Appearances of the initial symptom after artificial inoculation were recorded starting from 24 hours post-inoculation (hpi) and continued up to 7 days. At 20°C the first symptoms appear 48 hpi with minute speck at the point of infection. At 25°C and 30°C the symptoms appear 30 hpi and at 35°C the symptoms appear nearly 36 hpi. After 72 hpi the extend of the infection was found to be similar at 25°C, 30°C and 35°C and it remains the same up to 96 hpi (4 days). The rate of infection was maximum at 30°C as observed followed by 25°C and the ultimate score on disease severity was computed at 7 days after inoculation presented in (Table 1). The rate of progression of the disease was much lower at 20°C and the ultimate disease establishment was also recorded at rated. At 35°C disease initiation was delayed by 6 hr. than 30°C but the rate of progression was found at par with 30°C up to 4 days but then the growth was checked and final disease establishment went below 30°C (Table 1). In control pots, healthy crop appearance noticed.
The test result showed that temperature changes counted a significant effect on the disease development of CR of chickpea though raise in temperature from 25°C to 30°C was found non-significant. All the other treatment showed significant differences except temperature 30°C and 35°C. Scattered plot technique was used to depict the disease severity recorded on 0-5 scale along with temperature ranges showed maximum disease severity at 30°C almost at par with 25°C (Fig 1).
The correlation derived between the disease severity and different temperature was found to be positively correlated and statistically significant with a high correlation coefficient value (r = 0.863), which means variation in the disease severity can be explained up to 86.3 per cent with the change in a temperature gradient and data revealed optimum temperature is 25 to 30°C beyond which the strength of correlation declined. The similar result was earlier reported by
Ayed et al., 2018 who reported radial growth and dry mycelium production of
Sclerotium rolfsii were highest at 30°C.
The four-level of SMC
viz., 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% was considered for study and temperature maintained between 25 to 30°C
. Table 2 contain the detail observation on the behaviour of the pathogen upon artificial inoculation during the establishment of the disease in the host when imposing different soil moisture condition.
Disease scored 7 days after exposing the chickpea at different SMC levels revealed maximum disease incidence at SMC 80% followed by SMC 100% but their differences were statistically at par (Table 3). Other two treatments showed lowest disease incidence though a positive significant relationship had been observed between the CR incidence and SMC that was proved by a high correlation coefficient value (r= 0.872) (Table 3), which means variation in the disease severity can be explained up to 87.2 percent with the change in moisture gradient. On the basis of result it can be concluded that 80% soil moisture condition is optimum for the establishment of CR in chickpea grown under West Bengal conditions. The regression equation developed for each soil moisture level showed a positive significant relationship among the two variables and their goodness of fit was determined by the R
2 value. High Co-efficient of determination value (R
2) explained variation in disease severity could be expected from 85.6% to 97.0% with the change in SMC level proved that SMC has a pronounced and significant effect on CR disease severity (Fig 2). The similar result was earlier reported by
Tarafdar et al., (2018), on CR of chickpea where the highest severity was detected at 80% SMC, followed by 100 and 60% SMC;
Prasad and Saifulla (2012), on the population of
F. udum causing pigeonpea wilt revealed a decrease in growth of the pathogen at SMC 25 to 50% while 75% SMC was favorable for its establishment;
Sharma and Pande (2013) carried out a similar type of experiment on dry root rot of chickpea (
Rhizoctonia bataticola) where pathogen preference was observed just reverse to
S. rolfsii i.e. high temperature (35°C) coupled with SMC 60% found to be the main predisposing factors for chickpea to the disease. The experiment proved temperature and soil moisture are the two most vital variables having a positive significant effect on the colonization and development of
Sclerotium rolfsii in chickpea.
Correlation evaluated between different ST and SMC levels to find out the optimum combination for the growth and development of CR in chickpea. Correlation coefficient values (r) were determined in various combinations and plotted in the graph (Fig 3). In the graph, Y-axis represents the correlation coefficient value (r) that ranges between -1 to +1. The X-axis represents the ST ranges 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. r values calculated from different combinations of ST and SM level
i.e. SMC 40%, SMC 60%, SMC 80% and SMC 100% are plotted showed a negative significant correlation between ST 20°C with all the combination of SMC percentage tested but at the temperature between 25-30°C the trend line found to touch the X-axis (r = 0) means from this temperature disease incidence initiate and get established along with the SMC 60% and SMC 80%. At SMC 100% and ST 20°C again line moved to a downward direction representing a negative significant correlation. In all the other cases, soil temperature and moisture were noticed to share a positive significant correlation ranging from (r= 0.372 to 0.89) but among them, SMC 80% and temperature 30°C showed the highest value of correlation coefficient r= 0.89 followed by SMC 80% and temperature 25°C r= 0.82. The temperature ranges between 25-30°C and 80% soil moisture are most congenial for the development of CR in chickpea.
The yield loss experiment revealed a negative significant correlation between the two variables
i.e disease severity and yield and it was confirmed by a high coefficient of determination (R
2) value close to 1. Fig 4 represented two years pooled (2018-19 and 2019-20) mean that confirmed with the increase in disease severity there was a significant decrease in the seed yield of chickpea. Equation established was Y= 11.34-0.13X, R
2 =0.907
i.e. attainable yield could be 11.34 q ha
-1 and loss due to the CR predicted 0.13 q ha
-1 for every 1% increase in disease severity. Here, also high co-efficient of determination value R
2 =0.907 established the feasibility of the result obtained. Similar results on disease severity and yield loss were recorded earlier by
Das et al., (1995) in Cercospora-groundnut pathosystem and
Saha and Das (2012) in early blight tomato pathosystem.