Highly significant differences were observed among the genotypes for all characters (Table 1) under study. This indicated enough genetic variability among the genotypes. Significant variation among the environments was observed for almost all the characters studied except for number of branches. While, E + (G × E) interaction was also highly significant for all characters except for number of branches per plant, pod length and number of seeds per pod. The environments linear were highly significant for all the traits. This revealed that the environments were affecting the performance of all the genotypes with respect to cluster bean yield attributing traits.
Wankhade et al., (2016) observed significant E + (G × E) interaction for plant height (cm), number of pods per plant, gum content (%) and protein content (%) in cluster bean genotypes. Genotype × environment interactions and linear component of G × E interaction were highly significant for most of important traits
viz., plant height (cm), days to maturity, pod weight (g), number of pods per plant, pod yield per plant(g) and pod yield per hectare (q/ha), protein content (%), gum content (%) and fibre content (%). Similar results of significant G × E interactions were also been observed by
Pereira et al., (2009) in 16 varieties of french bean; for plant height (cm), pod yield per plant(g) and pod yield per hectare (q/ha), gum content (%) and protein content (%) in cluster bean by
Wankhade et al., (2016); for plant height (cm) and number of pods per cluster and days to maturity in cluster bean by
Pawan et al., (2016). Whereas, it was non-significant for number of branches per plant, days to first flower, days to 50% flowering, number of clusters per plant, pod length (cm) and number of seeds per pod. This is in conformity with finding of
Altaf et al., (2020) in French bean.
The mean sum of square due to G × E interaction was partitioned into linear and non-linear components. The environment (linear) component of variance was significant for all the characters studied indicating that macro-environmental differences were present in all the three locations studied and was still predictable. The mean sum of squares due to pooled deviation (non-linear) was also significant for all the characters
viz., indicating role of unpredictable causes that affect stability. Similar response was also obtained by
Chaudhary et al., (2005a) and
Chaudhary et al., (2005b) and
Pawan et al., (2016) in cluster bean;
Fayaz et al., (2017) in common bean,
Sanjeev et al., (2018) in cow pea and
Altaf et al., (2020) in french bean.
Stability of plant characters
On the basis of mean performance over environments, the plant height ranged from 43.9 cm (IC-28283) to 119.744 cm (IC-103295). Genotype IC-140777 showed regression coefficient near to unity with non significant deviation from the regression line indicating average stability. While the genotypes IC-9233-P3, IC-10333, IC-10520, IC-103295, IC-140774, IC-200679, IC-200680 and Pusa Navbahar had high mean value with regression coefficient less than one and small non significant deviation from regression line indicating above average stability suitable in unfavourable or poor environments (Table 2). Four genotypes IC-9077-P1, IC-10323, IC-28287 and IC-200696 had higher mean performance with regression values more than unity and non significant deviation from regression line indicating their suitability for favourable environments with below average stability. Similar interactions for this trait are reported earlier in cluster bean
(Jain et al., 2012, Wankhade et al., 2016 and
Satish et al., 2017).
For plant spread (cm) in E-W direction, among 25 genotypes fourteen genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-9233-P3, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-10520, IC-13348, IC-28287, IC-34344, IC-39989, IC-103295, IC-140774, IC-140791, IC-200679 and IC-200680 are significantly higher than the general mean (26.607 cm). Genotype IC-10323 (26.153 cm) recorded highest plant spread, while Pusa Navbahar (14.644 cm) recorded lowest plant spread (Table 2). The regression (bi) value ranged from -0.98 (IC-90523) to 4.50 (IC-9229-P3). The genotypes
viz., IC-9233-P3, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-10520, IC-13348, IC-28287, IC-34344, IC-140774, IC-140791, IC-200679 and IC-200680 are adapted to poor environments as they had bi less than unity and high mean with small non significant deviation from regression line. While, the genotype IC-103295 adapted to favourable environment as it had bi above unity higher mean with non significant deviation from regression line.
It was observed that days to maturity ranged from 84.172 (IC-10323) to 94.06 (IC-39989) across the environments. The genotype IC-10323 had significantly lower mean than general mean, regression coefficient equivalent to unity and S
2di equivalent to zero, exhibiting average stability and adaptability, hence, most suitable and desirable. The genotypes
viz., genotype IC-13365, IC-200680, IC-140777 and IC-200715 had mean significantly lower than general mean, regression coefficient less than unity and S
2di equivalent to zero, exhibiting low responsiveness and more stable hence, this genotype was suited for poor environmental condition (Table 3). Genotypes namely, IC-9233-P3, IC-140774, IC-200679 and IC-200696 had mean significantly lower than general mean, regression coefficient more than unity and S2di equivalent to zero, exhibiting below average stability hence, this genotype was suited for better environmental condition.
Satish et al., (2017) and
Altaf et al., (2020) reported similar findings.
The mean performance of genotypes for number of pods per plant ranged from 37.03 (IC-13348) to 103.15 (IC-103295) with overall mean of 64.25 (Table 2). Among the 13 genotypes that were recorded high mean, seven genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-10323, IC-103295, IC-200680, IC-177844, IC-200715 and IC-200679, which also showed bi around unity (bi=1) with non significant S2di and stable ones across environments. The genotype IC-140777 recorded more number of pod per plant and bi value less than one with non significant S
2di, explaining its suitability in poor environments (unfavourable) as they showed above average stability. The genotypes IC-9229-P3 and IC-140774 recorded more number of pods per plant and bi value more than one with non significant S
2di, explaining their suitability in favourable environments (below stability). Variable performance of cluster bean genotypes under different environmental regimes for number of pods per plant are also reported by
Satish et al., (2017), Fayaz et al., (2017) and
Altaf et al., (2020).
Stability of yield attributes
Considering pooled mean performance of pod length (cm), it was found that three genotypes
viz., IC-28283 (8.85 cm), IC-39989 (13.67 cm) and IC-103295 (8.84 cm) had significantly higher pod length than check variety Pusa Navbahar (8.71 cm) (Table 3). Pooled analysis showed that linear component of G × E interaction was not significant for this trait. Hence, it indicates that there was no environmental effect on this trait. Out of 25 genotypes, three genotypes
viz., IC-39989, IC-103295 and IC-200696 possessed significantly higher mean than general mean, regression coefficient equivalent to unity and S
2di equivalent to zero, exhibiting average stability and adaptability, hence, most suitable and desirable. The genotypes
viz., IC-28283, IC-28287 and IC-177844 had mean significantly higher than general mean, regression coefficient more than unity and S
2di equivalent to zero, exhibiting below average stability. Hence, this genotype was suited for better environmental condition.
Pawan et al., (2016) in cluster bean,
Satish et al., (2017) in french bean and
Sanjeev et al., (2018) in cowpea also reported similar findings.
The mean performance of pod girth (mm) of genotypes ranged from 5.73 mm (IC-10520, IC-13348) to 10.16 cm (IC-39989). Eight genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-10323, IC-28269, IC-34344, IC-39989, IC-103295, IC-140774 and IC-200680 had higher pod girth than check variety Pusa Navbahar (8.50 mm). The deviation from regression was significantly greater than zero in one genotype (IC-13365) and it was near to zero in twenty four genotypes. Genotypes IC-39989, IC-103295 and IC-140774 showed significantly higher mean, with regression coefficient unity and non significant deviation from regression coefficient indicating average stability suitable for all environmental conditions. Other six genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-9233-P3, IC-10323, IC-28269, IC-34344 and IC-200680 regression coefficient less than unity were adapted to unfavourable environment (Table 3). Results are in accordance with reports of
Tamene et al., (2015) in faba bean and
Satish et al., (2017) in french bean.
Means of pod weight (g) varied from 1.07 g in IC-10520 to 2.474 g in IC-39989. Seven genotypes, IC-9052, IC-10333, IC-13365, IC-39989, IC-103295, IC-177844 and IC-200696 recorded higher pod weight than check variety Pusa Navbahar (1.68 g) out of 25 genotypes, three genotypes
viz., IC-10323, IC-13365 and IC-28287 showed significant regression coefficient (bi) values and remaining 22 genotypes had non-significant regression coefficient (bi) values. Most of the genotypes had S
2di values non-significant and not different from zero (S
2di=0) except three genotypes IC-10333, IC-140777 and IC-200715 indicating stable performance across the environments. Among ten genotypes, which showed high mean, three genotypes namely, IC-9052, IC-13365 and IC-39989 were exhibited were also not different from unity and zero, respectively, hence showing stability for this trait. While, genotypes IC-103295, IC-177844 and IC-200696 had high mean value with regression coefficient less than one and small nonsignificant deviation from regression line indicating above average stability suitable to grow unfavourable/poor environments (Table 3). Many workers
Pawan et al., (2016) in cluster bean,
Satish et al., (2017) in french bean and
Yirga et al., (2019) in field pea were found similar findings.
Stability of pod yield per plant
It was found that mean pod yield per plant ranged from 47.9 g in IC-28283 to 187 g in IC-103295. Ten genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-34344, IC-39989, IC-103295, IC-140774, IC-140777, IC-177844 and IC-200680 recorded higher pod yield per plant (Table 4) than the check variety Pusa Navbahar (106.8 g). Considering all stability parameters
i.e., high mean, bi near to one and S
2di close to zero, five genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-10323, IC-103295, IC-200680 and IC-10333 were found superior and stable across environments. Genotypes
viz., IC-140774 and IC-177844 had mean significantly higher than check variety, regression coefficient more than unity and non significant deviation from regression coefficient, exhibiting below average stability, hence, this genotype was suited for better environmental condition. Genotype IC-140777 recorded more pod yield per plant and bi value less than one with non significant S
2di, explaining its suitability in poor environments (unfavourable) showed above average stability. The results are concomitant with the results reported by
Pawan et al., (2016) in cluster bean and
Satish et al., (2017) in french bean.
The highest pod yield per hectare was 196.7 q/ha in IC-103295 and lowest was 50.03 q/ha in IC-28283 with population general mean of 103.78 q/ha. Eight genotypes
viz., IC-9052, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-34344, IC-200680, IC-177844, IC-103295 and IC-39989 recorded higher pod yield per hectare (Table 4) than check variety Pusa Navbahar (112.19 q/ha). Two genotypes
viz., IC-140774 and IC-200679 showed significant bi values. Twenty one genotypes had deviation from regression (S
2di) values, non-significant from zero indicating stable performance across the environments. However, based on Eberhart and Russell’s stability criteria high mean, bi=1 and S
2di=0, five genotypes IC-9052, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-103295 and IC-200680 were considered as desirable and stable. While, genotype IC-177844 recorded high mean, bi values significantly >1 and S2di with non significant deviation, Hence, these were considered specifically adapted to favourable environments. Similar findings are also obtained by
Tamene et al., (2015) in faba bean.
Stability of quality traits
With respect to crude protein content (%), the mean values varied from 15.3% in IC-9077-P1 to 23.86% in IC-28287 with general mean of 19.83%. Fifteen genotypes
i.e., IC-9052, IC-9229-P3, IC-9233-P3, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-10520, IC-13348, IC-13365, IC-28286, IC-28287, IC-34344, IC-103295, IC-140777, IC-200696 and IC-200715 registered higher crude protein content (%) than check variety Pusa Navbahar (18.69%) and general mean (19.83%) (Table 4). Out of 25 genotypes, twenty three genotypes had S
2di close to zero indicating that these genotypes were stable across the environments. Considering mean above average, bi near to unity and S2di close to zero, the genotypes, IC-10333, IC-28286, IC-103295 and IC-200715 were stable. However, the genotypes IC-9233-P3, C-10323, IC-13365 and IC-140777 had high mean, bi significantly >1 and S
2di=0, hence were considered as specifically adapted to favourable environments. Genotypes IC-9052, IC-10520, IC-13348, IC-28287 and IC-34344 recorded above average stability due to more protein percentage in seed and bi value less than one with non significant S2di, explaining their suitability in poor environments. Present results confirm the findings of
Razvi et al., (2011) in common bean and
Wankhade et al., (2016) in cluster bean.
With regard to gum content (%), it was found that gum content (%) varied from 17.07% in IC-13348 to 33.02% in IC-103295 (Table 5). Seven genotypes namely, IC-9077-P1, IC-10323, IC-34344, IC-103295, IC-140774, IC-140791 and IC-200715 were recorded higher gum content (%) than check variety Pusa Navbahar (28.1%). All genotypes except IC-10520 had deviation from regression (S
2di) values close to zero indicating that these were stable across the environments. Two genotypes namely, IC-103295 and IC-140791were exhibited higher gum content (%) and their bi and S2di were also not significantly differed from unity and zero, respectively. Hence, these were considered as superior genotypes for gum content (%) and also stable. However, genotype IC-200715 were considered specifically adapted to rich environments as bi is significantly >1. While, the genotypes IC-34344 and IC-140774 recorded above average stability due to bi value less than one and non significant deviation from regression line. The results obtained are in agreement with the findings of earlier workers in cluster bean (
Dalmeida and Tikka, 2003 and
Wankhade et al., 2016).
The mean values for crude fibre content (%) varied from 4.36% in IC-9077-P1 to 8.7% in IC-34344 with general mean of 6.40 %. Twenty one genotypes namely, IC-9052, IC-9233-P3, IC-9229-P3, IC-10323, IC-10333, IC-10520, IC-13348, IC-13365, IC-28269, IC-28283, IC-28287, IC-28286, IC-34344, IC-39989, IC-177844, IC-140774, IC-140777, IC-200679, IC-103295, IC-200696 and IC-140791 had significantly higher means for fibre content (%) than the check variety Pusa Navbahar (4.95%). Based on Eberhart and Russell’s stability criteria, high mean, but for this character low means could be desirable, bi=1 and S
2di=0, the genotype IC- 9077-P1 were considered as desirable and stable over the environments. However, genotype IC-200680 recorded low mean, bi values significant >1 and S
2di not different from zero, indicated specifically adapted to favourable environments. Genotype IC-140774 has lower than general mean, bi values significant less than one and S2di not different from zero, indicated specifically adopted to poor environments.