Stem rot incidence and weather conditions
Stem rot appeared as early as week-51 (third week of December) and it was recorded to occur as late as up to week-14 (first week of April). Maximum incidence observed was 64.8, 30, 43.9, 44.4, 38.4, 55.6, 61.4, 55.9, 55.0 and 65.3% respectively from 2010-11 to 2019-20 (Fig 1). More than 20% stem rot incidence was observed in all the years (Fig 2). During the disease observation period from 2010-11 to 2019-20, average weekly temperature ranged from 11.4 to 22.8°C, average weekly relative humidity from 59.0 to 80.1%, average weekly rainfall from 0.0 to 28.3 mm, average weekly sunshine hours from 3.1 to 10.1 and average weekly wind speed from 2.7 to 4.2 km/hr (Fig 3). Kendall tau-b correlation coefficient (rk) between stem rot incidence and weather variables shows that weekly average temperature (TEMP) had strong positive correlation (rk = 0.48) with stem rot. Correlation of all other variables with stem rot incidence was low and positive [RF (rk = 0.13); SNS (rk = 0.31); WS (rk = 0.20)] except RH which had low negative correlation (rk = -0.23) (Table 1). Multicollinearity was lacking among predictor variables as highest variance inflation factor value was 3.49 and lowest tolerance value was 0.29 (Table 1). High incidence (> 20%) of stem rot in all the years was probably due to the fact that weather conditions were quite congenial for disease development. Temperature, wind speed and sunshine hours increased as the clover growing season progressed and had positive correlation with the disease, while relative humidity decreased along the season and had negative correlation with stem rot. Rainfall was not uniform and hence had lowest correlation with the disease. Stem rot incidence was low during early observation period (week-50 onwards), however, it progresses gradually. The peak level varied during different years due to variation in weather conditions. Earlier reports in a different clover species (red clover) also suggest that depending on the prevailing weather conditions, stem rot can be almost absent or can create havoc by destroying entire fields. Temperature is considered as the most important weather variable which affects the stem rot development. The most favorable condition for disease spread is a humid autumn facilitating ascospore germination followed by a warm humid winter with intermittent periods of frost. Extremely cold and dry winters restrict the mycelial growth and thereby preventing disease spread
(Dillon et al., 1946; Marum et al., 1994). It was also reported that since incidence of stem rot is dependent on weather conditions, the magnitude of yield loss can vary from year to year (
Loveless, 1951;
Dijkstra, 1964).
Model development and validation
The prediction model included weekly average temperature and wind speed as key predictor variables (Table 2). The model indicates that likelihood of stem rot incidence of >20% is governed by increasing weekly average temperature (between 8-25°C) and wind speed (between 1-7 km/hr) during week-50 (second week of December) to week-14 (first week of April) of a calendar year (Fig 4). Percentages of concordant pairs were 83.8% and percentages of discordant pairs were 16.1%. The value of Somers’ D, Gamma, Tau-a, was 0.68, 0.68 and 0.33 respectively. Point estimates of odds ratio of temperature and wind speed were 1.70 and 1.99 respectively. Hosmer and Lemeshow test statistics indicates that there is no evidence of lack of fit in the selected model (
p=0.71) (Table 3). Cross validated predicted probabilities were almost similar to the model predicted probabilities (Fig 5). The value of AUC was 0.84 during development (Fig 6a) and was 0.82 on cross validation (Fig 6b). The value of Somers’ D, Gamma and Tau-a, on cross validation was 0.65, 0.65 and 0.31 respectively (Table 4). No prediction model for stem rot in Egyptian clover based on weather variables is available till now. However, disease prediction models have been developed for other diseases caused by
Sclerotinia sp. especially
S. sclerotiorum (in rapeseed, lettuce, carrot) in order to determine the need for or deciding the timing of fungicide application. All these models utilize different variables such as rainfall, soil moisture, canopy density, petal infestation, crop history, air temperature, relative humidity and sunshine duration, in order to predict whether inoculum is present or not, what is the risk of disease outbreak for better timing of fungicides (
Turkington and Morrall, 1993;
Twengstrom et al., 1998; Bom and Boland, 2000;
Clarkson et al., 2007). The inclusion of only two predictors (temperature and wind speed) in the model indicates that these predictors contribute to stem rot development and have biological significance. High percentage of concordant pairs indicates that the model predicted high probabilities when incidence of stem rot was truly >20%. Less percentage of discordant pairs indicates that only a few probabilities were falsely predicted. The point estimates of >1 indicates that increasing value of predictor variable will lead to increasing odd of >20% stem rot incidence. Variability in stem rot incidence over the years affected the level of accuracy of the selected model. However, AUC value of 0.84 during development and 0.82 on cross validation indicates high accuracy of the model as models having AUC value between 0.8-0.9 are considered as having excellent discriminating and prediction power
(Hosmer et al., 2013). Both temperature and wind speed play important roles in lifecycle of diseases caused by
Sclerotinia sp. An initial low temperature over a period of time followed by an increase in temperature along with adequate soil moisture results in production of apothecia (
Bardin and Huang, 2001). From apothecia, ascospores are produced which can travel for several kilometers with the help of wind
(Li et al., 1994) and initiates the infection after coming in contact with plants. Under north Indian conditions, temperatures are quite low during December to February followed by gradual increase in temperature from March onwards. As a result of this, stem rot incidence also starts slowly during month of December-January and as the temperature rises, disease incidence also rises. Wind helps by carrying the ascospores released from apothecia to the plant surface and thus helps in initiating and spreading the infection. Hence, the developed model has picked up the right weather variables which contribute to higher incidence of stem rot. This is the first prediction model for stem rot in Egyptian clover in India and probably around the world. The model will help in rationale, need based use of fungicides in Egyptian clover. The model can predict stem rot incidence in regions having climatic conditions similar to Ludhiana, however its applicability in areas with different climatic conditions remains to be proved. This model will be applicable to other Egyptian clover cultivars as most of the Egyptian clover cultivars in cultivation are derived from Miscavi ecotypes and have similar phenology and growing season. However, the applicability of proposed models to other clovers remains to be proved as they have different growing period and climate. Additional research with regard to factors such as soil moisture and soil temperature, which might affect pathogen survival and development in the soil can be carried out as it will likely lead to further improve the proposed model.