Analysis of variances
Combined ANOVA showed that environment had highly significant effects on grain yield, number of seeds per pod, number of branches per plant and number of days to 50% flowering, whereas year had significant interactions with genotypes for grain yield, number of pods per plant, number of branches per plant, and days to 50% flowering (Table 2). Estimates of repeatability varied with traits, with a number of seeds per pod scoring the highest (0.95) and grain yield (0.21) had the lowest score. Environment accounted for 60 to 75% of total variability in grain yield and yield components. Our results corroborate with the findings of other workers
(Putto et al., 2008; Singh et al., 2018) who reported that environment accounts for 50 - 80% of the total variation in MET data.
The mean grain yield of all genotypes was 735.8 kg ha
-1. The best genotype (IT90K-277-2) produced grain yields of 1,626.4 kg ha
-1 and the worst one (IT07K-274-2-9) produced 343.7 kg ha
-1. The grain yield of the local check, Titinwa, was 628.3 kg ha
-1. Interestingly, the adapted variety MBR II was among the top three genotypes that - surpassed the local check Titinwa by 44 to 64.3%. Two of the best three genotypes (IT90K-277-2, IT07K-211-1-8) are improved lines introduced from IITA. MBR II had a competitive performance with the two best genotypes in PAJ during the second season in 2014. These genotypes had consistent performance during the second season with limited rains, suggesting that they can also adapt to marginal areas (
Cooper et al., 1997;
Meseka et al., 2016).
Phenotypic correlations
Phenotypic correlations between grain yield and six yield components showed that plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, days to 50% flowering and 100-seed weight were positively and significantly correlated with grain yield (Table 3). The strongest correlations were detected between grain yield and number of pods per plant and number of branches per pant (r = 0.92; P<0.01) and between grain yield and plant height (r = 0.89; P<0.01). This result indicated inherent contributions of these traits to grain yield showing a positive linear relationship between grain yield and the yield components, suggesting that improving one of these traits could positively influence grain yield. These traits can be used as an index for selecting high yielding cowpea genotypes. Our results corroborate the findings of
Souza et al., (2007) and
Menna et al., (2015) who reported significant positive correlations of similar traits in cowpea. However,
Aybegun et al., (2018) reported a negative and strong association between grain yield and number of days to 50% flowering in field pea.
GGE Biplot analysis
In this study, GGE biplot explained 88.4% of the total yield variation in the test environments. The vertex for “which-won-where-what” view identified IT07K-211-1-8 as the best genotype at PAJ, while IT90K-277-2 was the best genotype at PAL and JUB. MBR II had yield potential above average across the six environments. The check variety, Titinwa and most of the genotypes were not adapted to a specific location (Fig1 and Table 2). The poor performance of Titinwa and most of the genotypes across test environments can be attributed to GEI effects and their genetic backgrounds. However, different genotypes produced the highest grain yield in different test environments. The differential ranking of the genotypes across test environments demonstrates the existence of a mixture of crossover and non-crossover types of GEI as a common case with MET data
(Kaya et al., 2006).
Yield performance and stability of the nine cowpea genotypes determined by an average environment coordinate (AEC) method (Yan and Hunt, 2001; Yan, 2002) was defined by contributions of PC1 and PC2 in GGE biplot. A line passing through the AEC and biplot origin (average environment axis) serves as abscissa of the AEC, while the ordinate of AEC is the line that passes through the origin and perpendicular to the AEC abscissa (Fig 2). The AEC ordinate separates genotypes with above average grain yields from those with below average yields. Genotypic stability is crucial to sustainable performance across environments, the longer the projection to AEC ordinate, the greater tendency to more variability of genotypic performance across test environments. Consequently, IT90K-277-2 was identified as high yielding and most stable, while IT07K-211-1-8 was high yielding but unstable. MBRII was stable but had a lower yield compared to IT90K-277-2 and IT07K-211-1-8. Titinwa and five other genotypes had poor yield performance but were stable.
In the polygon view of the discriminating environments, JUB and PAL were strongly correlated and most discriminatory (Fig 3), suggesting that removing one of the two locations as a test environment would not lead to any loss of information and will cut down on resources that can be used in other locations
(Yan et al., 2000; Yan and Rajcan, 2002;
Yan and Tinker 2005;
Kaya et al., 2006; Asnake et al., 2013). Yan and Tinker (2005) suggested that test environments that are non-discriminating provide no information on the genotypes and therefore should not be used as test environments. The first rainy season in PAJ characterized by high relative humidity and rainfall provided a perfect environment for insect pests and diseases, making it unsuitable for growing cowpea. Our results suggest that farmers in PAJ should grow improved cowpea varieties during the second season and concentrate on growing other crops like groundnuts (
Arachis hypogaea), maize (
Zea mays L.) and sorghum [
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] that require adequate rainfall which occurs during the first season. Although PAJ and PAL are grouped under the Greenbelt, PAL falls in mid-altitude (>1000 masl), while PAJ (893 masl) and JUB (496 masl) fall in the lowland that requires different germplasm classifications.