While proving the pathogenicity of the fungus, the disease symptoms became visible 7 to 8 days after inoculation in the desired ‘C’ pattern presented in Fig 1. Symptoms comprised of small brown spots which developed into characteristic roughly circular lesions having pale whitish centre surrounded by dark brown margin. The ring pattern was also associated with these lesions and took it about 20 days to manifest the typical blight symptoms. Morphological characteristics of the pathogen are presented in Fig 2. Conidia were mainly aseptate, (sometimes one-septate), hyaline, oblong to ellipsoidal slightly constricted at septum, rounded on both ends measuring 6.52 - 12.30 × 2.11-4.67 µm (av. 8.25 × 2.89 µm). Conidia formed in axenic culture on PDA were relatively with average dimensions of 7.98 × 2.87 µm. Conidia were released from pycnidia in the form of long chains called ‘cirrhus’. Pycnidia were dark brown with a diameter of 67.01-255.43 µm (av. 146.34 µm). Pycnidia in axenic culture on PDA were larger than those observed on host leaf having average diameter of 213.87 µm. These were glabrous, olivaceous to olivaceous black, ostiolate, globose to sub-globose. Some occurred solitary and a few confluent, scattered irregularly on the colony surface or sometimes clustered in distinct sectors. Chlamydospores observed in culture were spherical having diameter of 20.10 µm and also cylindrical to sub-globose with average dimensions of 9.30 × 16.89 µm. Chlamydospores were olivaceous to olivaceous brown, terminal or intercalary, occurring singly or in chains or in aggregation and started appearing after 10 days of incubation at 25±1°C. Mycelium was septate, sub-hyaline to grey olivaceous with average diameter of 4.08 µm having 4-6 septa per 100 µm hypha length. The morphological characteristics of this isolate were more or less similar to those earlier described by
Abramov (1931),
Boerema et al., (1997) and
Kovics et al., (1999) for
Phoma sojicola (syn.
Ascochyta sojicola).
Cultural properties of the fungus are presented in Fig 3. First visual growth of the pathogenic fungus on PDA was observed after 24 hours of incubation at 25±1°C. The fungus showed a steady growth and covered 72.4 mm diameter of PDA surface within 10 days @ 3.62 mm average daily radial growth colony an appeared greenish to grey olivaceous with fluffy texture and prominent black pycnidia visible throughout.
Kovics et al., (1999) recorded more or less similar observations similar when
P. sojicola was cultured on Oat Agar, Malt Agar and Corn Agar media. The little variation in the colony characteristics can be attributed to variable sources and forms of nutrients in these media and also to the possible varying existence of
P. sojicola isolates in time and space.
Observations on symptom development as recorded on leaves, stem and pods of soybean are presented in Fig 4. The disease initially appeared as small brown spots of 2-3 mm diameter on leaves during 4
th week of June in a month old crop. These spots increased in size steadily and reached maximum diameter of about 19.53 mm in next 3 weeks @ 0.88 mm day
-1 uninterrupted by veins. The spots developed on leaf margins as well as on leaf lamina and those on margins attained characteristic ‘v’ shape. Necrotic leaf spots were surrounded by yellow halo and also reflected prominent concentric irregular bands of brown shades and finally turned dull grey to tan. Most often the necrotic area was partly or wholly shed apart resulting in short hole expression. Premature defoliation was also recorded in the subsequent disease development. Later on, disease symptom also developed on stem and pods. On stem the lesions were brown, elliptical and measured (4.50-11.50 × 3.20-4.33 mm) with brownish to purplish margin and white greyish centre. Developing pods showed roughly circular to oval brown lesions with light brown centre and narrow dark brown margin attaining maximum size of 8-15 mm. The pycnidial production was abundant and supported by leaf, stem as well as pod lesions. These results were somewhat similar to those described by
Kovics et al., (1999) for
P. sojicola on soybean. However, there was no mention of yellow halo in their description. It cannot be denied either as according to
Kim and Chen (2019) ascochitine, a secondary metabolite produced by
Ascochyta, can produce such yellow discolouration in the affected leaf tissue. Varying existence of
P. sojicola isolates and variation in host genotypes in time and space manifesting variable disease symptoms cannot be denied either. Moreover, infection of pods and the underlying seed hints at its seed borne nature though crop debris, particularly the stem and pods, may support its survival in field the most.
Investigations on host range of
P. sojicola revealed that this isolate can infect most of the commonly grown pulses viz. common bean, cow pea
, green gram, black gram, chick pea
, broad bean and pigeon pea in a favourable environment (Table 1 and Fig 5). Manifestation of symptoms by the host cultivars of these pulses was variable with respect to incubation period, rate of lesion development and its appearance. Incubation period was found minimum (8 days) in common bean and maximum (13 days) in pigeon pea cultivars while as the rate of lesion development after appearance of initial symptoms was maximum (0.70 mm day
-1) on broad bean. These pulse cultivars falling in the host range of
P. sojicola may be lacking resistance gene against this pathogen and also
Phoma spp. produce polyketide-derived secondary metabolites (ascochitine toxin) which is considered responsible for significant toxicity in a range of legumes. Lentil and pea were found non-hosts either due to their insensitive response to ascochitine or their non-host resistant factor. According to
Newman and Derbyshire (2020), necrotrophic fungi showing broader host range have highly modified molecular toolkit that comprises of mechanisms to modulate host reactive oxygen species, pH and detoxification of wide range of host-derived antifungal secondary metabolites. This too can be a reason for compatible intereaction of
P. sojicola, a soybean isolate, and most of the pulses tested in present investigation. The findings of
Frenkel et al., (2007) that
P. pinodella was pathogenic to
Pisum sativum, P. fulvum, Cicer judaicum, C. arietinum, C. reticulatum, C. pinnatiûdum and
C. bijugum also support the present findings. Similarly, Van der
Aa et al., (2000) reported that
P. exigua var.
exigua has wide host range and can infect more than 200 host genera. Moreover, these results also corroborate the findings of
Keirnan et al., (2020) who has reported that
P. koolunga cause disease lesions on a wide range of legumes in controlled environment.
Data on yield loss in soybean vis-à-vis leaf blight reveals that the disease levels were significantly different from each other besides revealing significant impact of disease initiation stage on leaf blight development and subsequent yield loss (Table 2). Maximum disease incidence (82.81%) and intensity (67.16%) were recorded in soybean population where disease initiated at first node stage (V-1). There was proportionately highest yield loss of 51.72 per cent when compared with check (T5) where significantly lower levels of terminal disease incidence and intensity were observed. Yield loss of 30.74 and 17.46 per cent was recorded when disease initiated at V-4 and R-1 stages, respectively. Disease incidence (26.52%) and intensity (8.98%), recorded in soybean population where disease first appeared at R-3 stage, were again significantly higher as compared to check. However, the yield harvested from these two populations was statistically at par. The reduction in yield was due to loss of photosynthetic area and the significant difference in yields of different plant populations in this case was quite possible as the disease is polycyclic in nature and earlier infection was supposed to support more inoculum build up and subsequent disease development. These findings are supported by a comparable report of
Xue et al., (1997) that inoculation of plants at flowering caused yield loss of 24-34 per cent compared to inoculation at pod filling stage where it caused only 19 per cent of yield loss. The population that was maintained free of disease upto R-3 stage suffered a tolerable loss of 5.63 per cent. Further, the data was subjected to statistical analysis in order to find out the extent of relation between yield and disease parameters (Table 3). The analysis matrix showed highly significant and negative correlation of yield with disease incidence and disease intensity. It is supported by the findings of
Chang et al., (2007) who reported a negative relationship between yield per plant and Ascochyta blight severity in chickpea. The findings of present study also corroborate the findings of
Nene (1981) that Ascochyta blight in beans caused yield loss upto 50-70 per cent and
Shahid et al., (2008) reported that Ascochyta blight significantly reduced chickpea seed yield, quality and caused yield losses of about 100 per cent in susceptible cultivars. Similarly, the yield losses due to Phoma blight in soybean can be much more under disease favouring weather in Kashmir, hence it should be considered a significant limiting factor in soybean production. Therefore, need to be evaluated for successful establishment of this potential pulse/ oilseed crop in Kashmir.