Pigeonpea [
Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] is an often cross-pollinated perennial member of the family
Fabaceae with chromosome number 2n=2x=22. It is one of the most accomplished grain legume crop grown mainly for rainfed agriculture in semi-arid tropics of Asia, Africa and Caribbean. Globally pigeonpea covers an area of 7 M ha with 6.8MT production and 969 kg ha
-1 productivity (
FAOSTAT 2019). It is known to play an important role in food security, balanced diet supplemented with cereals and mitigation of poverty due to wide usage as food, feed, fodder and fuel purpose
(Rao et al., 2002). It is a good source of protein (about 25%), amino acids and dietary minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulphur and potassium
(Patel et al., 2018).
A number of varieties have been developed and area under pigeonpea has also been increased in India but the yield has remained stagnant due to various biotic and abiotic factors and narrow genetic base. For the past six decades, the average yield in the country has remained around 900 kg ha
-1 (
FAOSTAT 2017). At global level also, the pigeonpea productivity has remained more or less stagnant around 700-800 kg ha
-1 (Bohra et al., 2020). Although, green revolution has expanded the production and reduced the starvation and mal nutrition at a large scale but ultimately caused depletion of micronutrients in soil and plants leading to wide spread micronutrient deficiencies among children and adults
Hanumanthappa et al., (2018). Among micronutrient deficiencies, the most common and widespread are the iron and zinc deficiency affecting half of the human population (
WHO 2002;
White and Broadley, 2009). This micronutrient deficiency is also known as ‘Hidden hunger’ that results in poor growth and development of children and even death in acute cases (
Stein 2010). Therefore, nutritional breeding is a step forward towards attaining food security to feed the ever increasing world population with nutritionally enriched genotypes to make a halt on hidden hunger.
Presence of genetic variability and diversity in breeding population is the key to develop high yielding varieties. Selection and crossing of genetically diverse parents is very important to get more number of desirable recombinants in segregating generations. Therefore, genetic diversity analysis is the first hand tool to identify divergent genotypes and to utilize such genotypes in crossing program. Divergent parents are likely to produce heterotic effect as well as useful segregants. A method suggest by
Mahalanobis (1936) known as “Mahalanobis D
2 statistics” is used to estimate genetic diversity in the available germplasm. The above mentioned technique calculates the force of differentiation at intra-cluster and inter-cluster levels and thus helps in selection of parents with genetically diverse genetic makeup. It also deciphers the degree of diversification and relative proportion of each component character to the total divergence. Keeping this in view, the present study was carried out to study genetic divergence among different pigeonpea genotypes and their utilization in future crop improvement programme.