Growth attributes
Pooled result of the experiment showed that different treatments of zinc significantly affected the growth attributes in lentil, among them T
5 recorded highest plant height (52.03 cm), LAI (3.48) and dry matter accumulation (447.78 g m
-2), which is statistically at par with T
4 in plant height and dry matter accumulation and control showed the lowest values (Table 1). The improvement in growth attributes could be due to production of growth promoting hormone like auxin, indole acetic acid etc. induced by the activity of nano scale Zn, which influences the cell enzyme activation and cell membrane integrity
(Havlin et al., 2010). Further, Zn nanoparticle enhanced plant cell metabolic activities than other sources of Zn might be due to faster movement through stomatal and vascular pathways
(Tarafdar et al., 2014) because of its large size exclusion limit and its high transport velocity
(Eichert et al., 2008). Poornima et al., (2019) reported better growth in sorghum due to foliar spray of nano ZnO,
García-López et al., (2019) reported better growth performance in pepper due to application of nano ZnO.
Different treatments of Zn also influenced the other growth characters like, number of branches plant
-1, root length, number of nodules plant
-1 and dry weight of nodules plant
-1. T
7 showed highest number of branches (21.01) in pooled data which was statistically at par with T
2, T
3 and T
5, whereas the lowest number of branches was recorded in control (Table 1). Again, highest no. and dry weight of nodules were found T
5 (28.79 and 12.83 mg respectively), which was statistically at par with T
2, T
3, T
4, T
7 in case of no. of nodules and with T
3, T
4, T
6, T
7 in case of dry weight of nodules plant
-1 and in both cases lowest was found in control (Table 1). However, pooled data showed that T
4 treated plants recorded highest root length (24.96 cm) which is statistically at par with T
5, T
6 and T
7 and plants from control showed lowest root length (Table 2). The development of root length induced by nano Zn led to absorption of more nutrients from deeper layer of soil, resulting in greater accumulation of photosynthates and higher growth rate. Better no and dry weight of nodules has found in nano treated plants might be due to role of Zn in synthesis of leghaemoglobin (
Marsh and Waters, 1985), which accelerated the total amount of N
2 fixation and ultimately dry matter accumulation. Better shoot and root length, root area, dry biomass was reported by
Tarafdar et al., (2014) in pearlmillet,
Raliya and Tarafdar (2013) in cluster bean,
Pandey et al., (2010) in chickpea and
Prasad et al., (2012) in peanut.
Yield attributes and yield
The yield attributes like number of pods plant
-1, 1000 seed weight and yield of lentil also influenced by different Zn treatment. From the pooled data, it was found that T
4 significantly recorded highest number of pods plant
-1 (125.99) which was statistically at par with T
2, T
3 and T
5 (Table 2). While highest 1000 seed weight (21.25 g) was found in T
5, which was statistically at par with T
4 and T
7. Whereas, lowest was found in control in both (Table 2). On the other hand, number of seeds pod
-1 was found to be non-significant among the treatments. From pooled result, it was found that lentil grown with the application of foliar spray of nano Zn @ 20 ppm at 30 and 50 DAS (T
5) exhibited highest seed (1312.16 kg ha
-1) and stover yield (3260.39 kg ha
-1) and lowest was recorded in control (without Zn application) (Table 2). Improvement in number of pods plant
-1, 1000 seed weight could have resulted due to higher photosynthetic activity enhanced the seed yield. Similarly, stover yield increased due to accelerated process of cell division and cell elongation owing to application of nano Zn. Higher grain/seed yield was reported by
Tarafdar et al., (2014) in pearlmillet,
Poornima et al., (2019) in sorghum,
Raliya and Tarafdar (2013) in cluster bean,
Prasad et al., (2012) in peanut,
García-López et al., (2019) in pepper.
Zn concentration and uptake
Different treatments significantly affected the Zn concentration in plant. The highest concentration in seed (46.51 mg g
-1) and stover (37.94 mg g
-1) were recorded in T
5 and lowest from control (Table 3). Accordingly, the highest uptake was noted in seed (60.02 g ha
-1) and stover (125.58 g ha
-1) in T
5, which is statistically at par with T
4 and T
3, whereas lowest uptake found in control (Table 3). Uptake of Zn in seed and stover is influenced by the concentration of the nutrient and their respective yield. The concentration of Zn in seed and stover markedly facilitated by the better translocation, assimilation and use efficiency of foliar applied nano Zn particles.
Economic analysis of the pooled data indicated that T
5 improved the net income (Rs.34440) and benefit: cost ratio (BCR) (2.10) due to higher production with appreciable cost of cultivation resulting in higher net return against other treatments, whereas, lowest net return (Rs.20932.50) and BCR (1.68) found in T
2 (Table 3).