length (20.73 cm), seedling fresh weight (9.85 cm), dry matter production (0.77 g), Vigour Index I (4579) and Vigour Index II (72) and lower values were recorded in control (Table 2). The superiority of the resultant seed from T
5could be due to the presence of a higher number of metabolites/stored reserves (better translocation from source to sink) which helps in the resumption of embryonic growth during germination and also due to the accumulation of higher quantity of seed constituents (stored mRNA) and better DNA repair mechanism during germination and seedling emergence which in turns results in higher vigour.
The bio-chemical parameters
viz., protein content, albumin content, globulin content and NPK content have significantly increased the resultant seed quality of cowpea (Fig 3). In the present study, T
5 (seed treatment with
Rhizobium and PSB) recorded the higher values for albumin, globulin and protein content (4.30%, 0.254%, 22.73%) (Table 2) and NPK content (1.72%, 0.43%, 1.63%) (Fig 3) compared to control (T
0) respectively. The positive influence on nutrient content might be due to its impact on the carbon cycle in the plant
i.e., higher CO
2 fixation and their efficient translocation toward developing seeds. The maximum uptake of these nutrients in this treatment may be owing to better root development as well as more nutrient availability by these microorganisms, resulting in better absorption and utilization of all plant nutrients leading to increased photo-assimilates, thus resulting in more nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in seed
(Pardhi et al., (2022), Ramya et al., (2021) and
Khan et al., (2017) in cowpea and
Benjelloun et al., (2021) in chickpea.