Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all the four traits (AUDPC, IP, LP and SP) studied in the two crosses (Kopergaon × HUM 12 and Kopergaon × ML 1720), indicating the existence of genetic variation and possibility of selection for CLS disease resistance in mungbean (Supplementary table 1). The means and standard error of different traits for each generation are summarized in Table 1. Mean AUDPC of 849.17 has been observed on susceptible parent ‘Kopergaon’ whereas, resistant parent duo i.e., HUM 12 and ML 1720 exhibited least AUDPC of 88 and 85.79, respectively (Table 1). This huge difference between AUDPC values of resistant and susceptible parents suggested that the disease pressure was sufficiently high to reveal genetic difference between resistance and susceptibility. Resistant parent HUM12 and ML1720 exhibited lowest mean value for SP (9.38, 5.31) and highest mean value for IP (15.33, 16.67) and LP (26.14, 26.86) in cross I and cross II, respectively. Mean values for other generations,
viz., F
1, F
2, BCs and BCr lies between mean values of either parent for all the traits, revealed no transgressive segregant was observed in these generations for any of the trait studied.
Association studies were made among all the four traits in the F
2 generation of the two crosses. All the four traits were found to be significantly correlated with each other (Table 2). A significantly high and negative correlation was noticed for IP and LP with AUDPC in both the crosses (r = -0.90 to - 0.975; P<0.0001) while, correlation between SP and AUDPC was found to be significantly positive in both the crosses. Similarly, LP and IP exhibited significant positive correlation with each other but both these traits were negatively associated with SP. So, correlation studies underline the importance of these traits in breeding for CLS resistance in mungbean.
The values of individual estimates of gene effects
j and
l for four different traits in the two crosses were estimated (Table 3). Highly significant values for scaling test and chi- square confirmed the presence of inter-allelic interaction in cross for all the traits studied (Supplementary Table 2). In the present study, Generation mean analysis revealed that a simple additive-dominance model was not adequate to explain the variation among the generations for resistance traits and indicated the presence of non-allelic interaction (s) for the CLS resistance. A six-parameter model was fitted to the data. The mean parameter (
m) for all the traits studied indicated that the contribution due to the overall mean plus the locus effects and interaction of the fixed loci was signiûcant for both the crosses (Table 3). Significant additive gene effect (
d) estimates were observed for IP in cross I and for SP in cross II. Significant dominant gene effect (
h) was estimated for AUDPC in cross I, while for AUDPC and SP for cross II. Duplicate epistatic interaction was observed for AUDPC in both the crosses and SP in cross II. Furthermore, the additive and additive × additive components were together larger than the dominant component for all the traits in both the crosses (Table 3). The dominant component was larger than the additive and additive × additive components, although they were both in the same direction for AUDPC in cross II. By ignoring the sign, magnitude of dominance × dominance (
l) was greater than additive × additive (
i) for almost all the traits in both crosses.
Heritability in broad-sense (
Hb), heterosis over mid-parent (HMP) and better parent (HBP) and number of effective genes in F
2 generation are estimated (Table 4).
Hb was higher than 0.90 for AUDPC in both the crosses. While, moderate heritability was observed for IP, LP and SP ranging from 0.55 to 0.89 in both the crosses. The estimates of
Hb suggested that selection in early generations can be effective for the CLS resistance in these crosses. The percentage of heterosis with respect to better parent (BP) and mid-Parent (MP) illustrated that heterosis over mid-parent was positive for IP and LP in cross I while for AUDPC and SP in cross II. Heterosis over better parent was positive for AUDPC and SP for both the crosses. For AUDPC and SP, better parent is the one with lower values (Table 4). In the present study, F
2 plants showed continuous variation for AUDPC and no discrete segregation was observed. Hence, the quantitative method was used to estimate gene number. The number of genes segregating for CLS resistance was estimated using F
2 generation in both the crosses (Table 4). A minimum of two resistant genes were appeared to be segregating in both the crosses for CLS resistance in terms of AUDPC. Whereas, 3-8 genes were estimated to govern CLS resistance through LP, IP and SP in both the crosses (Table 4).
The present investigation was undertaken to estimate the nature and magnitude of gene actions, heritability in broad sense, heterosis over mid-parent and better parent and number of genes segregating for four CLS disease components,
viz., AUDPC, LP, IP and SP among two intra-specific mungbean crosses,
viz., Kopergaon × HUM 12 and Kopergaon × ML 1720.
The correlation results where IP and LP showed significant negative correlation with AUDPC in both the crosses but a significant positive association with SP were in agreement with that obtained by
Aquino et al., (1995) in
C. personatum)/ groundnut interaction where, AUDPC values were highly correlated with latent period (r = –0.68 to –0.79, P <0.01). Longer latent period and incubation periods, reduced sporulation, smaller lesion diameter and reduced leaf area damage and disease score have been identified as resistance components for
Cercospora early and late leaf spot disease in groundnut (
Waliyar et al., 1993;
Dwivedi et al., 2002). The correlation results also indicated that different CLS resistance components are under the same genetic control
i.e., the genomic regions controlling these components are either co-localized or pleiotropic in nature, which will only be deciphered after detailed analysis of CLS resistance in the mungbean.
In the present study, the scaling test and chi square value showed that both the crosses have significant epistatic gene effects for the all the traits,
viz., AUDPC, IP, LP and SP, showing inadequacy of additive-dominance model (
d and
h) and presence of non- allelic interaction and hence, six parameter model was extended to estimate the gene effects. GMA results for CLS disease resistance were not in consensus with results of
Duangsong et al., (2018) on Yardlong bean, where a simple additive–dominance model was adequate to explain the genetic control CLS disease resistance. Both additive and non additive gene effects played significant role and, duplicate type of epistasis was found for AUDPC in both the crosses. In this case, mild selection intensity should be applied in the early generation followed by imposing intense selection intensity in the later generations that will result in selection of disease resistance. GMA studies on yield and related agro-morphological traits in mungbean, indicated that gene effects varied with cross and traits
(Hegde et al., 1994; Azizi et al., 2006).
Contrary to the resuts of
Duangsong et al., (2018) where they reported that the average number of major genes controlling the CLS resistance in yardlong bean was 1.05 and 0.92 for
C. canescens and
P. cruenta, respectively advocating that the resistance to CLS disease caused by
C. canescens and
P. cruenta in grain cowpea ‘IT90K-59-120’ is governed by a single major recessive gene, our result on inheritance of CLS resistance in mungbean were in accordance with results by (
Chankaew et al., 2011) advocating quantitative genetic control of resistance to CLS in mungbean as well as others like CLS resistance in sugar beet (
Beta vulgaris) caused by
C. beticola and resistance to
C. zeae-maydis in corn (
Zea mays) which advocates quantitative nature of disease and polygenic nature of resistance, associated with additive, dominant, recessive and epistatic effects indicating the difficulty inbreeding for resistance while maintaining yield
(Smith and Campbell, 1996;
(Saghai et al., 1996);
Coates and White, 1998). It is worth to mention that number of genes segregating for CLS resistance is varying in both the crosses, it indicated that both the resistant parents (HUM12 and ML1720) are having different source of resistance as, the susceptible parent (Kopergaon) was common in both the crosses. QTL mapping effort will be able to brief about the genomic regions controlling the of CLS resistance in these crosses using all the four traits (AUDPC, IP, LP and SP) studied for CLS resistance in the present study.
The scope for exploitation of hybrid vigour depends upon the direction and magnitude of heterosis and type of gene action involved. Although advantages of hybrid vigour cannot be exploited commercially in highly self-pollinated crops like mungbean, heterotic F
1s can be used to isolate higher frequency of transgressive segregants in their later generations. High heterosis along with high heritability estimates for the resistance in terms of AUDPC (>0.09) indicated that the resistance is mainly controlled by genetic factor(s).
In conclusion, the present study provides valuable information on the gene effects and genetics of CLS resistance in mungbean. CLS resistance is quantitative in nature and so often would be complex in inheritance. Genetics of such traits and knowledge on interactions would help to develop a suitable breeding strategy. It can also be concluded that the nature and magnitude of gene effects differ with different crosses and showed importance of both additive and non-additive gene effects in the inheritance of CLS resistance traits studied. Further, duplicate type of epistasis was found to be commonly operated and thus, the success of different resistance breeding methods would be effective either in form of recurrent selection and diallel selective mating given by
Jensen (1970) or biparental mating in early segregating generations. AUDPC along with IP, LP and SP can be used as disease indicator for selection of CLS resistance in mungbean.