Experimental design
The experiment was conducted out during August- October, 2019 at the Entomology laboratory, National Pulses Research Center, Vamban, India. The experimental material consisted of 20 blackgram genotypes (Table 1). Tolerant genotype with lower rate of adult emergence on 50
th days of infestation and four highly susceptible entries
viz., MDU 1, VBN 6, VBN 8 and ADT 3 were further screened as a confirmatory trial during October-December, 2019. Seeds of each cultivar were stored at -20°C for 48 hours to avoid carry over infestation from field. Both experiments were carried out in completely randomized design and replicated three times.
Insect culture
Among the various species,
C. maculatus covers the major proportion of nearly 90% in the seed lots at Vamban. Beetles were collected and multiplied on green gram seeds of VBN 4 [
Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] variety. Good aeration was provided through small pin holes on the sides of the container. The
C. maculatus male and female insects were identified morphologically with two key traits such as: a) presence of less dense setae on the ventral side of the 2, 3, 4
th abdominal segments (sternites) of the female and b) presence of serrate type of antenna in both male and female may distinguish from other species. c) The females look larger than males. d) Females are darker in colour than males, while males are brown in colour. Freshly emerged 1-2 day old adults were collected from the stock culture and used for bioassay.
Bioassay for bruchid resistance
The assay procedure of
Dongre et al., (1996) was followed with some modification. Modification such as instead of two pairs of adults, five pairs of adults were released on 50 number of seeds of each genotype placed in a 15 cm diameter plastic petriplates. The insects were allowed to remain in petriplates for five daysfor Oviposition. After five days the adults were removed from petriplates. Observations were recorded on:
a) 100-seed weight (g).
b) Seed lusture and seed surface.
c) Number of eggs per 50 seeds, Oviposition on 50 seeds of the blackgram genotypes were counted using Leica compound microscope with 10x magnification and the digital images were visualized using Leica application suite version 3.4.0,
d) Mean number of eggs per seed
(Sewsaran et al., 2019) ,
e) Developmental time (egg + larval + pupal stages) (days)
i.e., the time taken for the first adult emergence on the genotypes from the date of adult release.
f) Total number of adult emergence, after 25 days of adult release, the daily observation of adult emergence on the genotypes were performed up to 50 days after infestation (DAI). The emerged adults from the genotypes were counted and removed daily.
g) Mean developmental period (days):
d1- Day at which the adults started emerging (1st day).
a1- Number of adults emerged on d1th day.
h) Howe’s Index of susceptibility:
1- The total number of emerging adults.
D- MDP in days.
Using the Index of Susceptibility, genotypes were categorized based on
Mensah (1986).
i) Seed damage (%), number of seeds damaged out of 50 seeds taken for study were counted and seed damage percentage was calculated at 50 DAI. Based on the seed damage (%), the genotypes were classified as Highly resistant (HR) (0-10%), resistant (R) (10.1-20%), moderately resistant (MR) (20.1-40%), susceptible (S) (40.1-80%) and highly susceptible (HS) (80.1-100%).
j) Seed weight loss (%), the final weight of the 50 seeds of each genotype after 50DAI was taken and the weight loss percentage was calculated. Seed damage and seed weight loss were estimated on 50 days after adult infestation (DAI). The adults emerged we re counted on daily basis and removed from the petriplates to avoid secondary infestation.
Gas chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis
The seeds of identified tolerant genotype (TU 68) and highly susceptible genotype (MDU 1) for bruchine infestation were subjected to GCMS analysis (Equipment (Model: BrucherScion 436-GC with Detector TQ Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer). The analysis was carried as per the standard methods given by
Huang et al., (2012). The individual components form the seeds were identified based on the retention time. It was compared with the components known from the NIST library database (U.S. Department of Commerce) version-2011.
Statistical analysis
All the observed data were transformed using square root transformation technique except the percentage data. Percentage data was subjected to arcsine data transfor- mation. Analysis of variance for completely randomized design was carried out (
Gomez and Gomez, 1984). Further Tukey’s honest significant difference (HSD) post-hoc test was carried out with STAR statistical software (version 2.0.1) developed by IRRI, Philippines.