Dry matter and organic matter content
Organic matter (OM) represents carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, organic acids and vitamins
etc. in the plant cell. DM and OM content was significantly differed with varieties, whereas only OM could be able to make significant variation due to zinc application (Table 1). Amongst the varieties, C-152 recorded significantly higher DM and OM content which was at par with MFC-09-1. This could be due to plants exhibited varying degree of nutrient absorption and distribution which ultimately determine dry matter content in plant.
Basal application of 20 kg ZnSO
4 (Zn
3) and foliar spray of 0.5% ZnSO
4 at 20 and 40 DAS (Zn
5) showed significantly lower organic matter content. The organic matter of biomass constitutes three main structural biopolymers,
i.e., cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin content; hence, any variation in these parameters is highly correlated with organic matter and mineral matter. These results are in line with earlier findings of
Kumar et al., (2017).
Crude protein content
Crude protein determines not only the nitrogen from sources other than protein but also other sources such as free amino acids, amines and nucleic acids. Among the cultivars, C-152 (17.31%) recorded significantly highest crude protein content than MFC-08-14 and MFC-09-1 (Table 1). Variation amongst varieties for crude protein might be due to genetic and environment factors.
Singh et al., (2018) also observed variation in crude protein content owing to heritability.
Crude protein content significantly enhanced with the zinc application and significantly higher crude protein content was admeasured under 20 kg/ha ZnSO
4 over control. Since, zinc is essential component of ribosome, required for their development and protein production in plants. Amino acid accumulation and therefore, protein production decreases due to zinc deficiency. These results are in line with the findings of
Ganesh et al., (2015) on cowpea who reported significantly higher protein content with increased level of zinc.
Ether extract content
Ether extract contains lipid, organic acids, alcohol and pigments. Cultivar MFC-08-14 (3.02%) recorded significantly highest ether extract content than other varieties.
Antwi et al., (2007) endorsed significant variation among cowpea varieties with respect to ether extract content.
Ether extract (EE) content increased due to zinc application. Significantly higher ether extract content was recorded with soil application of 20 kg ZnSO
4/ha. The decrease in ether extract content with Zn deficiency was due to reduction in total fatty acid content. These results are in consonance with findings of
Rathore et al., (2015) who reported significant reduction in ether extract content due to zinc deficiency.
Ash content
Total ash represents the inorganic constituent of the feed,
i.e., mineral content and acid insoluble ash represents silica content in the plant biomass which is responsible for structural stability to plant. Amongst varieties, C-152 produced significantly highest ash content and lower acid insoluble ash (AIA) content than rest of the varieties. Results are congruent with the study of
Antwi et al., (2007) who reported that chemical composition (ash content) of cowpea depends upon genetic makeup and heritable traits and the silica distribution in plant cell wall is highly dependent on plant species which represents acid insoluble ash.
20 kg ZnSO
4 recorded significantly higher total ash content than control, but other treatments of zinc fertilization were found to be statistically at par with each other. Acid insoluble ash was ranged between 4.23 to 4.44% in case of zinc management practices but remained non-significant with control. Since, Zn interacts positively with potassium and enhances absorption of Cu and Mn in plant
(Prasad et al., 2016); therefore, increase in total ash content in plant which might be explained through increased minerals content in plant with zinc application.
Yields of DM, CP, EE and TA
C-152 recorded significantly higher DM yield (5.15 t/ha), CP yield (891.9 kg/ha), EE yield (150.1kg/ha), TA yield (562 kg/ha) than rest of the varieties (Fig 1, 2). Variable DM, CP, EE and TA yields were attributed to the content and yield of the respective parameter. These results corroborated with earlier work of
Makarana et al., (2017) and
Manisha et al., (2021).
Significantly higher DM (5.07 t/ha), CP (886.1 kg/ha), EE (150.1 kg/ha) and TA yields (554.5 kg/ha) were recorded with 20 kg ZnSO
4 as basal application. Application of micronutrients increases availability of other nutrients in soil, which in turn enhances the absorption of other nutrients also and consequently better root growth. Higher dry matter accumulation might be more translocation of photosynthates resulting from increased supply of nutrient. Significant improvement in dry matter yield due to zinc nutrition was also reported by
Kumar et al., (2016a) in maize and
Kumar et al., (2016b) in cowpea.
Fibre fraction
Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) represents the whole fibre content, whereas acid detergent fibre (ADF) indicates moderately indigestible portion of fodder plant
(Newman et al., 2009). Lignin becomes inaccessible to enzymatic degradation because of strong bond exist among lignin, polysaccharides and cell wall protein. Acid detergent insoluble crude protein (ADICP) represents the portion of feed protein that is not available to ruminants. A perusal of data (Table 2) revealed that fibre fraction parameters found to be non-significant for varieties except neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent lignin (ADL) and total carbohydrate (T-CHO) content of fodder cowpea. C-152 (43.47%, 8.41% and 68.98%) recorded lower NDF, ADL and T-CHO content as compared to MFC-09-1 and MFC-08-14. These results are corroborated with
Singh et al., (2018).
Zinc fertilization exhibited significant variation in fibre content of fodder cowpea except neutral detergent insoluble crude protein [NDICP (% DM basis)], acid detergent insoluble crude protein [ADICP (% DM basis)] and cellulose content. All zinc treatments significantly reduced NDF, ADF, ADL, NDICP (% CP basis), ADICP (% CP basis) and hemicellulose with respect to control and basal application of 20 kg ZnSO
4 recorded lowest fibre fractions. At cellular level,
Cakmak (2000) explained the role of zinc in lignification of cell walls. The plant produces reactive oxygen species and is an important characteristic of all lignifying cells. Production of these species is catalysed by NADPH oxidase enzyme and zinc deficiency in the plant is highly correlated with enhanced activity of NADPH oxidase.
Nutritive values/energy indices
Data presented in Table 1 revealed that varieties could not differentiate the dry matter digestibility (DMD), total digestible nutrients (TDN), net energy of lactation (NEl), relative feed quality (RFQ), digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) but hold significant variation for dry matter intake (DMI) and relative feed value (RFV) as depicted in Fig 3. Varietal comparison showed (Table 1) that C-152 (2.76%, 137.15) exhibited significantly higher DMI and RFV among the varieties.
Newman et al., (2009), revealed that NDF is an indicator of dry matter intake and RFV index is based on intake potential and digestible dry matter content of the feed. Therefore, the variations in values of RFV in cowpea varieties under zinc application are correlated with the NDF and ADF content of feed.
The secondary parameters
viz., DMI, DMD, TDN, NEl, RFV, RFQ, DE and ME as shown in Table 1 and Fig 3 increased significantly with respect to zinc treatments. Basal application of 20 kg ZnSO4 as basal (64.59% and 2.76%) considerably enhanced the DMD and DMI over rest of the treatments. Similar trend was also noted for TDN with highest content in 20 kg ZnSO4/ha treatment (61.06%). Zn
3 treatment remained significantly superior over control in terms of increasing NEl, RFV, RFQ, DE and ME. Dry matter digestibility is positively related with crude protein content, but negatively with ADF, NDF and lignin content in the plant as reported by
Antwi et al., (2007) in cowpea. The variable values of RFV in cowpea varieties under zinc application are correlated with the NDF and ADF content of feed, since it is based on DMI and DMI content of the feed
(Newman et al., 2009). ME values are found to be low in treatments exhibited high fibre and low protein content.
Correlation matrix
Correlation studies (Table 3) indicated that dry fodder yield was strongly positive and significant (
P<0.01) correlated with CP (r=0.865), TA (r=0.828), DMI (r=0.716), TDN (r=0.740) and RFQ (r=0.763). However, the relationship between DFY vs. NDF (r=0.723), ADF (r=0.740) and ADF (r=0.826) was strong negative and significant (
P<0.01). The quality enhancing parameters
viz., CP and TA content had strong negative and significant (
P<0.01) relationship with fibre fractions. Nutritive values/energy indices (DMI, TDN and RFQ) were also negatively correlated with fibre fractions.