Effect of wheat varieties
The results showed that the growth parameters, yield attributes, yield, nutrient content and uptake of greengram crop did not influence significantly due to residual effect of different wheat varieties.
Effect of integrated nutrient management
Growth parameters
The greengram crop was grown without fertilizer application and under the influence of different integrated nutrient management treatments, significant variation was observed on growth parameters. At harvest, significantly higher plant height (51.67 cm), maximum number of branches per plant (6.90) were observed under application of 50% RDF + 25% N through FYM +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4, the lower plant height and less number of branches per plant was recorded with the control (no fertilizer) treatment presented in Table 2.
The plant growth is the function of photosynthetic activity of the plants, translocation of photosynthates within the plant, which ultimately depend on their capacity to utilize available nutrients. This might be due to an adequate amount of nutrients supply that enhanced the cell division and cell enlargement and helped to convert more solar energy into chemical energy. Application of inorganic fertilizers with bio-fertilizers might have supplied the adequate and continuous amount of nutrients at different growth stages due to release of sufficient amount of nutrients by mineralization at a constant level that resulted in higher plant growth, which reflect as higher plant height of the crop. The increase in no. of branches per plant was attributed due to higher N uptake by the crop (Table 3). The beneficial effect of optimum and balanced fertilization involving organic with inorganic and bio fertilizers on number of branches per plant have also been investigated by
(Jain et al., 1995; Upadhyay et al., 1999; Jat et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2013) with respect to plant height.
Yield attributes and yields
The residual effect due to integrated nutrient management treatment
i.e. 50% RDF + 25% N through FYM +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4 recorded significantly the higher number of pods per plant (22.98), Test weight (38.72g), seed yield (669 kg/ha) and stover yield (1406 kg/ha). Significantly, the lower number of pods per plant, Test weight, seed yield and stover yields were recorded with nutrient management treatment control (no fertilizer) presented in Table 2.
This was largely attributed to better growth of plant which resulted in adequate supply of photosynthates for development of sink under higher level of integrated nutrient management. Positive response in terms of yield attributes to integrated nutrient management have also been reported by
(Rajkhova et al., 2002; Yakadri et al., 2002; Chaudhary et al., 2003; Reddy et al., 2011; Patel et al., 2013).
The highest seed yield per hectare gained under these treatments might be due to chemical fertilizer in conjunction with organic and bio fertilizers that might have provided favourable soil environment and nourishment for better plant growth resulted in maximum seed yield per hectare. The higher yield in these treatments was due to cumulative effect of elevated growth stature as well as yield structure. Moreover, bio-fertilizers might have helped in increasing uptake of nutrients and conservation and availability of moisture to the plant. The increase in greengram seed yield with addition of inorganic and bio-fertilizers may be attributed to the fact that biofertilizer being the store house of nutrients that also release the applied nutrients at its optimum and improve the soil physical condition. This may be due to better synthesis of chlorophyll in leaves. This finding indicated that the combined application of well decomposed FYM with chemical fertilizers and bio-fertilizers was superior to sole inorganic fertilizer application. The results were supported by the findings of (
Acharya and mondal et al., 2010;
Ghanshyam et al., 2010; Jat et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2013).
Moreover, the application of chemical fertilizers along with bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizers has given residual effect on nutrient availability in the soil to the next crop; greengram utilized residual nitrogen as starter for their vegetative growth due to higher photosynthetic rates and chlorophyll contents of the plant. The increased availability of nutrients under these treatments might have improved the growth attributes that enhanced the photosynthesis and translocation of carbohydrates to sink site which ultimately led to positive increase in stover yield. The higher availability of nutrients might have increased its uptake which increased cell size and enhanced cell division, seems to have played an important role in increasing the plant height and yield. This finding confirms to those reported by
(Reddy et al., 2011; Jat et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2013).
Quality parameter
The residual effect of all the integrated nutrient management treatments incorporated in preceding wheat crop on the succeeding greengram showed significant improvement in protein content as compared to control (N
1). The higher protein content (22.68%) were recorded under application of 50% RDF + 25% N through FYM+
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4 (N
6). Minimum protein content of 20.32% was noted with treatment N
1 (control) presented in Table 2.
It is an established fact that protein content is dependent on its growth and nutritional composition. Increase in seed protein content may be due to enhanced uptake and translocation of residual nitrates which was remain present in the soil due to the soil fixation and not used completely by previous crop. These nutrients utilized by succeeding greengram crop that provide nitrogen for amino acid synthesis. Increase in protein content might be due to increased N concentration in seed that is integral part of protein synthesis. Increased protein content might be due to adequate supply of nitrogen. Adequate supply of N is associated with the vigorous vegetative growth and dark green colour. Balanced and adequate supply of nitrogen in relation to other nutrients developed favourable conditions for the growth. The supply of nitrogen is related to the protein formation. Further, it is seemed that organic manure improved physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and this led to improved root growth and development, improved water and nutrient uptake resulting into improved seed quality in terms of higher seed protein content. Similar results found by
(Chesti et al., 2012; Jat et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2013).
Nutrients content in seed and stover
Thenutrients content (%) in seed and stover were significantly influenced by residual effect of different integrated nutrient management treatments. Maximum nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in seed 3.629%, 0.473%, 0.635% and in stover 0.751%, 0.231%, 0.985 % were noted under treatment N
6 i.e., 50% RDF + 25% N through FYM+
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4 being statistically at par with N
3, N
2, N
5 and N
4 sequentially presented in Table 3.
Nutrients uptake in seed and stover
Thenutrients uptake (kg/ha) by seed and stover were significantly influenced by the residual effect of different treatments of integrated nutrient management. The higher values of nutrients uptake by seed 24.30, 3.17, 4.25 kg/ha and stover 10.55, 3.24, 13.83 kg/ha of N:P:K respectively were noted under treatment N
6(50% RDF + 25% N through FYM+
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4) but was statistically at par with N
3 (100% RDF +
Azotobacter+ PSB) and N
2 (100% RDF/ha). The minimum uptake of NPK by seed 18.46, 2.50, 3.33 kg/ha and stover 8.36, 2.54, 10.70 kg/ha were observed with N
1 (control) presented in Table 3.
The higher removal of N and P with treatment N
6might be due to better development of root and shoot of plants, that resulted in higher N and P uptake. These results are in accordance with those reported by
(Ghanshyam et al., 2010; Jat et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2013) with respect to N and P contents as well as their uptake.
Available N, P2O5 and K2O in soil after harvest
The significant effect of integrated nutrient management on available N, P
5 and K
2O was found in soil after harvest of greengram. The treatment N
3 (100% RDF +
Azotobacter+ PSB) recorded significantly higher values of available N and P
5 in soil after harvest, but it was statistically at par with the treatment N
2, N
4, N
5 and N
6 in case of available N and P
5 in pooled analysis. The treatment N
1 control (No fertilizer) recorded significantly lower available N and P
5. In case of available K
2O status the treatments showed non-significant effect in soil after harvest of greengram during both years as well as in pooled.
(Das et al., 2009) revealed that integrated nutrient management improved the residual soil fertility after greengram to a greater extent and the gain in available organic carbon, nitrogen and P
5 over the initial soil nutrient status.
(Kacha et al., 2008) observed that application of castor cake in chilli enhanced the available nitrogen status of the soil over no castor cake treatment. This might be due to higher quantity of organic manure along with bio-fertilizers
viz. Rhizobium and PSB, which accumulated in soil resulting in build up of nutrients in the soil. Increase in available N might be due to the direct addition of N through organic manure and greater multiplication of soil microbes, which could convert organically bound N to inorganic form. Similar results have also been reported by
(Gorade et al., 2014).
Available organic carbon in soil after harvest
Among the treatments, conjunctive applications of organic and inorganic fertilizers in different combinations get influenced over treatment control in consideration of available organic carbon content in soil in presented Table 4. Significantly higher organic carbon content was recorded in soil under the treatment N
6 (50% RDF + 25% N through FYM +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4). However, significantly higher (0.267%) and the lowest (0.203%) values of available organic carbon in soil were recorded with the treatments N
6 (50% RDF + 25% N through organic manure +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4) and N
1 (control) in pooled analysis, respectively.
The organic carbon after harvest of the crop was observed under higher inputs (Integrated Nutrient Management), as these inputs resulted in higher vegetative growth of plants which implies that profuse root system has developed and thereby after harvest of crop more amount of root debris remained in the soil which converted in carbon source reflected in terms of higher organic carbon in soil. Increasing levels of NPK fertilization significantly increased the available N, P, K and Organic Carbon content in the soil (
Kumari and Singaram, 1996).
Available zinc in soil after harvest
The application of 50% RDF + 25% N through FYM +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4 (N
6) and 75% RDF +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4 (N
5) recorded significantly higher content of available zinc in soil over rest of the treatments presented in Table 4. However, both these treatments were remained at par with each other. Application of treatments N
6 (50% RDF + 25% N through FYM +
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4) registered significantly higher (0.464 mg/kg) and lower (0.380 mg/kg) content of available zinc in soil. Zinc exerts beneficial effect on N assimilation
via its influence on nitrate reductase activity. Thus, N content in seed is significantly increased by following application of zinc.
(Chaudhary et al., 2014) were also observed the same trend of results in green gram.
Effect of varieties
The higher gross realization (₹ 38,012/ha), net realization (₹ 16,957/ha) and BCR (0.81) were secured by variety GW 273 (V
1) as compared to other varieties.
Effect of integrated nutrient management
Data on economics as influenced by different integrated nutrient management treatments are presented in Table 5. The higher gross realization (₹ 39,593/ha), net realization (₹ 18,538/ha) was incurred under the treatment N
6 (50% RDF + 25% N through FYM+
Azotobacter + PSB + ZnSO
4) with the BCR value of 0.88. The next better treatment in view of gross and net realization was N
3 (100% RDF+
Azotobacter+ PSB) which recorded the gross and net realization of ₹ 38,902/ha and ₹ 17,847/ha, respectively, with the BCR value of 0.85. The lowest gross realization ₹ 33,596, net realization of ₹ 12,541/ha and BCR value of 0.60 were found in N
1 (control). The results are in conformity with those reported by (
Ambhore, 2004;
Jat et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2013) with respect to higher net income and BCR.